9 research outputs found

    Effects of Urban Built Environment on Mental Health: A Review

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    This paper presents a systematic review of how prior research on the influence of the built environment on mental health has progressed. The study utilised open-access journals to cover environmental, public health, landscape, and urban planning databases from 2000 to 2021, focusing on specific keywords. Five major themes emerged from the research. Most studies from the early 2000s to 2014 focused on the negative consequences of a poorly constructed built environment on mental health. Since 2015, the focus has shifted to a broader context, primarily the urban environment, its relationship with mental health and how it contributes to positive mental health. Finally, evidence of changes in the context and circumstances may shed light on the research's future trajectory

    Beyond Park Boundaries: Exploring The Effect of Surrounding Land Use on Sound Levels of Parks

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    Urban parks in big cities can help reduce noise while providing spaces for recreation and rest, but their size, location and surroundings can limit their environmental benefits. This article will discuss how surrounding land use affects noise levels in a particular park, as well as how park landscaping can limit noise exposure. Four study areas were selected from Kuala Lumpur and Putrajaya to highlight a range of land uses, locations and park sizes. The sound levels were measured twice for each site-morning and evening-using measurement points along the park path and the SL-5868P sound level meter. The results showed that the study area exceeded the recommended noise limit of 55dBA as stipulated by Malaysian Noise Limit and World Health Organization guidelines. In addition, there was a pattern of influence on the measured noise levels based on land use and landscape around the park. Parks located in dense land use have higher noise levels, but have lower variation in noise levels within the park due to higher surrounding noise levels, compared to parks with more than 87% tree cover. The KLCC park, with 76% tree cover, has an overall higher noise level of more than 60dBA, indicating that the tree cover serves as a noise barrier for the park. Therefore, park planning should be tailored to its location and environment, while landscaping can be used to reduce noise levels and keep them within noise limits. In the future, the soundscape idea may be taken into account to enhance Malaysia's park environment

    Cadangan reka bentuk subsistem maklumat perundangan bagi pengurusan kawasan tanah bencah kajian kes: Tg. Piai & Sg. Pulai

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    Wetland are among the most important and productive ecosystems in the world as it provide critical nesting, rearing, feeding and stop over habitat for bird and other wildlife populations in the wet condition. These wetland’s functions are thus extremely valuable whereby management about their use should be made with great caution. The wetland management processes involve the technique of systematic compilation of analysis and evaluation of environmental and ecological attributes of the wetland. It requires a systematic management system in ensuring that the decisions made are based on the relevant guidelines before any action taken. Therefore, the management activities mainly involves proposed development exercised by Johor National Park Corporation as an approving authority in management planning area should be guided by laws and other mechanism such as policies, acts, regulations and guidelines. It is found that, the guidelines as references for management processes are still in manual form (paper basis). The references involve stack of papers with vary types of guidelines and acts caused the difficulties of referencing for management purposes. Even though the existing acts and regulations are there and being accepted but the implementation of it is still far from satisfactory and inefficient. The issues and problems invite study to be conducted whereby Tanjung Piai and Sungai Pulai Mangrove Reserve are chosen as study area. In making the laws and guidelines much easier to refer, this study has proposed translation of guidelines into spatial data context. In this study, the relevant legislations are analyzed based on the spatial and activities implication. This study has identified three (3) main stages of analysis i.e. determination of biosphere zones, determination of zoning plan and legislation’s implication. The conducted analysis proposes a design of Legislation Information Subsystem (LIS). This study, proposed three (3) main modules of LIS namely Physical Condition, Management Planning and Legislation References. It is hoped that, the manifestation of legislation into spatial data through GIS application and together with the proposed Legislation Information Subsystem will facilitate and assist manager in managing their own area and eventually will enhance and improving the use of existing legislation in the management system

    A GIS approach in evaluation of metropolitan green area : a case of Sungai Pulai Wetland

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    Wetlands are among the most important ecosystems on Earth as it improve water quality, control floods, regulate global carbon levels, have significant cultural and recreational values, and also provide habitat for plants and animals uniquely adapted to living in the wet conditions. However, through progressive management, wetlands have been modified from their natural state by the influence of man. Chapter 22 in the 9th Malaysian Plan cater for environmental resource protection which shows the government’s concern on environmental aspect in the future development. Therefore, any type of development planning in wetland areas should present serious consideration on planning guidelines as well as elements that may possibly threaten the natural condition in order to conserve the environmental and ecological attributes of the wetlands for the benefit of future. One of the basic problems in planning for the management of mangrove and other natural resources is to correctly evaluate the environmental, economic, legal and social issues existing on the resource. As integrating all these datasets required for wetland and mangrove management is usually difficult, there is a need for an approach to speedily identify the types of suitable development. A study on Ramsar area involving Sungai Pulai in the state of Johor was done using the GIS application, with emphasis on sustainable wetland issues. This paper will discuss the appropriate wetland management guidelines and suitable tourism activities for these areas as identified in the study based on the use of the multi criteria analysis approach

