2,662 research outputs found

    Group theoretical study of LOCC-detection of maximally entangled state using hypothesis testing

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    In the asymptotic setting, the optimal test for hypotheses testing of the maximally entangled state is derived under several locality conditions for measurements. The optimal test is obtained in several cases with the asymptotic framework as well as the finite-sample framework. In addition, the experimental scheme for the optimal test is presented

    Adaptive experimental design for one-qubit state estimation with finite data based on a statistical update criterion

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    We consider 1-qubit mixed quantum state estimation by adaptively updating measurements according to previously obtained outcomes and measurement settings. Updates are determined by the average-variance-optimality (A-optimality) criterion, known in the classical theory of experimental design and applied here to quantum state estimation. In general, A-optimization is a nonlinear minimization problem; however, we find an analytic solution for 1-qubit state estimation using projective measurements, reducing computational effort. We compare numerically two adaptive and two nonadaptive schemes for finite data sets and show that the A-optimality criterion gives more precise estimates than standard quantum tomography.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figure

    Asymptotic estimation theory for a finite dimensional pure state model

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    The optimization of measurement for n samples of pure sates are studied. The error of the optimal measurement for n samples is asymptotically compared with the one of the maximum likelihood estimators from n data given by the optimal measurement for one sample.Comment: LaTeX, 23 pages, Doctoral Thesi

    Formation of hydrogen peroxide and water from the reaction of cold hydrogen atoms with solid oxygen at 10K

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    The reactions of cold H atoms with solid O2 molecules were investigated at 10 K. The formation of H2O2 and H2O has been confirmed by in-situ infrared spectroscopy. We found that the reaction proceeds very efficiently and obtained the effective reaction rates. This is the first clear experimental evidence of the formation of water molecules under conditions mimicking those found in cold interstellar molecular clouds. Based on the experimental results, we discuss the reaction mechanism and astrophysical implications.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Postscript figures, use package amsmath, amssymb, graphic

    Electron Beam Dynamics in the 50 MeV ThomX Compact Storage Ring

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    International audienceThomX is a high flux compact X-ray source based on Compton back scattering between a relativistic electron beam and an intense laser pulse. To increase the repetition rate, the electron beam is stored in a ring. The main drawback of such a scheme is the low energy of the electrons regarding collective effects and intrabeam scattering. These effects tend to enlarge or even disrupt the stored bunch and they limit its charge, especially in a system where damping plays a negligible role. Thus such collective effects reduce the maximum X-ray flux and it is important to investigate them to predict the performance of this type of X-ray source. In addition, the Compton back scattering acts on the electron beam by increasing its energy spread. This presentation will show firstly the impact of collective effects on the electron beam, essentially during the first turns when they are the most harmful. Then, the reduction of the X-ray flux due to Compton back scattering and intrabeam scattering will be investigated on a longer time scale

    Gait Balance Disorder by Thalamic Infarction with the Disorder of Interstitial Nucleus of Cajal

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    The interstitial nucleus of Cajal (INC) is thought to play an important role in torsional/vertical eye position and head posture, and disorders of the INC induce abnormal ocular movements and head tilt. Our patients with ocular tilt reactions simultaneously also had disturbances in ambulatory balance, yet no reports address the loss of balance control induced by disorders of the INC. We examined the ambulatory disturbances induced by INC lesion. We experienced three patients with ocular movement disorders and abnormal head tilt due to thalamic infarction. We performed ophthalmic examinations on and checked the balance of them. With funduscopy, abnormal cycloduction was seen in the unaffected side and normal cycloduction was observed in the affected side. Nevertheless, Hess charts showed distortions in the visual image of both eyes. They all had disorders of balance control. We tried to treat them using the Bobath approach for improving their ambulatory balance. With subsequent improvements in balance control it was possible for them to take short walks, but it was difficult to make any improvements in their ocular movement. The INC is related to balance control of ambulation and disorders of the INC induce ambulatory disturbances. Cycloduction was only observed in the unaffected side, but Hess charts showed distortions of the visual image in both eyes. Ambulation was briefly improved, but diplopia persisted in these patients

    Uncertainty Relation Revisited from Quantum Estimation Theory

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    By invoking quantum estimation theory we formulate bounds of errors in quantum measurement for arbitrary quantum states and observables in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space. We prove that the measurement errors of two observables satisfy Heisenberg's uncertainty relation, find the attainable bound, and provide a strategy to achieve it.Comment: manuscript including 4 pages and 2 figure

    Graviton Propagators on Fuzzy G/H

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    We describe closed string modes by open Wilson lines in noncommutative (NC) gauge theories on compact fuzzy G/H in IIB matrix model. In this construction the world sheet cut-off is related to the spacetime cut-off since the string bit of the symmetric traced Wilson line carries the minimum momentum on G/H. We show that the two point correlation functions of graviton type Wilson lines in 4 dimensional NC gauge theories behave as 1/(momentum)^2. This result suggests that graviton is localized on D3-brane, so we can naturally interpret D3-branes as our universe. Our result is not limited to D3-brane system, and we generalize our analysis to other dimensions and even to any topology of D-brane worldvolume within fuzzy G/H.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figure. minor correction
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