211 research outputs found

    Evaluation of pressure support ventilation with seven different ventilators using Active Servo Lung 5000

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    In modern emergency and critical care, physicians tend to choose the mode of mechanical ventilation based on spontaneous breathing for the purpose of promoting discharge of pulmonary secretion and preventing atelectasis in patients with acute respiratory insufficiency. However, we often observe &#34;differences in recovery&#34; among patients treated using the same PSV settings beyond &#34;differences in individual characteristics.&#34; We evaluated the Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV) mode aiming to certify the difference among 7 representative mechanical ventilators using the Active Servo Lung 5000 (ASL5000) respiratory simulation system. The following parameters were measured: The time delay that resulted in the lowest inspiratory pressure from the point at which the ventilator recognized spontaneous breathing (TD), the lowest inspiratory airway pressure (cmH2O) generated prior to the initiation of PSV (DeltaPaw), the work of breathing while triggering required to achieve the lowest inspiratory negative pressure from the beginning of inspiratory support (WOBtrig), and the inspiratory work of breathing (WOBi). The mean TD of the Puritan-Bennett type 840 (PB840) was signifi cantly shorter than those of other ventilators (p0.01). The WOBtrig of the PB840 was significantly lower than those of others (p0.01). However, the WOBi values of the Servo-I and T-Bird were greater than the others, with the Evita series showing the smallest WOBi of the 7 ventilators tested. According to this simulation study using ASL 5000, we concluded that PB840 was the most rapid response ventilator, but the Evita series was the gentlest mechanical ventilator among 7 ventilators from the standpoint of the total work of breathing during the inspiration phase in the setting of PSV.</p

    Humidification of Base Flow Gas during Adult High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation:An Experimental Study Using a Lung Model

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    In adult high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) with an R100 artificial ventilator, exhaled gas from patientʼs lung may warm the temperature probe and thereby disturb the humidification of base flow (BF) gas. We measured the humidity of BF gas during HFOV with frequencies of 6, 8 and 10Hz, maximum stroke volumes (SV) of 285, 205, and 160ml at the respective frequencies, and, BFs of 20, 30, 40l/min using an original lung model. The R100 device was equipped with a heated humidifier, HummaxⅡ, consisting of a porous hollow fiber in circuit. A 50-cm length of circuit was added between temperature probe (located at 50cm proximal from Y-piece) and the hollow fiber. The lung model was made of a plastic container and a circuit equipped with another HummaxⅡ. The lung model temperature was controlled at 37℃. The HummaxⅡ of the R100 was inactivated in study-1 and was set at 35℃ or 37℃ in study-2. The humidity was measured at the distal end of the added circuit in study-1 and at the proximal end in study-2. In study-1, humidity was detected at 6Hz (SV 285ml) and BF 20l/min, indicating the direct reach of the exhaled gas from the lung model to the temperature probe. In study-2 the absolute humidity of the BF gas decreased by increasing SV and by increasing BF and it was low with setting of 35℃. In this study setting, increasing the SV induced significant reduction of humidification of the BF gas during HFOV with R100

    The pathophysiology of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced mucosal injuries in stomach and small intestine

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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most commonly prescribed drugs for arthritis, inflammation, and cardiovascular protection. However, they cause gastrointestinal complications. The pathophysiology of these complications has mostly been ascribed to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs’ action on the cyclooxygenase inhibition and the subsequent prostaglandin deficiency. However, recent clinical demonstrated the prevalence of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-induced small intestinal mucosal injury is more often than previously expected. In this review, we discuss the defense mechanisms of stomach, and the pathophysiology of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs-induced injury of stomach and small intestine, especially focused on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs’ action on mitochondria

    Successful Extracorporeal Life Support for Life-threatening Hypercapnia with Bronchiolitis Obliterans after Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    Bronchiolitis obliterans (BO) is a disease with a poor prognosis, and a key factor that limits long-term survival after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). We here report a case of a 31-year woman with acute lymphatic leukemia, which was treated by chemotherapy and HSCT, and consequently developed BO 2 years after HSCT. A non-tuberculous mycobacterial infection occurred and showed gradual exacerbation. She started taking anti-mycobacterial drugs, but lost appetite, felt tired and finally lost consciousness one month after beginning medication. Arterial blood gas revealed marked hypercapnia. Using extracorporeal life support (ECLS), the carbon dioxide concentration was reduced and her consciousness recovered. To our knowledge, this is the first case in which ECLS was successfully used for hypercapnia in a patient with BO

    Mean Lung Pressure during Adult High-Frequency Oscillatory Ventilation: An Experimental Study Using a Lung Model

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    In adult high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV), stroke volume (SV) and mean lung pressure (PLung) are important for lung protection. We measured the airway pressure at the Y-piece and the lung pressure during HFOV using a lung model and HFOV ventilators for adults (R100 and 3100B). The lung model was made of a 20-liter, airtight rigid plastic container (adiabatic compliance: 19.3ml/cmH2O) with or without a resistor (20cmH2O/l/sec). The ventilator settings were as follows: mean airway pressure (MAP), 30cmH2O;frequency, 5-15Hz (every 1Hz);airway pressure amplitude (AMP), maximum;and % of inspiratory time (IT), 50% for R100, 33% or 50% for 3100B. The measurements were also performed with an AMP of 2/3 or 1/3 maximum at 5, 10 and 15Hz. The PLung and the measured MAP were not consistently identical to the setting MAP in either ventilator, and decreasing IT decreased the PLung in 3100B. In conclusion, we must pay attention to the possible discrepancy between the PLung and the setting MAP during adult HFOV

