4 research outputs found

    Sustained Id2 regulation of E proteins is required for terminal differentiation of effector CD8+ T cells.

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    CD8+ T cells responding to infection differentiate into a heterogeneous population composed of progeny that are short-lived and participate in the immediate, acute response and those that provide long-lasting host protection. Although it is appreciated that distinct functional and phenotypic CD8+ T cell subsets persist, it is unclear whether there is plasticity among subsets and what mechanisms maintain subset-specific differences. Here, we show that continued Id2 regulation of E-protein activity is required to maintain the KLRG1hi CD8+ T cell population after lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus infection. Induced deletion of Id2 phenotypically and transcriptionally transformed the KLRG1hi "terminal" effector/effector-memory CD8+ T cell population into a KLRG1lo memory-like population, promoting a gene-expression program that resembled that of central memory T cells. Our results question the idea that KLRG1hi CD8+ T cells are necessarily terminally programmed and suggest that sustained regulation is required to maintain distinct CD8+ T cell states

    Ubiquitin Specific Protease 1 Expression and Function in T Cell Immunity.

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    T cells are essential mediators of immune responses against infectious diseases and provide long-lived protection from reinfection. The differentiation of naive to effector T cells and the subsequent differentiation and persistence of memory T cell populations in response to infection is a highly regulated process. E protein transcription factors and their inhibitors, Id proteins, are important regulators of both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses; however, their regulation at the protein level has not been explored. Recently, the deubiquitinase USP1 was shown to stabilize Id2 and modulate cellular differentiation in osteosarcomas. In this study, we investigated a role for Usp1 in posttranslational control of Id2 and Id3 in murine T cells. We show that Usp1 was upregulated in T cells following activation in vitro or following infection in vivo, and the extent of Usp1 expression correlated with the degree of T cell expansion. Usp1 directly interacted with Id2 and Id3 following T cell activation. However, Usp1 deficiency did not impact Id protein abundance in effector T cells or alter effector T cell expansion or differentiation following a primary infection. Usp1 deficiency resulted in a gradual loss of memory CD8+ T cells over time and reduced Id2 protein levels and proliferation of effector CD8+ T cell following reinfection. Together, these results identify Usp1 as a player in modulating recall responses at the protein level and highlight differences in regulation of T cell responses between primary and subsequent infection encounters. Finally, our observations reveal differential regulation of Id2/3 proteins between immune versus nonimmune cell types

    Detection of Succinate by Intestinal Tuft Cells Triggers a Type 2 Innate Immune Circuit

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    In the small intestine, type 2 responses are regulated by a signaling circuit that involves tuft cells and group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s). Here, we identified the microbial metabolite succinate as an activating ligand for small intestinal (SI) tuft cells. Sequencing analyses of tuft cells isolated from the small intestine, gall bladder, colon, thymus, and trachea revealed that expression of tuft cell chemosensory receptors is tissue specific. SI tuft cells expressed the succinate receptor (SUCNR1), and providing succinate in drinking water was sufficient to induce a multifaceted type 2 immune response via the tuft-ILC2 circuit. The helminth Nippostrongylus brasiliensis and a tritrichomonad protist both secreted succinate as a metabolite. In vivo sensing of the tritrichomonad required SUCNR1, whereas N. brasiliensis was SUCNR1 independent. These findings define a paradigm wherein tuft cells monitor microbial metabolites to initiate type 2 immunity and suggest the existence of other sensing pathways triggering the response to helminths