12 research outputs found

    Madrasah al-Maarif al-Wathaniyah, Artikulasi Pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam Haji Sulong di Patani

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    This study aims to explore information on the life of Haji Sulong in the field of Islamic Education, especially the renewal of educational institutions. As for the benefits of this research, apart from adding to the scientific literature in the field of history, it is also useful as a lesson for the current generation of Thai Muslims regarding Islamic education with the concept of Thai nationalism. In historical studies, it can be seen that he renewed traditional education into madrasas that the people in Patani could feel the benefits of even though in a short time because of the closure by the government

    Peningkatan Akreditasi Jurnal Nasional bidang Studi Islam

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    The purpose of this activity is to describe the implementation of the preparation of the Ulumuddin Journal: Journal of Islamic Studies or UJII from FAI UCY to become an Islamic studies journal that has increased its level of accreditation. In it there are several activities that are summarized in the UJII National Journal Accreditation Improvement Program which are based on the findings in the self-evaluation of the journal in the field of Islamic studies itself. A number of Journal activities based on the Open Journal System (OJS) version 3 have had an impact on journals and faculties that oversee their management

    Identifikasi Jumlah dan Faktor Timbulan Sampah Di Kawasan Wisata Malioboro

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    In preparing Malioboro as a 24-hour tourist area, garbage and waste can cause negative impacts. This study aims to identify the daily amount and factors of waste in the study area, namely the gate of Kepatihan sayap Malioboro area, using a phenomenological and rational approach. In this study, following the thoughts of B. Sommer (1980) about the person center map and place center map so that the movement of Malioboro visitors and the activities of visitors and street vendors in a certain period with a certain study area. The types of waste that most often appear are food and beverage packaging, plastic bags, plastic straws and cigarette butts. The maximum volume of waste that can be accommodated in the trash per day is 3 x 1.458 m3 = 4,374 m3 per day. Awareness of the importance of cleanliness is important through socialization in the form of a flash mob. The next suggestion is to maximize the function of the trash can by separating it according to its type

    Hypno Family Melalui Metode Psychodrama Untuk Mengoptimalkan Potensi Dalam Menjalankan Peran Sebagai Anggota Keluarga

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    This research is motivated by a large number of human psychological problems that have an impact on economic problems, environmental problems, crime issues, family chaos, political problems, and security issues or vice versa. The purpose of this study is to improve maturity in attitude and thinking with a responsibility to optimize the potential in carrying out roles in the family. This research method is research and development (R&D). The subjects of this study were several students at various campuses in Yogyakarta. The results showed that the implementation model of the Hypno family through the psychodrama method includes: (1) digging up data related to family perceptions; (2) digging up data on negative perceptions of family members followed by acceptance therapy; (3) tells about changes in the attitude of family members; (4) forming and strengthening character using Asmaul Husna. Hypno family through the psychodrama method can optimize the potential in carrying out the role of family members. This can be seen from the affective assessment by making observations and reinforced by interviews with each participant. Each participant felt a real change in the family

    Hubungan Pendidik Dan Terdidik Dalam Al-Quran

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    What the relationships is like between educator and learner have actually been given in the Qur'an. Hamka is basically not a specialist in the field of education, inspite of this, he has heartedly investigated  the aforementioned relationships as revealed in his monumental book of commentary, Tafsir  al-Azhar, especially in Surat al-Alaq Verse 1-5. The relationships is build-up based on a pattern of learner-centered education  which is different from educator-centered education pattern. The former is characteristically modern  and the latter pattern is traditional in orientation. As an oustanding public figure raised-up  in a religious environtment and actively engaged in struggle with the modernists movement in Indonesia, it is only natural that Hamka emphasizes the learner-centered pattern of education which is widely seen as a modern educational trend.Bagaimana hubungan pendidik dan terdidik telah diberikan dalam al Quran. Hamka pada dasarnya bukanlah pakar spesialis dalam bidang pendidikan, namun ia telah menggalinya seperti yang terungkap dalam Kitab Tafsirnya yang monumental,  khususnya di surat al-Alaq Ayat 1-5. Hubungan tersebut dilandasi dengan pendidikan learned-centered disebut modern yang berbeda dengan pola pendidikan educator-centered. Pola kedua berorientasi  tradisional. Sebagai seorang yang dibesarkan dalam lingkungan agama dan aktif dan berjuang bersama gerakan modernis di Indonesia, adalah wajar apabila Hamka menekankan pola pendidikan yang bercorak Learner-Centered yang dipandang sebagai tren pendidikan modern tersebut

