236 research outputs found

    Job Satisfaction and Professional Ethics Practices in Public Sector Universities of Pakistan

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    Professional ethics are the guiding principles practiced in any organization. These standards regulate an individual behavior or group working in that institution, which demands a particular set of related values and expects them to act normatively. This research aimed to study and understand the link between job satisfaction and the level of professional ethics practiced in public sector universities of Pakistan. Three public sector universities of Punjab were selected, including PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Barani Institute of Information and Technology, and the University of Okara. The study was designed quantitatively, using the survey questionnaire to be filled out by 150 respondents from these universities. The respondents were the faculty members from these three universities who participated in this research. It was intended to balance the male-female ratio between the respondents. The results indicated that a higher level of professional, ethical practices at the workplace is associated with more job satisfaction. Like other professions, academia needs to formulate some guiding principles for better and transparent functioning of the universities and ensure work-related satisfaction for better faculty performance


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    The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative riskadjusted performance, selectivity skills and market timing abilitiesanalysis of Islamic and Conventional mutual funds in Pakistan. Thestudy utilizes various risk-adjusted performance measures to evaluaterisk and return characteristics. The study also used techniqueproposed by (Treynor and Mazuy 1966) and (Henriksson and Merton1981) to appraise selectivity skills and timing abilities on the dataset ranging 2009-2013 of Islamic and Conventional mutual funds. Inthis study, four categories Aggressive Fixed Income, Asset Allocation,Equity and Balanced open end mutual funds are analysed. On thebasis of evidences found, only few mutual fund managers from Islamicand Conventional mutual funds hold better stock picking skills. Themutual fund managers of both Islamic and conventional mutual fundsare found to be a poor market timer in Pakistan. Islamic mutualfunds have earned better returns than conventional mutual funds.Therefore, risk adjusted performance of Islamic mutual funds is betterthan conventional mutual funds

    Women Health in Rural Pakistan in Millennium Development Goals Perspectives

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    This aim of this research was to study the situation of different Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) indicators at the gross root level in Mardan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. For this primary data were collected with the help of pre-designed questionnaires through face to face interview from 60 randomly households head. The data was analysed by using descriptive statistics and non-parametric tests. Main finding revealed that majority and statistically significant respondents not using any contraceptive methods. Majority of the respondents have no deliveries in their homes ended in last 3 years and there was no significant difference in the percent distribution of the respondents in the selected villages regarding this. Maternal health care, births attendant status and immunization of children against EPI are not up to the mark. Knowledge about HIV/AIDS, malaria, TB, DM is at maximum. The study recommends for social campaign/awareness, births control at the household’s level, training of more skillful persons having specialty in the maternal health care, immunization of children of less than 2 years about the different contagious diseases. Keywords: Maternal health, HIV/AIDS preventions, MDG

    Melatonin induces proline, secondary metabolites, sugars and antioxidants activity to regulate oxidative stress and ROS scavenging in salt stressed sword lily

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    Sword lily is regarded as a useful and commercially demanding cut flower crop; hence, assessing its responses to abiotic stress, particularly salt stress, is vital. Melatonin (MT) exhibits stress tolerance in crop plants and is an emerging stress relieving alternative to chemicals. Nevertheless, the possible process underlying the effects of MT under salt stress has yet to be fully elucidated in plants. Herein, the salt stress (SS) mitigation potential of MT was assessed in a commercially important cut flower, sword lily. Melatonin, expressed as MT1, MT2, MT3, and MT4, was administered at concentrations of 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8 mM. The results revealed that SS (5 dS m−1) restricted the growth and physiological aspects of sword lily. Furthermore, malondialdehyde (MDA), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), membrane permeability, endogenous proline, and soluble protein contents were enhanced in SS. MT application improved morphological traits, photosynthetic pigments, and corm traits. The application of MT mitigated the effects of SS stress in Gladiolus grandiflorus plants by improving growth and photosynthetic pigments. MT application under SS improved the reducing and non-reducing sugar and NPK contents of the sword lily. Furthermore, MT improved the levels of secondary metabolites, such as anthocyanins, flavonoids, and ascorbic acid, in sword lily. Moreover, MT supplementation ameliorated salt-induced oxidative stress in the gladiolus, as depicted by a decrease in stress markers (EL, MDA, and H2O2) and an increase in defense-related enzymes (POD, CAT, and SOD) with highest increase in the MT3 treatment under salinity stress. The SOD and CAT enzyme activities were 3–3.6-fold higher in the MT3 under stress than the control. In conclusion, MT applications on cut flowers can be an effective strategy to reduce salt stress and can be used to regulate salinity stress in cut flower production. MT can be used as a safe alternative to other agrochemicals to maintain the growth and flower quality of sword lilies, with beneficial effects during vase life

    Chronic bronchitis and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) among textile workers in Karachi, Pakistan

