14 research outputs found

    A Rabbit Model for Testing Helper-Dependent Adenovirus-Mediated Gene Therapy for Vein Graft Atherosclerosis

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    Coronary artery bypass vein grafts are a mainstay of therapy for human atherosclerosis. Unfortunately, the long-term patency of vein grafts is limited by accelerated atherosclerosis. Gene therapy, directed at the vein graft wall, is a promising approach for preventing vein graft atherosclerosis. Because helper-dependent adenovirus (HDAd) efficiently transduces grafted veins and confers long-term transgene expression, HDAd is an excellent candidate for delivery of vein graft-targeted gene therapy. We developed a model of vein graft atherosclerosis in fat-fed rabbits and demonstrated long-term (≥20 weeks) persistence of HDAd genomes after graft transduction. This model enables quantitation of vein graft hemodynamics, wall structure, lipid accumulation, cellularity, vector persistence, and inflammatory markers on a single graft. Time-course experiments identified 12 weeks after transduction as an optimal time to measure efficacy of gene therapy on the critical variables of lipid and macrophage accumulation. We also used chow-fed rabbits to test whether HDAd infusion in vein grafts promotes intimal growth and inflammation. HDAd did not increase intimal growth, but had moderate—yet significant—pro-inflammatory effects. The vein graft atherosclerosis model will be useful for testing HDAd-mediated gene therapy; however, pro-inflammatory effects of HdAd remain a concern in developing HDAd as a therapy for vein graft disease

    Novel expression cassettes for increasing apolipoprotein AI transgene expression in vascular endothelial cells

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    Transduction of endothelial cells (EC) with a vector that expresses apolipoprotein A-I (APOAI) reduces atherosclerosis in arteries of fat-fed rabbits. However, the effects on atherosclerosis are partial and might be enhanced if APOAI expression could be increased. With a goal of developing an expression cassette that generates higher levels of APOAI mRNA in EC, we tested 4 strategies, largely in vitro: addition of 2 types of enhancers, addition of computationally identified EC-specific cis-regulatory modules (CRM), and insertion of the rabbit APOAI gene at the transcription start site (TSS) of sequences cloned from genes that are highly expressed in cultured EC. Addition of a shear stress-responsive enhancer did not increase APOAI expression. Addition of 2 copies of a Mef2c enhancer increased APOAI expression from a moderately active promoter/enhancer but decreased APOAI expression from a highly active promoter/enhancer. Of the 11 CRMs, 3 increased APOAI expression from a moderately active promoter (2-7-fold; P<0.05); none increased expression from a highly active promoter/enhancer. Insertion of the APOAI gene into the TSS of highly expressed EC genes did not increase expression above levels obtained with a moderately active promoter/enhancer. New strategies are needed to further increase APOAI transgene expression in EC