4 research outputs found
Implementation of Assessment in Implementing Online Mathematics Learning and Offline During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Learning in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic is a challenge for teachers, students, and also parents. Learning that is not done face-to-face makes students learn to learn independently. This study aims to find out how the implementation, learning evaluation results, and obstacles in learning with line and angle material boldly and fishing in class VII SMP Negeri 1 Dolok Pardamean. This research uses descriptive analytical method to describe and analyze a research result. Subjects in this study each class used a sample of 12 students, class VII A through bold learning and VII B through offline learning. This research was conducted by analyzing the reliability of the items assisted by SPSS Cronbach Alfa which consisted of 10 multiple choice questions and 5 questions. From the results of the evaluation of student learning, the reliability test of the assessment instrument learning learning with offline learning did not give fixed results because there were obstacles in learning including not all students have the facilities to learn, teachers find it difficult to develop student learning, while engaging learning is that students do not can learn with focus due to unfavorable situations and conditions
Evaluasi Psikomotorik dalam Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Hybrid Learning
Artikel ini membahas tentang evaluasi psikomotorik dalam pembelajaran matematika berbasis hybrid learning. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif, melalui kajian telaah Pustaka, penggunaan buku dan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan artikel ini, sehingga diharapka artikel ini dapat menjadi acuan guru matematika dalam melakukan evaluasi psikomotorik dalam pembelajaran matematika berbasis hybrid learning. Salah satu dampak pandemi Covid-19 dalam bidang Pendidikan di Indonesia adalah penggunaan model pembelajaran Hybrid, dimana siswa dapat belajar secara daring (online learning) dan tatap muka di waktu bersamaan. Dalam pembelajaran matematika berbasis hybrid learning, guru dapat mengevaluasi ranah psikomotorik siswa dengan menggunakan teknik penilaian psikomotorik yang lebih bervariasi dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan belajar siswa, baik siswa yang belajar secara daring maupun tatap muka
The Effectiveness Of Implementation On Learning Evaluation Through Google Form During Covid-19 Pandemic
This research is carried out to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the evaluation of learning based on the Internet by using a Google Form. The type of research conducted at the research was the descriptive quantitative research. The population in the study was 120 students. From the population, the researchers took samples in this research for 30 students that were considered to have the same cognitive ability. Techniques of collecting data used here were using the test and observation sheet. After collecting the data and did the data analysis through all the data, the researchers found that using google form in the implementation of the evaluation learning was effective for grade VII students. The researchers hope that this research can be a reference for other researchers in order to conduct more research related to the implementation of online learning process to face the pandemic situation nowadays