1,532 research outputs found

    Expectation values of chiral primary operators in holographic interface CFT

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    We consider the expectation values of chiral primary operators in the presence of the interface in the 4 dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theory. This interface is derived from D3-D5 system in type IIB string theory. These expectation values are computed classically in the gauge theory side. On the other hand, this interface is a holographic dual to type IIB string theory on AdS_5 x S^5 spacetime with a probe D5-brane. The expectation values are computed by GKPW prescription in the gravity side. We find non-trivial agreement of these two results: the gauge theory side and the gravity side.Comment: 17pages, no figur

    Collective microwave scattering diagnostic on the H-1 heliac

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    A multichannel microwavescatteringdiagnostic has been developed and installed on the H-1 heliac. The purpose of the new diagnostic is to study small-scale plasma fluctuations in H-1, which are believed to be responsible for the loss of particles and energy from the plasma. The diagnostic is a 132 GHz, four-channel superheterodyne system. The transmitter and receiver antennas (consisting of horns and focusing bispherical mirrors) are located inside the vacuum vessel of H-1. A radial resolution of Δr/a∼0.2 is achieved. The scattering volume is positioned in the density gradient region at r/a∼0.6. At present, the system is aligned to measure fluctuations in the poloidal wave number range from approximately 10 to 25 cm⁻¹. The use of the heterodyne detection system allows the fluctuation propagation direction to be determined. The low frequency bandwidth of the system is 1 MHz. The instrument sensitivity is about Ps/Pi∼10⁻⁶

    Solid and Cystic Tumor (SCT) of the Pancreas in an Adult Man

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    Solid and cystic tumor (SCT) of the pancreas predominantly Occurs in women, and the occurrence in men is extremely rare. We experienced a male case of SCT. A 38-year-old man was admitted with the complaint of upper abdominal pain. CT scan showed the presence of a mass in the head of the pancreas. The mass was composed of high density areas and low density areas. Ultrasonograms revealed the mass being composed of high echoic areas and low echoic areas. The mass .was hypovascular on angiography. SCT was suspected and pancreaticoduodenectomy was performed. The cut surface of the tumor showed mainly cystic degenerative areas containing dark red hemorrhagic materials. Microscopically, there were solid areas in the periphery and pseudopapillary areas in the center. No metastasis was found in the removed lymph nodes. The tumor cells were not stained by Grimelius' silver stain. The tumor cells were positive for alpha-l-antitrypsin (AAT) and neuron-specific enolase (NSE). Pancreatic hormones such as insulin, glucagon, and somatostatin were all negative. Electron micrograph showed that tumor cells were rich in mitochondria. Zymogen granules and neurosecretory granules were not detected. Estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) were both negative

    Identifying dynamical systems with bifurcations from noisy partial observation

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    Dynamical systems are used to model a variety of phenomena in which the bifurcation structure is a fundamental characteristic. Here we propose a statistical machine-learning approach to derive lowdimensional models that automatically integrate information in noisy time-series data from partial observations. The method is tested using artificial data generated from two cell-cycle control system models that exhibit different bifurcations, and the learned systems are shown to robustly inherit the bifurcation structure.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    DEM Simulation of Soil Loosening Process Caused by a Vibrating Subsoiler

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    Rosana G. Moreira, Editor-in-Chief; Texas A&M UniversityThis is a paper from International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission Internationale du Genie Rural) E-Journal Volume 9 (2007): DEM Simulation of Soil Loosening Process Caused by a Vibrating Subsoiler. Manuscript PM 05 010. Vol. IX. November, 2007