    Cell–matrix interaction via CD44 is independently regulated by different metalloproteinases activated in response to extracellular Ca2+ influx and PKC activation

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    CD44 is an adhesion molecule that interacts with hyaluronic acid (HA) and undergoes sequential proteolytic cleavages in its ectodomain and intramembranous domain. The ectodomain cleavage is triggered by extracellular Ca2+ influx or the activation of protein kinase C. Here we show that CD44-mediated cell–matrix adhesion is terminated by two independent ADAM family metalloproteinases, ADAM10 and ADAM17, differentially regulated in response to those stimuli. Ca2+ influx activates ADAM10 by regulating the association between calmodulin and ADAM10, leading to CD44 ectodomain cleavage. Depletion of ADAM10 strongly inhibits the Ca2+ influx-induced cell detachment from matrix. On the other hand, phorbol ester stimulation activates ADAM17 through the activation of PKC and small GTPase Rac, inducing proteolysis of CD44. Furthermore, depletion of ADAM10 or ADAM17 markedly suppressed CD44-dependent cancer cell migration on HA, but not on fibronectin. The spatio-temporal regulation of two independent signaling pathways for CD44 cleavage plays a crucial role in cell–matrix interaction and cell migration

    Acute respiratory distress syndrome following infection of influenza A (H1N1) virus

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    A 28-year-old man with a history of mental retardation was admitted to our hospital because of dyspnea, cough and high fever. His SpO(2) level at room-environmental conditions was in the eighties, and his chest radiograph showed diffuse infiltrates in both lungs. He was diagnosed as suffering from influenza A by a rapid influenza virus antigen test. The echocardiogram showed no evidence of left cardiac failure; therefore, his symptoms were consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Oseltamivir was started, and antibiotics were also given because of the possibility of secondary bacterial infection. Due to respiratory failure and low blood pressure, which suggested septic shock, intensive treatments including mechanical ventilation were performed. Corticosteroid therapy was started for ARDS and sepsis, and these therapies improved his respiratory condition. Polymerase chain reaction of his pharyngeal swab revealed that he had influenza A (H1N1). This is the first case of ARDS following infection by influenza A (H1N1) virus in Japan

    Lansoprazole inhibits mitochondrial superoxide production and cellular lipid peroxidation induced by indomethacin in RGM1 cells

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    Lansoprazole is effective in healing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs induced ulcers, and antioxidant properties have been thought to play a key role in healing ulcers. We hypothesize that lansoprazole exerts a cytoprotective effect by inhibiting reactive oxygen species leakage from mitochondria and lipid peroxidation. We pretreated gastric epithelial RGM1 cells with lansoprazole and then treated them with indomethacin in vitro. We found that the lansoprazole pretreatment significantly reduced cellular injury, maintained mitochondrial transmembrane potential, and decreased lipid peroxidation. Furthermore, the signal intensity of the electron spin resonance spectrum of the indomethacin-treated mitochondria which were pretreated with lansoprazole showed considerable reduction compared to those without the lansoprazole pretreatment. These results suggest that lansoprazole reduced superoxide production in the mitochondria of indomethacin treated cells, and subsequently inhibited lipid peroxide and cellular injury in gastric epithelial cells

    Impact of patient characteristics on the efficacy and safety of landiolol in patients with sepsis-related tachyarrhythmia: Subanalysis of the J-Land 3S randomised controlled study

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    Background The J-Land 3S trial demonstrated that landiolol is effective and tolerated for treating sepsis-related tachyarrhythmias. Patient characteristics (e.g. baseline heart rate [HR], type of tachyarrhythmia, and concomitant disorders) may impact the outcomes of landiolol therapy. We performed subanalyses of J-Land 3S to evaluate the impact of patient characteristics on the efficacy and safety of landiolol for treating sepsis-related tachyarrhythmia. Methods Patients (≥20 years old; N = 151) hospitalised with sepsis at 54 participating hospitals in Japan with HR ≥100 beats/min for ≥10 min accompanied by diagnosis of tachyarrhythmia were randomised 1:1 to conventional sepsis therapy alone (control group) or conventional sepsis therapy plus landiolol (landiolol group). The efficacy and safety of landiolol were assessed in prespecified analyses of patients divided into subgroups by baseline characteristics and in post hoc, multivariate analyses with adjustment for age and HR at baseline. Findings The percentage of patients with HR of 60–94 beats/min at 24 h after randomisation (primary endpoint) was greater in the landiolol group in most subgroups in univariate unadjusted analyses and in multivariate logistic regression. The incidence of new-onset arrhythmia by 168 h and mortality by 28 days were also lower in the landiolol group in most subgroups in univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards models. No subgroups showed a markedly higher incidence of adverse events in univariate or multivariate logistic regression analyses