11 research outputs found

    Kesan pendekatan konstruktivisme dan pendekatan tradisional dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran komponen sastera bahasa Melayu

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    Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti kesan penggunaan pendekatan konstruktivisme dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran (P&P) Komponen Sastera (Komsas) dengan pendekatan tradisional terhadap pencapaian murid tingkatan dua. Sebanyak 66 murid tingkatan dua dipilih sebagai subjek kajian daripada sebuah sekolah menengah di daerah Kluang yang dijalankan menggunakan kajian kuasi eksperimen. Reka bentuk kajian yang digunakan ialah ujian pra-ujian pasca kumpulan kawalan tidak serupa. Murid dibahagikan kepada dua kumpulan, iaitu kumpulan eksperimen menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme dan kumpulan kawalan menggunakan pendekatan tradisional. Ujian-t telah digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan terhadap pencapaian murid dalam ujian pra bagi kedua-dua pendekatan, tetapi terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dalam ujian pasca. Dalam ujian pasca, min markat bagi kumpulan eksperimen adalah lebih tinggi berbanding min markat kumpulan kawalan. Hal ini menunjukkan bahawa pendekatan konstruktivisme dapat membantu pelajar mempelajari Komsas Bahasa Melayu dengan baik. Implikasi kajian ini ialah guru perlu mengubah suai pendekatan pengajaran mereka agar murid dapat mempelajari Komsas dengan lebih seronok dan bermakna


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    Pesantren merupakan salah satu lembaga pendidikan keagamaan yang dalam pengajarannya mengutamakan pelajaran agama. Dalam menjalankan sebuah pesantren tidak terlepas dari pengelolaan keuangan. Hal ini sangat diperlukan dalam menunjang kelancaran proses kegiatan belajar mengajar dan segala kegiatan yang ada di pondok pesantren.  Pondok pesantren sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan yang ada di indonesia harus bisa mempertahankan kualitasnya.  Dan ini tentu tidak akan terlepas dari pengelolaan keuangan yang ada di pesnatren tersebut. Penggunaan anggaran di pesantren didasarkan pada pengelolaan syar’i dan muamalah islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengelolaan keuangan yang ada di  pondok pesantren Musthafawiyah. Hasil yang di dapat adalah bahwasanya sumber keuangan yang di peroleh pesantren Musthafawiyah  adalah dari SPP yang didapat dari santri setiap bulannya dan ada juga dari BOS. Tetapi beberapa tahun terkhir pihak pesantren menolak bantuan dana BOS dari pemerintah karena ingin mandiri. Selain itu juga pimpinan dari pondok pesatren ini memiliki usaha lain yang dapat membantu keuangan di pondok pesantre


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    Schools are formal educational institutions in which there are teaching and learning activities in achieving national education goals. To be able to achieve the goals of quality and quality national education, one of the components needed is human resources. Therefore the development of human resources is fundamental for school managers. The purpose of this study is to find out the efforts made by the school to improve the quality of human resources at SD IT Almunawwar and explain the implications of HR development on quality development at SD IT AlMunawwar. This type of research is descriptive qualitative research. Data were collected by interview, observation and documentation methods. Data were analyzed in three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The conclusions show (1) efforts made by the school to improve the quality of human resources at SD IT Almunawwar is to conduct teacher evaluations every week, namely on Saturdays. In addition, the school also provides guidance in the form of subject teacher deliberations (MGMP) per field of study. And held teacher working group (KKG) training for PAI teachers. (2) implications of HR development on quality development at SDIT Al-Munawwar can be seen from the programs developed at SDIT Al-Munawwar.   &nbsp

    A study on the viability of the rear seat belt law in Malaysia /Jihad Syahida Nadia Zakaria... [et al.]