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    Objective: To determine the frequency and predictors of chronic bronchitis and COPD among textile workers in Karachi, Pakistan.Study design: Cross-sectional survey.Place and duration of study: Karachi, Pakistan, from October to December 2009.Methodology: Male textile workers from 15 mills of Karachi were inducted. Data was collected using American Thoracic Society respiratory questionnaire (ATS-DLD-78-a) and spirometry.Results: Out of 372 participants, 29 (7.8%) workers had chronic bronchitis (4, 9.1% aged ≥40 years) and 25 (6.7%) had COPD (12, 27.2% aged ≥40 years). Workers with chronic bronchitis had significantly decreased lung function compared to the healthy workers. Those reporting severe self-perceived dust exposure at work, ≥ 10 pack years of smoking, uneducated, longer duration of work (≥11 years), and ever smokers were more likely to have chronic bronchitis or COPD. In the multivariate analyses, severe self-perceived dust exposure at work (AOR = 7.4; 95% CI: 1.9, 28.0), family history of respiratory illness/symptoms (AOR = 4.8; 95% CI: 1.1, 20.9) and lack of education (AOR = 4.2; 95% CI: 1.1, 16.9) were significant predictors of chronic bronchitis. Duration of work ≥11 years (AOR = 5.5; 95% CI: 1.5, 19.7) and pack years of smoking ≥10 years (AOR = 3.5; 95% CI: 1.1, 11.7) were strong predictors for COPD.Conclusion: There is a high frequency of chronic bronchitis and COPD among textile workers. Multiple important predictors for prevention are identified

    Second language learners’ achievement in literature through problem-based learning method

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    Teaching literature to L2 learners demands methodological training and innovative strategies to bring effectiveness in learning. Problem based instructional strategy is being widely used to determine its impact on learner’s achievement, retention, attitude etc. This paper explores the impact of Problem based learning method (PBLM) and Traditional lecture method on achievement of L2 learners in the learning of literature at grade XII in Pakistan. An experiment was conducted on 67 students, 34 for control group and 33 for experimental group, of Federal Government postgraduate college H-8 Islamabad. Pre-test and post-test design was used to compare students’ achievement. Grade-XII English book was selected for lessons to be taught by PBLM and traditional lecture method. The pre-test and post-test was administered according to the paper pattern of Federal Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education Islamabad. The collected data was analyzed statistically. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the achievement score of experimental group and that of the control group. The result also showed that Problem based learning method was more effective in enhancing achievement level of the students and helpful for teaching literature to L2 learners. It was recommended that PBLM may be adopted for literature teaching at XII grade level

    Doctors’ Knowledge of Hypertension Guidelines Recommendations Reflected in Their Practice

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    Aim. To evaluate doctors’ knowledge, attitude, and practices and predictors of adherence to Malaysian hypertension guidelines (CPG 2008). Methods. Twenty-six doctors involved in hypertension management at Penang General Hospital were enrolled in a cross-sectional study. Doctors’ knowledge and attitudes towards guidelines were evaluated through a self-administered questionnaire. Their practices were evaluated by noting their prescriptions written to 520 established hypertensive outpatients (20 prescriptions/doctor). SPSS 17 was used for data analysis. Results. Nineteen doctors (73.07%) had adequate knowledge of guidelines. Specialists and consultants had significantly better knowledge about guidelines’ recommendations. Doctors were positive towards guidelines with mean attitude score of 23.15±1.34 points on a 30-point scale. The median number of guidelines compliant prescriptions was 13 (range 5–20). Statistically significant correlation (rs = 0.635, P<0.001) was observed between doctors’ knowledge and practice scores. A total of 349 (67.1%) prescriptions written were guidelines compliant. In multivariate analysis hypertension clinic (OR = 0.398, P=0.008), left ventricular hypertrophy (OR = 0.091, P=0.001) and heart failure (OR = 1.923, P=0.039) were significantly associated with guidelines adherence. Conclusion. Doctors’ knowledge of guidelines is reflected in their practice. The gap between guidelines recommendations and practice was seen in the pharmacotherapy of uncomplicated hypertension and hypertension with left ventricular hypertrophy, renal disease, and diabetes mellitus

    Review of Catalytic Transesterification Methods for Biodiesel Production

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    Attempts for improving the synthesis procedure of catalysts for fatty acid methyl ester production have been progressing for a considerable length of time. Biodiesel lessens net carbon dioxide emissions up to 78% with reference to conventional fuel. That is the reason for the improvement of new and operative solid catalysts necessary for inexhaustible and efficient fuel production. Homogenous base catalysts for transesterification is risky in light of the fact that its produces soap as byproduct, which makes difficult issues like product separation and not temperate for industrial application. In comparison, heterogeneous process gives higher quality FAME which can be effectively isolated and facilitate costly refining operations that are not required. A focus of this review article is to study and compare various biodiesel synthesis techniques that are being researched. The catalytic strength of numerous heterogeneous solid catalysts (acid and base), specially earth and transition metal oxides were also appraised. It was observed that catalytic proficiency relied upon a few factors, for example, specific surface area, pore size, volume and active site concentration at catalyst surface. This review article will give assistance in assortment of appropriate catalysts and the ideal conditions for biodiesel generation
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