11 research outputs found

    Effects of feeding rate and formula fineness degree of ring die pellet mill on mechanical property, physical quality, energy requirements, and production cost of poultry diets

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    The effect of a machine feeding rate (FR; 1, 1.5 and 2 Mg/h) and/or three levels of selected fineness degree (FD; 3, 5 and 7 mm) on machine performance, pellet physical parameters, required energy and production cost of three main types of broilers diets were examined in this experiment. The examined broiler diets were formulated to meet the Ross 308 strain requirements. A complete factorial design (3×3×3) was used to identify the effects of studied factors on the pellet mill machine and pellet production. The obtained results indicated that the pellet mill productivity significantly (p˂0.001) improved through increased pellet mill feeding rate level. In addition, the machine pelleting efficiency was found to be significantly affected by all studied variables and their interactions. While the total power consumption of the machine showed no variations under the impact of the tested factors or with any of their combinations. Regarding the pellet physical quality indices, all broiler diets with all selected FD and lower FR had the maximum durability and bulk density levels. Furthermore, lower feeding rates were associated with higher hardness degrees. The lowest production costs were substantially correlated with high FR and intermediate FD (5 mm). Furthermore, production costs were determined to be reduced in finisher broiler diets under different feeding rates. Moreover, manufacturing costs of finisher broiler meals were observed to decrease in several feeding rates. Overall, these findings indicate the capabilities of producing high-quality pellets and reducing the needed production costs by optimizing feeding rates to 2 Mg/h and 2 mm fineness in broiler diets

    Assessment of stocking rate and housing system on performance, carcass traits, blood indices, and meat quality of french pekin ducks

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    Commercial practice in poultry production management has been susceptible to increased problems, driven by concerns about safety of food and animal welfare. Thus, the main proposal of the present study was to evaluate the influence of different stocking densities on performance, blood, and carcass traits of Pekin ducklings reared on two different floor types (wood shaving litter, WSL or plastic slatted floor, PLS). A total of 450 one-day-old ducklings were randomly allocated into six equal experimental groups stocking density (nine, 15 and 21 birds/m2 during the first 14 d and three, five and seven birds/m2 until 49 days) reared on two floor types (WSL and PLS), five replicate pens each. Increased stocking density reduced body weight (BW), weight gain (WG), and feed conversion ratio (FCR) values and increased feed intake (FI) in both floor types at 14 days old. At 49 days old, reared ducklings on PLS type verified higher BW and WG and reduced FCR values. Moreover, increasing stocking density in both floor types significantly reduced the breast, thigh, and left fillet percentages. Conversely, reared birds floored on PLS system decreased the triglycerides (TG) and increased the total cholesterol (TC) serum content. Furthermore, the meat contents of TG and TC were decreased in birds reared on higher stocking density but not affected by floor type. Further, serum antioxidant indices were reduced in PLS birds on low stocking densities. In conclusion, housing Pekin ducklings on PLS improved their growth performance, carcass traits, meat cholesterol, and antioxidant status, particularly at stocking density of three and five birds/m2

    Growth, carcass traits, immunity and oxidative status of broilers exposed to continuous or intermittent lighting programs

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    Objective: An experiment was conducted to investigate the continuous and intermittent lighting program effects on terms of the productive performance, carcass traits, blood biochemical parameters, innate immune and oxidative status in broiler chicks. Methods: A total of 600 Cobb-500 one day old chicks were randomly allocated into six equal groups (100 chicks per treated group with five replicates of 20 chicks each) based on lighting program; 22 continuous lighting (22 C), 11 h lighting+1 darkness twice daily (11 L/1 D), 20 h continuous lighting (20 C), 5 h lighting+1 darkness four times daily (5 L/1 D), 18 h continuous lighting (18 C) and the final group subjected for 3 h lighting+1 h darkness six times daily (3 L/1 D). The experimental period lasted 42 days. Results: Compared with those under the intermittent light program, broiler chicks exposed to continuous lighting for 22 h had significant improvement in live body weight and carcass (dressing and breast percentage) measured traits. Though reducing lighting hours significantly reduced feed intake and feed conversion ratio values. Different lighting programs revealed no significant effect on all blood biochemical parameters. Oxidative stress and innate immunity parameters significantly enhance by reducing lighting hours (3L/1D). Conclusion: The findings suggest that reducing lighting hours up to 3L/1D would be more useful in enhancing feed efficiency, innate immunity, and oxidative status compared with continuous lighting programs on broilers