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    This paper studies the viability of the newly implemented rear seat belt law in Malaysia. To extract relevant information, semi-structured interviews were conducted with three road traffic authorities to supplement the library-based information which were mostly on global illustrations of the rear seat belt law being implemented. Factors like safety, culture and passenger overload were considered to be largely insufficient to influence the viability of this law from being implemented. Our study also signify that although it is too soon to study whether this newly legislated law will be able to reduce the rate of fatalities in our country, worldwide statistics have proven this fact. Finally, our findings indicate that although the relevant government bodies are certain that enough research has been done to prove the suitability of the rear seat belt law in Malaysia, the end-result will largely depend on public's compliance of the law

    Upaya Meningkatkan Pemahaman Masyarakat Terhadap Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Islam Di Desa Siunggam Jae

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    Kuliah kerja nyata (KKN) merupakan salah satu kegitan harus di laksanakan oleh semua mahasiswa stain mandaailing natal untuk menerapkan pengetahuan yang telah di peroleh selama duduk di bangku perkuliahan serta sebagai wujud nyatan pengabdian pada masyarakat.dalam hal itu mahasiswa STAIN mandailing natal mengikuti kuliah kerja nyata yang di laksanakan di desa siunggam jae, yang di mulai pada tanggal 04 juli 2023 dengan tema kkn moderat untuk tujuan memberikan pengetahuan mengenai pemahaman pendidikan  terhadap masyarakat, dan memberikan kekompakan dalam masyarakat serta memberi layanan semampu terhadap masyarakat siunggam jae, memberikan solusi dan saran terhadap permasalahan baik mengenai pendidikan, keagaman,  kesehatan, ekonomi, dan olahraga. Dan dalam mengatasi permasalahan yang ada di desa siunggam jae tersebut kkn stain madina berupaya membantu baik dalam bidang pendidikan dengan membantu pengajar yang ada di tk dan sd siunggam jae, serta membuka les privat untuk peserta didik agar masalah pendidikan sedikit terbantu, dan dalam bidang keagamaan mengajak masyarakat mengadakan pengajian agar bisa memberikan pemahaman terhadap pendidikan karakter berbasis agama islam, sedangkan dalam bidang olahraga menghidupkan olahraga bidang volley ball agar terhindarnya remaja dari pergaulan bebas dan narkoba, dalam hal ini kkn stain madina menghidupkan kembali lapangan volley ball siunggam jae dan sekaligus mengadakan turnamen. Kegiatan ini dilakukan agar dapat meningkatkan pehamanan masyarakat terhadap pendidikan karakter berbasis agama islam. Sehingga terbentuknya karakter berbasis islam di desa siunggam jae. Material and Metode. Untuk mencapai tujuan yang diharapkan, program KKN di desa siunggam jae, dilakukan dengan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pendidikan mengenai bimbingan belajar serta praktek langsung. Metode yang dilakukan KKN STAIN MADINA selain pemberdayaan masyarakat yaitu memadukan penelitian dan pengabdian. Tahap awal yang dilakukan dalam kegiatan KKN ini dengan merancang dan menentukan program kerja (PROKER) selama 50 hari. Hasil. Pengabdian kepada masyarakat merupakan salah satu tugas Perguruan Tinggi disamping pendidikan dan penelitian. Kesimpulan. Berdasarkan kuliah kerja nyata (KKN) yang sudah kami lakukan maka dapat kita simpulkan bahwa segala agenda-agenda/ program kerja yang sudah kami lakukan sangat bermanfaat bagi kami pribadinya dan juga sangat membantu bagi masyarakat di desa Siunggam Jae.&nbsp

    Islamic financing for small medium enterprises: Challenges and opportunities

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    This study attempts to discuss the challenges and opportunities of Islamic financing for Small Medium Enterprise (SMEs), as the Islamic finance industry's growth and SMEs are stimulated in this recent year. The government has introduced Islamic SME financing since 2012, and Malaysia has promoted it by granting a rebate for the participated parties, especially Islamic financial institutions. However, the government's opportunities are still in the slow mode to be grabbed by SMEs. With selected literature related to SMEs and Islamic financing, this study discussed SMEs and Islamic banks' practices in Malaysia. Based on the literature, several issues had to be highlighted, such as SMEs' readiness to have the opportunity with larger firms, SMEs' behaviours, and attitudes when dealing with external supports, as well as their awareness of business financing. Thus, this study highlights the challenges and real issues among SMEs and points out the opportunities for improvement that are expected to benefit SMEs and Islamic financial institutions in Malaysia