    Implementasi Sorogan Dalam Pembelajaran Al-Qur’an Pada Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah

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    Sorogan method is the main learning strategy in Islamic boarding schools, including when teaching the Koran. The implementation was not very different from the Madrasah Diniyah (Primary School established by the ministry of religious affairs in 1964 to study only Islamic religious sciences), especially in the Diniyah Takmiliyah Faidlul Barokat Madrasah (MDTFB). The results of the study indicate that there have been efforts made by caregivers to overcome the inhibiting factors of the Koran's learning and to consider its supporting factors. Suggestions intended for each student, parent guardian and caregiver teacher can then be given.Metode sorogan adalah strategi pembelajaran pokok dalam pembelajaran di pesatren termasuk saat pengajaran al-Quran. Pelaksanaannya ternyata tidak berbeda jauh di Madrasah Diniyah, terutama di MDTFB. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa setelah ada upaya-upaya yang dilakukan guru pengasuh untuk mengatasi factor penghambat pembelajaran al-Quran dan mempertimbangkan faktor pendukungnya. Saran-saran yang ditujukan untuk masing-masing siswa santri, wali orang tua dan guru pengasuh kemudian bisa diberikan

    Upaya Santri Dalam Pemeliharaan Hafal Al- Qur’an Di MANU Kota Gede Yogyakarta

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    The research aimed to find out the implementation of the Muraja'ah method in memorizing Al-Qur'an in Kotagede Yogyakarta's Aliyah Nurul Ummah Madrasah (MANU) in order to identify the supporting and inhibiting factors experienced by the santri including how they overcome the inhibiting factors. MANU santri students always do the Koran memorization with a target every day is one page without counting how many verses are memorized. The method is useful for maintaining memorization of the Qur'an and does not interfere with teaching and learning activities in boarding schoolspenelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan metode muraja’ah dalam hafalan Al-Qur’an di Madrasah Aliyah Nurul Ummah Kotagede Yogyakarta (MANU) agar bisa diidentifikasi faktor pendukung dan penghambat yang dialami oleh para santri termasuk bagaimana mereka mengatasi factor penghambatnya. Siswa santri MANU selalu melakukan muraja‘ah hafalan Qur’an dengan target tiap hari adalah satu halaman tanpa menghitung berapa ayat yang dihafalkan. Metode itu bermanfaat untuk menjaga  hafalan Al-Qur’an dan tidak mengganggu kegiatan belajar mengajar di pesantre

    Implementasi Pendidikan Quran Tingkat Lanjut Bagi Santri Usia Dewasa

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    The researchers intends to find out how Al-Quran Education in the Yogyakarta AMM Tartil Team includes supporting and inhibiting factors as well as how the team overcomes the obstacles to Al-Quran Education in the AMM Tartil Team Yogyakarta. The learning patterns of adults and advanced readers of the Quran in this education are different from those of students of Quran who are younger than them at the beginning level or those studying in Islamic boarding schools. This qualitative case study research uses several instruments, observation, mandala interviews, and documentation. Observations were made by directly following the Syahadah One education process for the students of the AMM Yogyakarta tartil team. In-depth interviews were addressed to informants, namely the management of the Foundation, Ustaz, and students participating in the education who were the object of the research. For documentation, it is emphasized on the data of the Tartilil Qur'an curriculum text. All collected data were then analyzed in a cumulative manner with inductive-deductive thinking patterns. Advanced education to read the Koran does have complex problems in terms of time and age of the participants, although it must be commended for their intention and sincerity to be fluent in reading it

    Kesadaran Beragama Pelaku Pariwisata di Kawasan Malioboro

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    This study identifies the religious awareness of informal sector tourism actors participating in the Malioboro Mengaji program in Yogyakarta. Qualitative descriptive research with a phenomenological approach is useful for getting a natural overview and views of informants. The data were collected by participatory observation and in-depth interviews. Most of the informants were middle-aged who had tasted the acid of life including all forms of deviations from religious teachings. The passage of age encourages the search for inner and outer happiness. One of them is by learning the Koran. The initial motivation behind the various participants experienced changes along with participation in the Al Quran reading training. The desire to realize a lighter life burden and peace of mind with a sense of pride in being able to directly read the Islamic holy book that is the guide of his life