    Dietary Cold Pressed Watercress and Coconut Oil Mixture Enhances Growth Performance, Intestinal Microbiota, Antioxidant Status, and Immunity of Growing Rabbits

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    The present study assessed the effect of dietary supplementation with coconut oil (CNO), watercress oil (WCO), and their mixture as promoters of growth, antioxidant status, immunity, and intestinal microbiota in growing rabbits. A total of 120 rabbits were distributed into six groups (20 rabbits/group) receiving a basal diet without supplementation (G1) or diet supplemented with 2 g CNO (G2), 2 g WCO (G3), 0.5 g CNO plus 1.5 g WCO (G4), 1 g CNO plus 1 g WCO (G5), or 1.5 g CNO plus 0.5 g WCO/kg (G6). Live body weight and feed conversion ratio were significantly higher in the G4 and G5 groups than in the other groups. Superoxide dismutase activity and reduced glutathione concentration were significantly improved in the CNO or WCO diets. Supplemental CNO plus WCO at all tested levels produced the best lysozyme and complement 3 activities. Cecal lactobacilli, coliform, Enterobacteriaceae, and Clostridium spp. populations were lower in the group who received the 1 g CNO + 1 g WCO/kg diet than that in the control group. Dietary supplementation of 1 g CNO + 1 g WCO or 0.5 g CNO + 1.5 g WCO/kg had the potential to improve growth, feed utilization, antioxidant status, and immunity, and reduce cecal pathogenic bacteria in rabbits

    The Simultaneous Administration of a Probiotic or Prebiotic with Live Salmonella Vaccine Improves Growth Performance and Reduces Fecal Shedding of the Bacterium in Salmonella-Challenged Broilers

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    Salmonellosis is one of the most important bacterial diseases in poultry, causing heavy economic losses, increased mortality and reduced production. The aim of this study was the comparative efficacy of a commercial probiotic and/or prebiotic with a live attenuated Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) vaccine on the protection of broiler chickens from SE challenge. The efficacy of probiotic or prebiotic products, as well as a live Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) vaccine at the 7th day of age, administered via drinking water, were evaluated for clinical protection and effects on growth performance of broiler chickens experimentally challenged with SE at the 28th day of age. The use of probiotic or prebiotic simultaneously with the live Salmonella vaccine can diminish the negative effect of live vaccine growth performance, reducing mortality rate, fecal shedding, and re-isolation of SE from liver, spleen, heart and cecum. The use of probiotic or prebiotic simultaneously with the application of the live Salmonella vaccine is a good practice to diminish the negative effect of the harmful bacteria and improve the growth performance of broilers. Thus, further studies may be carried out with layers and breeders

    The effects of paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa) leaf extract enriched diets on meat quality, sensory attributes, and the potential economic impact of broilers

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    The present study was conducted to assess the effect of paulownia (Paulownia tomentosa) leaf extract (PLE) enriched diets on the quality of meat and the economic efficiency of broiler chickens. A total of 180 one-day-old male chicks (Cobb) were randomly assigned to four treatments with five replications each (9 birds per replicate). The chickens were fed corn-soybean-based diets supplemented with different levels of PLE (0, 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 g kg−1) for 42 days. The results showed that the inclusion of up to 0.5 g kg−1 PLE in the diet of broiler chickens significantly improved the live body weight, carcase weight, and carcase components (liver, heart, and gizzard) weights compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Enriched broiler diets with 0.5 g kg−1 of PLE significantly reduced collagen and lipid content as well as increased total protein levels in both breast and thigh muscle compared to the un-supplemented group (P < 0.001). Subjective evaluation of the breast meat showed a significant linear improvement in flavour and juiciness of meat samples from birds fed with dietary PLE in a dose-dependent manner (P < 0.05). Supplementation with different levels of PLE significantly improved the sensory attributes (flavour, tenderness, juiciness, and overall acceptability) of thigh meat in a dose-dependent manner (linear; P < 0.05). Total potential return and net profit were significantly increased in all groups fed PLE compared to the control group. Birds that received PLE-supplemented diets at a level of 0.5 g kg−1 had the highest economic efficiency (P < 0.05). Conclusively, supplementation with 0.5 g PLE/kg in broiler diets could improve meat quality and economic efficiency.Highlights Enriched broiler diets with 0.5 g paulownia leaf extract significantly enhanced carcase measurements. Supplemented broiler diets with 0.5 g PLE significantly enhanced the meat quality and sensory attributes of thigh meat. Birds fed PLE-supplemented diets at a level of 0.5 g/kg had the highest economic efficiency

