25 research outputs found

    Model Media Pembelajaran Melalui Tayangan Televisi Dalam Meningkatkan Pengetahuan, Sikap Dan Perilaku Anak-anak Pedesaan Di Sulawesi Selatan

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    The aims of the research are to analyze (1) the influence of TV broadcasting in increasing knowledge, attitude, and behavior of village children to explain the reasons why children consistently watch TV. (2) To formulate the models of watching TV broadcasting to increase knowledge, attitude, and behavior, as well as learning performance of the children. The research was conducted in three regencies, Maros, Pagkep, and Barru, and one city Pare-pare. The research approach was qualitative, to obtain whole description of research informers to formulate the research focus on learning media model through TV broadcasting in increasing the knowledge, attitude, and behavior of village children in South Sulawesi. The results of the research indicated that in increasing knowledge, some children were able to describe program they watched such as “si Bolang”. Their attitude of watching TV program was very responsive and enthusiastic, and even suggest for an extension of some sitetrons they consider good. Observed behavior of children are imitation of some football player styles, speaking accent, and assessories worn by female children imitating their idols. Reasons motivating children watching favourite TV broadcasting are besides intertaining, the programs are interresting and directly related to children\u27s world, so that TV watches become their routine program. The model identified in the research was a simple linear model, meanwhile the recommended model is similar to the model observed before, with linear characteristics and additional model of relatives accompanying their children watch TV

    Tinjauan Hukum Media Massa terhadap Penggunaan Software Bajakan di Kalangan Mahasiswa di Kota Makassar

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    This research to analyze the understanding, response, and strengthen the laws of mass media including infringement of communication ethics among the students, also precautionary and action to the case. The research is carried out to several students of Laws Faculty of Hasanuddin University. The informants was chosen purposely (purposive sampling), and the method used in colecting data are library research and field research which contain of observation, in depth interview, questionnair, documentation. Data collection analyzed with interactive model of Miles and Huberman. The result of this research indicated that most of people (students) in Makassar have a comprehensive understanding of Information and Communication Technology's advancement including piracy and the uses of pirated software. Its also shown that they are the majority of active users. However, this research found many of them still use the pirated software, and even pirate the software themselves, with various reasons such as a price, easy to find, needs, and lack of controll and the misuse of their knowledge and ability. So, all the associated elements have to pay more attention and discuss either the recent laws should be revised or formulate the new laws which will regulate whole activities in the cyberspace. Thus, the socialization of information and communication technology advancement effects should be taken as an actual action, related to the development of law enforcer's infrastructure, in order the process of handling such as case can be taken immediately

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Bauran Promosi terhadap Tingkat Kunjungan Wisatawan pada Objek Wisata Alam di Kabupaten Pangkajene dan Kepulauan

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    This research aimed (1) to investigate the effects of the use of the promotion mix, which comprised advertising, sales promotion, event and experiences, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, interactive marketing, word of mouth marketing, and personal selling, on the level of the tourist visits to the natural tourist objects; (2) to determine which of the promotion mix were most dominant in affecting the level of the tourist visits to the tourist objects in Pangkep Regency. The research used the quantitative research. The samples were chosen using the accidental sampling technique, while the primary data were collected using the questionnaires distributed to 99 tourists visiting the natural tourist objects in Pangkep Regency. The collected data were then analyzed using the multiple linear regression analysis and the path analysis. The results of analysis revealed the promotion mix simultaneously had a significant effect of 25,2% on the level of the tourist visits to the natural tourist objects in Pangkep Regency, while partially, only advertising and word of mouth marketing which had a very significant effect on the level of the tourist visits to the natural tourist objects in Pangkep Regency. Finally, among the promotion mix, the word of mouth marketing had the highest effect on the tourist visits to the natural tourist objects in Pangkep Regency

    Intensitas Komunikasi Pembelajaran dalam Mengukur Keberhasilan Program Pendidikan Paket B di Desa-desa Pesisir Kecamatan Belang

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    The research aimed to investigate the communication intensity, learning result, and the relationship between the communication intensity and learning result in the Packet B education program at the coastal villages, Belang district, South East Minahasa regency. Samples investigated in the research were the students of Packet B education program of academic year 201212013. Method used in the research was the quantitative descriptive. The research result indicates that there is the relations'hip between the communication intensity and learning result. The result of the simple linear regression analysis indicates the R Square value of 0.433. This indicates that the variation of the independent variable of the communication intensity gives the contribution as much as 43.3% on the dependent variable of the learning result

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Drill dalam Menumbuhkan Kemampuan Public Speaking (Retorika) Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Siswa Sman 5 Makassar

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    Techniques English learning in school still can not provide satisfactory results for now. This study aims to determine what effect the application of learning techniques drill on the ability of public speaking (rhetoric) in learning English in SMAN 05 Makassar. This study uses an experimental approach with quantitative research methods. Data collected through tests and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using T test, simple regression and Pearson Product Moment Correlation SPSS 20.0 for windows. The results showed the Accuracy in terms of aspect shows the pre-test of 62.85% and a post-test after getting the results of 77.14%. From the aspect of Fluency showed pre-test results of 57.14% and a post-test after getting the results of the post-test 77.14%. In Comprehensibility aspect shows the pre-test of 74.28% and a post-test after getting the results of 54.28%. The average difference between the post-test and pre-test is highly significant sebesar1,2563. Or R magnitude of the correlation between the methods applied to public speaking ability is equal to 0.796. indicates that there is a positive relationship between the methods or techniques applied to public speaking skills in students. It was concluded that the effect of the application of learning techniques drill in growing public speaking skills (rhetoric) in English language learning class X MIA 3 in SMA 5 Makassa

    Intensitas Penggunaan E-learning dalam Menunjang Pembelajaran Mahasiswa Program Sarjana (S1) di Univeristas Hasanuddin

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    This research aimed to find out (1) the learning result of students graduate program (S1) at Hasanuddin University, (2) Intensity e-learning used as media learning students graduate program (S1) at Hasanuddin University, (3) the effect intensity e-learning used as media learning for learning result students graduate program (S1) at Hasanuddin University. The Method used in the research was the quantitative descriptive, sample investigated in thee research were the students graduate Faculty of Marine Science and Fisheries and faculty of Literature Hasanuddin University. The research result showed that there is a positive influence between the intensity learning used as media learning to result learning students graduate program (S1) Hasanuddin University. The result of the simple linear regression analysis indicates the R Square value of 0.081. This indicates that the (variation of the independent variable) of the intensity e-learning used gives the contribution as much as 8.1% on the (dependent variable) of the learning result