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    Healthy lifestyle and regular physical exercise are well documented preventive factors of several chronic diseases. As the frontline of health care services, medical practitioners should be among the healthiest members of the community. Unfortunately most of the physicians have routinely neglected their own health in favor of their profession and personal obligations. Hence, the stress due to increased workloads and long working shifts may adversely affect the habit of engagement in physical exercise. To evaluate the adequacy of physical exercise performance and to identify the barrier in performing physical exercise among medical staffs A cross sectional study was conducted among the academic staffs of Faculty of Medicine UiTM. Each participant was given structured questionnaire to be answered. The questionnaire consists of 1) socio-demographic and medical details and 2) practice of exercise. A total of 155 participants enrolled. More than half of them were performing exercise. Jogging was the most performed exercise followed by body stretching and cycling. Tiredness, time constraint and work commitment were identified as important barrier in performing exercise. Ethnicity was significantly associated with practice of exercise (x2=4.101, OR: 0.285, 95%CI 0.79-1.02). Clinicality of academic staffs was also associated with adequacy of exercise (x2=3.861, OR: 2.567, 95% CI: 0.99-6.68). Despite living in medical line, lecturers of Faculty of Medicine UiTM practice exercise.&nbsp

    Librarians job satisfaction / Noor Izzati Mohd Radzi, Nurul Nadia Karim and Wan Nurul Syahida Wan Kamaruddin Mukri

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    This article discusses about the job satisfaction among the librarian towards their job who are serving the national library, public library, academic library and special library. The eight factors of job satisfaction were working environment, ICT infrastructure, the nature of work, personal growth, salaries, and annual increment. This article also discussed about the challenges of job satisfaction; ICT development, inadequate funding and gender biased. So, with the list of problems that has been discussed, this article states the strategies for increasing the motivational among worker to fulfill the satisfaction in the job


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    Several studies had highlighted the importance of exercise as a conservative treatment in medical world. The highly increased of the burden of disease especially the Non-communicable disease contributed to the increasing of the needs toward achieving optimum exercise benefits. It is evident that medical practitioners plays important role to implement and promote exercise among general population. Identifying the attitude of academic staff towards physical exercise was crucial in this aspect. Objectives: To determine the attitude and ability in overcoming exercise barrier in performing physical exercise in addition to identify the correlation between them among academic staff with and without medical graduated Methodology: A cross sectional study had been conducted, from January- September 2015, in two UiTM campuses (Sungai Buloh and Selayang). Sample of 155 academic staff consist of both medical and non-medical graduate was collected. Each participant was given well-structured questionnaire to be answered. Questionnaires contain two domains; the first one consists of six items reflecting either positive (2) or negative (4) attitude toward exercise. The second domain consists of seven items reflecting the ability in overcoming exercise barrier. Five-point-scoring: (1) very much overcome - (5) not at all, were given for each item. In addition, the questionnaire also contains information about the socio-demographic details of each participant. Result: The majority (95.5%) having good attitude towards physical exercise. No significant difference in the rate of good attitude between medical (95.7%) and non-medical (93.3%) graduate. There is no correlation between the general attitudes towards exercise with the ability to overcome exercise barriers. Significantly, male shows higher rate (77.4%) of ability of overcoming exercise barrier compare to woman (43.3%). No significant association between other socio-demographic characteristic (age, race, marital status) with neither general attitude towards exercise nor ability in overcoming exercise barrier. Conclusion: The majority of academic staff having good attitude. No significant difference between Medical and non-Medical graduate in terms of attitude and ability of overcoming exercise. No significant association between various socio-demographic profile and attitude towards exercise except for gender.&nbsp