    The Feasibility of Using Yellow Mealworms (Tenebrio molitor): Towards a Sustainable Aquafeed Industry

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    The success of the aquafeed industry mainly depends on the availability of raw ingredients with high nutritional value, such as fishmeal (FM). However, the increased demand for FM elevates its prices and leads to high feed costs. Thus, there is an urgent need to find suitable alternatives for FM in fish diets to achieve sustainability in aquaculture. Currently, attention is being paid to the possibility of using insect meals as FM substitutes in aquafeed because of their relatively high nutritional quality. TM is one of those insects that can be regarded as a unique candidate because of its relatively high nutritional value. TM are rich sources of essential amino acids (methionine), lipids, and fatty acids, which vary based on the developmental stage of the worms. Although TM have an abundant amount of chitin as a fiber source and other anti-nutritional factors, numerous studies have investigated the efficacy of partial or complete substitution of FM by T. molitor in fish diets. In this context, we reviewed the current research findings on the achievable inclusion levels of T. molitor versus FM substitution in the diets of several finfish and shellfish species. We discussed the potential use of T. molitor as an FM substitute in fish diets and evaluated its effects on growth, biometric indices, and body composition. Besides, the hematological parameters, immunological responses, antioxidative efficacy, intestinal health status, and sensory criteria of fish fed T. molitor-based diets were also assessed

    Paulownia Leaves as A New Feed Resource: Chemical Composition and Effects on Growth, Carcasses, Digestibility, Blood Biochemistry, and Intestinal Bacterial Populations of Growing Rabbits

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    This experiment was conducted to study the effects of paulownia leaf meal (PLM) as a nontraditional feed on the growth, carcasses, digestibility, blood chemistry, and intestinal microbiota of growing rabbits. Sixty rabbits (5-weeks old) were randomly allotted to three dietary treatments containing three amounts of PLM (0%, 15%, and 30%). The results showed that PLM has a higher content of ether extract, organic matter, methionine, tyrosine, histidine, manganese, and zinc than alfalfa hay. Body weight gain decreased when 30% PLM was provided. The best feed conversion ratio was recorded in the rabbits fed 15% PLM. A notable increase in high-density lipoprotein levels with a significant decrease in low-density lipoprotein was noted in the rabbits fed the PLM diets. Total fungi and Enterobacteriaceae and total bacterial count in the feed were significantly reduced because of PLM. In the cecum, coliforms, Enterobacteriaceae species, and total bacterial count declined in the rabbits fed the PLM diets. Conclusively, up to 15% PLM can be used in rabbit diets without any deleterious effects on the performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood constituents. In addition, dietary inclusion of PLM has the potential to reduce cecal pathogenic bacteria in rabbits

    The Effect of Dietary <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i> on Growth Performance, Oxidative Status, and Immune Response of Sea Bream (<i>Sparus aurata</i>)

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the beneficial effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SC) on growth, intestinal morphometric characteristics, blood indices, redox balance, expression of immune-related genes, and their involvement in disease resistance in sea bream (Sparus aurata). Three hundred healthy sea bream fingerlings were allocated into equal four groups (15 fish per hapa). The first group was served as a control and received a basal diet, while the other three groups were fed diets containing 1, 2, and 4 g/kg diet SC, respectively. At the end of week 16, the daily weight gain, specific growth rate, and feed utilization were significantly higher in the SC2 and SC4 groups than the control (p p HSP70, IGF1, and IL-1β genes. In addition, the 4 g/kg SC-supplemented diet was the most effective in protecting the fish against Vibrio parahaemolyticus challenge. In conclusion, SC-enriched diet improved growth performance, intestinal morphology, redox homeostasis, and immune response of S. aurata with the 4 g/kg concentration as the most effective

    An Overview on the Potential Hazards of Pyrethroid Insecticides in Fish, with Special Emphasis on Cypermethrin Toxicity

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    Pesticides are chemicals used to control pests, such as aquatic weeds, insects, aquatic snails, and plant diseases. They are extensively used in forestry, agriculture, veterinary practices, and of great public health importance. Pesticides can be categorized according to their use into three major types (namely insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides). Water contamination by pesticides is known to induce harmful impacts on the production, reproduction, and survivability of living aquatic organisms, such as algae, aquatic plants, and fish (shellfish and finfish species). The literature and information present in this review article facilitate evaluating the toxic effects from exposure to various fish species to different concentrations of pesticides. Moreover, a brief overview of sources, classification, mechanisms of action, and toxicity signs of pyrethroid insecticides in several fish species will be illustrated with special emphasis on Cypermethrin toxicity