24 research outputs found

    Sustainable nuclear energy dilemma

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    Sustainable energy development implies the need for the emerging potential energy sources which are not producing adverse effect to the environment. In this respect nuclear energy has gained the complimentary favor to be considered as the potential energy source without degradation of the environment. The sustainability evaluation of the nuclear energy systems has required the special attention to the criteria for the assessment of nuclear energy system before we can make firm justification of the sustainability of nuclear energy systems. In order to demonstrate the sustainability assessment of nuclear energy system this exercise has been devoted to the potential options of nuclear energy development, namely: short term option, medium term option, long term option and classical thermal system option. Criteria with following indicators are introduced in this analysis: nuclear indicator, economic indicator, environment indicator, social indicator... The Sustainability Index is used as the merit for the priority assessment among options under consideration

    Wind Power Plant Resilience

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    A wind energy system transforms the kinetic energy of wind into mechanical or electrical energy that can be harnessed for practical use. Mechanical energy is most commonly used for pumping water in rural or remote locations. Electrical energy is obtained by connecting wind turbine with the electricity generator. The performance of the wind power plant depends on the wind kinetic energy. It depends on the number of design parameter of the wind turbine. For the wind power plant the wind kinetic energy conversion depends on the average wind velocity, mechanical energy conversion into electricity, and electricity transmission. Resilience of the wind power plant is the capacity of the system to withstand changes of the following parameters: wind velocity, mechanical energy conversion into electricity, electricity transmission efficiency a and electricity cost. Resilience index comprise following indicators: change in wind velocity, change in mechanical energy conversion efficiency, change in conversion factor. change in transmission efficiency, and change in electricity cost. The demonstration of the resilience index monitoring is presented by using following indicators, namely: average wind velocity, power production, efficiency of electricity production, and power-frequency change. In evaluation of the resilience index of wind power plants special attention is devoted to the determination of the resilience index for situation with priority given to individual indicators

    Multi-criteria evaluation of hydrogen and natural gas fuelled power plant technologies

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    This paper evaluates nine types of electrical energy generation options with regard to seven criteria. The options use natural gas or hydrogen as a fuel. The Analytic Hierarchy Process was used to perform the evaluation, which allows decision-making when single or multiple criteria are considered. The options that were evaluated are the hydrogen combustion turbine, the hydrogen internal combustion engine, the hydrogen fuelled phosphoric acid fuel cell, the hydrogen fuelled solid oxide fuel cell, the natural gas fuelled phosphoric acid fuel cell, the natural gas fuelled solid oxide fuel cell, the natural gas turbine, the natural gas combined cycle and the natural gas internal combustion engine. The criteria used for the evaluation are CO2 emissions, NOX emissions, efficiency, capital cost, operation and maintenance costs, service life and produced electricity cost. A total of 19 scenarios were studied. In 15 of these scenarios, the hydrogen turbine ranked first and proved to be the most preferred electricity production technology. However since the hydrogen combustion turbine is still under research, the most preferred power generation technology which is available nowadays proved to be the natural gas combined cycle which ranked first in five scenarios and second in eight. The last in ranking electricity production technology proved to be the natural gas fuelled phosphoric acid fuel cell, which ranked in the last position in 13 scenarios

    Resilience of High Voltage Transmission System

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    Multi-criteria sustainability assessment: A tool for evaluation of new energy system

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    One of perspective methods for the evaluation of quality of energy system is the multi-criteria sustainability assessment, based on the analysis and synthesis of indicators expressing different aspects of the system. Application of this methodology in the cases of information deficiency (ASPID methodology) enables evaluation of various energy systems. In the paper, the multi-criteria sustainability assessment of energy systems of various energy sources is used to evaluate the energy power system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Eight different energy system options are taken into a consideration as the potential options for the capacity building within the energy power system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has included various renewable sources and fossil fuel clean technologies. Within the multi-criteria sustainability assessment method, sustainability indicators and weighting coefficients are defined and calculated, including: resource indicator, environment indicator, social indicator and economic indicator with respective weighting factors. The methodology includes the system of stochastic models of uncertainty in order to realize the assessment from various supporting systems, and to obtain respective normalization indexes by using non-numeric (ordinal), non-exact (interval), and non-complete information (NNN- information), for sources of various reliability and probability. By the analysis of multi-criteria sustainability assessment of selected options, the decision makers could be enabled to form opinion on quality of considered energy systems, and from the aspect of sustainability, make selection an optimum option of energy system.


