5 research outputs found

    Mapping single-cell data to reference atlases by transfer learning

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    Large single-cell atlases are now routinely generated to serve as references for analysis of smaller-scale studies. Yet learning from reference data is complicated by batch effects between datasets, limited availability of computational resources and sharing restrictions on raw data. Here we introduce a deep learning strategy for mapping query datasets on top of a reference called single-cell architectural surgery (scArches). scArches uses transfer learning and parameter optimization to enable efficient, decentralized, iterative reference building and contextualization of new datasets with existing references without sharing raw data. Using examples from mouse brain, pancreas, immune and whole-organism atlases, we show that scArches preserves biological state information while removing batch effects, despite using four orders of magnitude fewer parameters than de novo integration. scArches generalizes to multimodal reference mapping, allowing imputation of missing modalities. Finally, scArches retains coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) disease variation when mapping to a healthy reference, enabling the discovery of disease-specific cell states. scArches will facilitate collaborative projects by enabling iterative construction, updating, sharing and efficient use of reference atlases

    Predicting cellular responses to complex perturbations in high‐throughput screens

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    Abstract Recent advances in multiplexed single‐cell transcriptomics experiments facilitate the high‐throughput study of drug and genetic perturbations. However, an exhaustive exploration of the combinatorial perturbation space is experimentally unfeasible. Therefore, computational methods are needed to predict, interpret, and prioritize perturbations. Here, we present the compositional perturbation autoencoder (CPA), which combines the interpretability of linear models with the flexibility of deep‐learning approaches for single‐cell response modeling. CPA learns to in silico predict transcriptional perturbation response at the single‐cell level for unseen dosages, cell types, time points, and species. Using newly generated single‐cell drug combination data, we validate that CPA can predict unseen drug combinations while outperforming baseline models. Additionally, the architecture's modularity enables incorporating the chemical representation of the drugs, allowing the prediction of cellular response to completely unseen drugs. Furthermore, CPA is also applicable to genetic combinatorial screens. We demonstrate this by imputing in silico 5,329 missing combinations (97.6% of all possibilities) in a single‐cell Perturb‐seq experiment with diverse genetic interactions. We envision CPA will facilitate efficient experimental design and hypothesis generation by enabling in silico response prediction at the single‐cell level and thus accelerate therapeutic applications using single‐cell technologies