34 research outputs found

    Получение солей основных аминокислот с ацетилсалициловой и кетоглутаровой кислотами

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    Methods of preparation, physical and chemical characteristics for amine salts of basic amino acids (L-arginine, L and DL-lysine, L-ornitine) with acetylsalicylic and ketoglutaric acids, as well as ketoglutaric acid double salts containing L-glutamine as the second cation, have been described. The obtained salts of amino acids are potentially therapeutically important compounds.Описано получение и физико-химические характеристики аминовых солей оснóвных аминокислот (L-аргинина, L- и DL-лизина, L-орнитина) с ацетилсалициловой и кетоглутаровой кислотами, а также двойных солей кетоглутаровой кислоты, содержащих в качестве второго катиона L-глутамин. Соли полученных оснóвных аминокислот являются потенциально терапевтически значимыми соединениями

    Синтез ацильных производных тиазоло[5,4-b]индола.

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    2-Amino-4-acetylthiazolo[5,4-b]indole and its bromosubstituted analogue contain a free amino group and are initial compounds for chemical modification in order to obtain on their basis functional derivatives having high therapeutic activity. By the interaction of these 2-aminо-4-acetylthiazolo[5,4-b]indoles with succinic and maleic anhydrides, the corresponding imides and amides were obtained, which are of interest for use in order to create on their basis antihypoxic and actoprotective agents.2-амино-4-ацетилтиазоло[5,4-b]индол и его 7-бромзамещенный аналог содержат свободную аминогруппу и являются исходными соединениями для химической модификации с целью получения на их основе ряд функциональных производных, обладающих терапевтической активностью. Взаимодействием указанных 2-аминотиазоло[5,4-b]индолов с янтарным и малеиновым ангидридами были получены соответствующие имидои амидопроизводные, представляющие интерес для создания на их основе лекарственных средств антигипоксического и актопротекторного действия

    Синтез S-аминоалкилпроизводных 1,2,4-триазино[5,6-b]индола

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    Condensed indole derivatives of the 1,2,4-triazino[5,6-b]indole group show high biological activity and are of interest for the development of pharmaceuticals that have antihypoxic and antisurditant effects. By S-aminoalkylation reactions on a thione group, S-aminoalkyl derivatives of 1,2,4-triazino[5,6-b]indole-3-thione that were subject to hydrobromination in order to obtain the form of hydrobromides were synthesized, isolated and characterized.Конденсированные производные индола группы 1,2,4-триазино[5,6-b]индола обладают высокой биологической активностью и представляют интерес для создания лекарственных средств, проявляющих антигипоксическое и антисурдитантное действия. При проведении по тионовой группе реакции S-аминоалкилирования синтезированы, выделены и охарактеризованы S-аминоалкилпроизводные 1,2,4-триазино[5,6-b]индола, которые подвергали гидробромированию для получения их в форме гидробромидов

    Molecular cloning of CoA synthase - The missing link in CoA biosynthesis

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    Coenzyme A functions as a carrier of acetyl and acyl groups in living cells and is essential for numerous biosynthetic, energy-yielding, and degradative metabolic pathways. There are five enzymatic steps in CoA biosynthesis. To date, molecular cloning of enzymes involved in the CoA biosynthetic pathway in mammals has been only reported for pantothenate kinase. In this study, we present cDNA cloning and functional characterization of CoA synthase. It has an open reading frame of 563 aa and encodes a protein of similar to60 kDa. Sequence alignments suggested that the protein possesses both phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase and dephospho-CoA kinase domains. Biochemical assays using wild type recombinant protein confirmed the gene product indeed contained both these enzymatic activities. The presence of intrinsic phosphopantetheine adenylyltransferase activity was further confirmed by site-directed mutagenesis. Therefore, this study describes the first cloning and characterization of a mammalian CoA synthase and confirms this is a bifunctional enzyme containing the last two components of CoA biosynthesis


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    The article presents analytical review of literature data on the problem of combined lesions of the aortic valve and coronary arteries. It outlines the current views on the assessment approach to the selection of methods and volume of surgical intervention and reflects the current state of the problem of endovascular treatment of patients with concomitant coronary artery in patients with severe aortic stenosis in the era of transcatheter aortic valve implantation.В статье представлен аналитический обзор литературных данных по проблеме сочетанного поражения аортального клапана и коронарных артерий. Изложены современные взгляды на оценку подхода к выбору методики и объему хирургического вмешательства. Отражено современное состояние проблемы эндоваскулярного лечения пациентов с сопутствующим поражением коронарных артерий при выраженном аортальном стенозе в эру транскатетерного протезирования аортального клапана.

    Ion-Optics Systems Of Multiply Charged High-Energy Ions For High Emittance Beams

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    INTRODUCTION The development of technological processes based on the use of beams of protons and heavy ions accelerated to energies of 1 to 10 Mev/nucleon, as well as the use of such beams for determining the elemental composition of samples and elemental concentration profiles have stimulated the development of ion-optics systems that form high-energy beams of various configurations. Quadrupole magnetic lenses (QML) are the heart of such systems now. The literature on the basic principles of QML calculation and operation is quite extensive (see, for example, [1,2]). The chief lines of investigations now are optimization of experiments and widening the scope of exploiting of accelerators with high emittance ion beams. Both of these problems have risen during creation of microprobe and nuclear track membrane equipment for our cyclotron. An analysis shows that the most convenient ion-optic systems that solves these problems are triplet or quadruplet of QMLs. We have derived a