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    One of per spec tive meth ods for the eval u a tion of qual ity of en ergy sys tem is the multi-cri te ria sustainability as sess ment, based on the anal y sis and syn-the sis of in di ca tors ex press ing dif fer ent as pects of the sys tem. Ap pli ca tion of this meth od ol ogy in the cases of in for ma tion de fi ciency (ASPID meth od ol-ogy) en ables eval u a tion of var i ous en ergy sys tems. In the pa per, the multi-cri te ria sustainability as sess ment of en ergy sys tems of var i ous en ergy sources is used to eval u ate the en ergy power sys tem of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Eight dif fer ent en ergy sys tem op tions are taken into a con sid er ation as the po ten tial op tions for the ca pac ity build ing within the en ergy power sys tem of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It has in cluded var i-ous re new able sources and fos sil fuel clean tech nol o gies. Within the multi-cri te ria sustainability as sess ment method, sustainability in di ca tors and weight ing co ef fi cients are de fined and cal cu lated, in clud ing: re source in di ca tor, en vi ron ment in di ca tor, so cial in di ca tor and eco nomic in di ca tor with re spec tive weight ing fac tors. The meth od ol ogy in cludes the sys tem of sto chas tic mod els of un cer tainty in or der to re al ize the as sess ment from var i ous sup port ing sys tems, and to ob tain re spec tive nor mal iza tion in-dexes by us ing non-nu meric (or di nal), non-ex act (in ter val), and non-com-plete in for ma tion (NNN- in for ma tion), for sources of var i ous re li abil ity and prob a bil ity. By the anal y sis of multi-cri te ria sustainability as sess ment of se lected op-tions, the de ci sion mak ers could be en abled to form opin ion on qual ity of con sid ered en ergy sys tems, and from the as pect of sustainability, make se-lec tion an op ti mum op tion of en ergy sys tem. Key words: en ergy power sys tem, sustainability, sustainability in di ca tors, sin gle cri te ria anal y sis, multi-cri te ria sustainability as sess-men


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    This paper deals with sustainable management organization. In this paper we also present example of passenger car sustainability assessment. This exercise shows the example, of the multi-criteria evaluation for the selected number of car options and the data obtained from the open literature of car producer

    An analytical method for the measurement of energy system sustainability in urban areas

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    Assessing the sustainability of urban energy systems and forecasting their development are important topics that have been the focus of recent research. In this paper, an approach for the measurement the sustainability of an urban energy system is introduced. The approach is based on prediction of the future energy needs within the consuming sectors of a city by specification of energy system development scenarios and validation of the scenarios by a multi-criteria decision method. Prediction of energy needs for the area of the city using the simulation model, model for analysis of the energy demands (MAED) is done. Finish the last level of aggregation, using the method of multi-criteria analysis, is getting the General Index of Sustainability (GIS), which shows a measure of the validity or viability, or quality of the investigated scenarios. In this way, the mathematical and graphical made a synthesis of all the indicators that are relevant to sustainable development. The accuracy in determining the mean of the GIS is checked by calculating the standard deviation. Also, a measure of reliability of the preference when watching a few consecutive scenarios was performed. The defined scenarios take into account the utilization of different energy sources, the exploitation of existing energy plants and infrastructure, and the building of new plants. The sustainability criteria are described by a unique set of economic, social and ecological indicators. The new approach was used to forecast the development of sustainable energy system in Belgrade, Serbia. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Energy system assessment with sustainability indicators. Energy Policy 28

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    Abstract The paper presents an attempt to select, de"ne and apply a set of sustainability indicators for the energy system assessment. Starting from the general sustainability concept, a set of indicators is de"ned re#ecting speci"c criteria for the energy system evaluation. Particular attention is devoted to the resource, environment, social and economic criteria. Among these groups of criteria there are individual indicators emphasising respective aspect of the sustainability concept. This approach has its limitation due to the lack of data for serious consideration of the system. But it should be anticipated that these excises might serve as the guidance for the eventual future application. Also, this methodology for the assessment of energy system will become an useful tool only if it proves useful in the engineering practice. The example under consideration is an island with only individual consumption to be satis"ed with solar, wind, biomass and oil-"red power plant which represent four options under consideration. The set of indicators is de"ned and determined with the aim to demonstrate the method of decision making procedure in selecting the option which meet selected indicators numerical values and constrain re#ecting the non-numeric information of weighting factor for the determination of general criteria for the selection of appropriate option