    City profile: Kaduna

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    Kaduna's colonial origin and function as an administrative town ensured that it was well planned and had good and well distributed urban facilities and services in the early years of its existence. However, the pressure of urbanization that has seen the city expand beyond its planned limits into hitherto rural settlements along the urban fringe has today given the city a different character from the once celebrated well planned and beautiful town. On the one hand you have the earlier settled areas of the city with good roads, quality housing and other necessary urban facilities while on the other you have the new expansion areas that have grown outside of formal planning control and are characterized by haphazard development, poor quality housing and lack of basic urban infrastructure and services. It is within this context and the scarcity of resources that the city authorities are struggling to cope with the challenges continually posed by rapid urban growth. The article emphasizes recent initiatives of the government aimed at confronting these challenges through a critical examination of their implementation and the outcomes therefrom

    Integration of logistic regression and markov chain analysis in modelling and predicting future urban growth in Kaduna,Nigeria

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    Land use changes in developing countries generally occur in the form of new building construction in the peripheral areas of cities mostly for residential purposes. This fast pace of urban development has thrust to the fore a number of research initiatives that make use of new applications for modeling such phenomenon. In this study, urban expansion is examined in Kaduna, Nigeria, using a hybrid model that combines Cellular Automata (CA) techniques and Markov chain analysis with logistic regression. Land use change between 1990 and 2001 was analyzed and the results showed huge conversion of green areas and open lands to built-up areas. Environmental variables dealing with urban expansion were evaluated to determine their influence on urban expansion and operationalized to develop transition potential sub-models. A transition potential map is then derived from the transition potential sub-model which was employed to simulate future urban growth. The model was subsequently evaluated and validated using ROC statistics and the results were found to be acceptable

    Urbanization and the challenges of sustainable transportation: a developing country perspective

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    A major requirement in the development of a sustainable urban transportation system is the reduction of automobile dependence. This paper focuses on the ownership and use of private vehicles in the city of Kaduna in North West Nigeria. Travel behavior data used in the study was obtained through a city - wide socio - demographic and household travel characteristics survey that made use of structured questionnaires and the analysis employed was mainly descriptive statistical analyses. Spatio - temporal data used in the analysis of urban growth was obtained from remote sensing sources. The results show a city experiencing rapid urbanization and population growth alongside high level of private motorized vehicle owners hip and use . The paper concludes by highlighting the environmental, human health and social effects of rapid urbanization and increase in the use of motorized modes of transportation

    Modelling vegetationloss and greenhouse gas emissions in Kaduna, Nigeria

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    Tropical forests and other vegetated landscapes like grasslands and wooded savannahs play a major role in the global carbon sequestration process and their conservation and protection offers immense potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. This study aims to model the rate of vegetation loss as a result of diverse anthropogenic processes like urbanization, agriculture and infrastructural development in the fast growing city of Kaduna in northwest Nigeria . Land use change analysis between 1990 and 2009 is conducted and a transition potential map is produced based o n the established pattern of change and the land use change driver variables determined for the study area. This is achieved by a hybrid technique that integrates cellular automata, Markov chain analysis and artificial neural networks. The model is then us ed to predict land use change scenarios between 2001 and 2009 . Model validation is achieved by way of computing the ROC statistic using the simulated and actual land use maps of 2009 . Having obtained satisfactory outcomes, the model is then used to predict the urbanization scenario between 2009 and 2040 . Interventi ons are then proposed to reduce sprawl and loss of vegetated land based on certain constraints placed on the land use change processes and the sim ulation is then run again to 2040 to produce an alternative scenario of land use change to serve as a basis for the implementation of the REDD project. The REDD model utilizes a methodology for calculating and evaluating net anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions due to the implementation of a REDD project. This methodology is based on the World Bank’s BioCarbon Fund Project (BioCF) methodology for estimating reductions of GHG emissions for mosaic deforestation. Reductions in GHG emissions are calculated by subtracting the estimated carbon that would be saved through a REDD project intervention, along with the estimated carbon loss through leakage from the estimated carbon loss without the implementation of a REDD project intervention. The difference is known as additionality, and implies the net GHG emissions that are reduced owing to the implementation of the REDD project. The results obtained show significant reduction in GHG emissions based on the proposed planned interventions to reduce tropical land consumption and vegetation loss in Kaduna