3 research outputs found

    European vector of modern education, science and production – 2024

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    The collective monograph summarizes modern trends in pedagogical design, interdisciplinary aspects of modern transformational processes in society. The main problems, trends, perspectives and directions of shifts in society as a result of the change of development paradigms are defined and characterized. The didactic and educational aspects of pedagogical design in professional education and higher education are analyzed, and the problems of managing pedagogical design are considered. The objective logic of changing development paradigms as a result of informational, communication and structural changes in society is revealed, which affects the transformation of technical-technological, socio-economic, political-legal, statist, educational and cultural reality, determines a new dimension of modern social processes. The monograph is intended for a wide range of researchers, teachers and students of higher education institutions, heads of educational institutions and organizations, non-profit institutions and business structures, representatives of state and public authorities, all interested in the development of pedagogical design and modern society

    Quercetin in the Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus Infections: A Focus on SARS-CoV-2

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    The COVID-19 outbreak seems to be the most dangerous challenge of the third millennium due to its highly contagious nature. Amongst natural molecules for COVID-19 treatment, the flavonoid molecule quercetin (QR) is currently considered one of the most promising. QR is an active agent against SARS and MERS due to its antimicrobial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and some other beneficial effects. QR may hold therapeutic potential against SARS-CoV-2 due to its inhibitory effects on several stages of the viral life cycle. In fact, QR inhibits viral entry, absorption, and penetration in the SARS-CoV virus, which might be at least partly explained by the ability of QR and its derivatives to inhibit 3-chymotrypsin-like protease (3CLpro) and papain-like protease (PLpro). QR is a potent immunomodulatory molecule due to its direct modulatory effects on several immune cells, cytokines, and other immune molecules. QR-based nanopreparations possess enhanced bioavailability and solubility in water. In this review, we discuss the prospects for the application of QR as a preventive and treatment agent for COVID-19. Given the multifactorial beneficial action of QR, it can be considered a very valid drug as a preventative, mitigating, and therapeutic agent of COVID-19 infection, especially in synergism with zinc, vitamins C, D, and E, and other polyphenols

    Process and socially competent management of innovative development of enterprise system

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    У монографії представлено результати дослідження й систематизації теоретичних, науково-методологічних і практичних положень та розробок що-до процесного та соціально-компетентного управління інноваційним розвитком підприємницьких систем. Запропоновано і обґрунтовано теоретико-методологічні засади процесного та соціально-компетентного управління інноваційним розвитком підприємства, визначено сучасні реалії та тенденції інноваційного розвитку підприємницьких систем, запропоновано нові підходи у корпоративному управлінні, обґрунтовано доцільність використання реінжинірингу бізнес-процесів підприємницьких систем, визначено підходи до формування корпоративної культури та соціальної відповідальності бізнесу. Для науковців та фахівців сфери економіки та управління підприємстами. The monograph presents the results of research and systematization of theoretical, scientific-methodological and practical provisions and developments regarding process and socially competent management of innovative development of business systems. Proposed and substantiated theoretical and methodological principles of process and socially competent management of innovative development of the enterprise, current realities and trends of innovative development of business systems are determined, new approaches are proposed in corporate governance, the feasibility of using reengineering of business processes of business systems is substantiated, approaches to the formation of corporate culture and social responsibility of the business. For scholars and specialists in the field of economics and enterprise managementОпубліковано за результатами виконання теми «Інноваційний розвиток підприємств на засадах процесного та соціально-компетентного корпоративного управління» (держ. реєстрація № 0117U002301