10 research outputs found

    Consolidation of rural municipal communities as a problem of mass consciousness of the population

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    The article discusses the issues of consolidation of rural communities, which is one of the most important conditions for the successful development of the village. Based on the study of various theories of solidarity, the article analyzes the value, projective, cognitive, practical aspects of the perception by the mass consciousness of villagers of the idea of consolidating society in the countryside. The empirical basis of the article was the results of a sociological study “Features of the processes of consolidation of rural municipal communities”, which was conducted by the Department of Social Technologies and Public Service of the National Research University “BelSU” in 2020 among the rural population of the municipal districts of the Belgorod region. The data obtained in the course of the study allow us to assert that, although subjectively, rural residents have a predisposition to perceive the idea of consolidation, and it has undoubted attractiveness, the research participants realistically and pragmatically assess the possibilities of the practical implementation of this process, which will undoubtedly act as a significant demotivator in the event of initiating a consolidation strategy in a particular region. Thus, the complexity of the consolidation process and its uncertainty are emphasized

    A professional identity and resilience of students

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    The article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of resilience as a psychological concept and its connection to professional identity. The article includes the results of pilot studies of professional identity and creativity, resilience of students in a context of professional resilience. The sample consisted of students of Novosibirsk State Technical University (80 and 51 participants respectively). Methods of the research were theoretical analysis and psychological tests. It was found that resilience is an integrative dynamic characteristic, which includes hardiness as an ability to cope with adverse events, adaptation as an ability to change in different situations, value and semantic components as a way of thinking on the experience lived through. The professional resilience is a complicated system of personal (internal and existential) and organizational resources, which are necessary to sustain well-being of a professional. It was found that most students have medium and high levels of resilience. Students with professional identity moratorium in comparison with students with achieved professional identity want to be more intuitive in a making decision and suggest consequences of decisions. Also these students want to think more creatively, to create a humorous product and not to be afraid to be funny in some situations of life

    Осмысление причин возникновения правового нигилизма

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    Капустина Н. Б. Осмысление причин возникновения правового нигилизма / Н. Б. Капустина // Правове життя сучасної України : матер. Міжнар. наук. конф. проф.-викл. складу (Одеса, 20–21 квітня 2012 р.). Т. 1 / відп. за випуск д.ю.н., проф. В.М. Дрьомін / Націон. ун-т «Одеська юридична академія». – Одеса : Фенікс, 2012. – С. 18-20

    Dialogue between the individual and the state in contemporary Russian society

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    This article discusses the important aspects of the dialogue between the individual and the state in modern times. The importance of interaction between the government and the society in the modern world is one of the most urgent tasks for young researchers and for the society as a whole. Emphasizing the importance of strengthening and developing a democratic state governed by the rule of law, researchers identify a wide range of factors that have a direct impact on the positive and effective development of interaction between the government and the society. One such factor is the model of individual-state dialogue. The study of such a dialogue from an anthropological point of view will make it possible to highlight the most successful models of interaction between the society authorities to create effective management mechanisms that affect both the quality of citizens’ life and the development of the state as a whole in a positive way. For a more detailed study of the models of building a dialogue between the individual and the state, it is necessary to consider the existing examples of interaction and analyze the historical aspects of the relationship between the society and the state. The modern practice of state and municipal governing strives to make the government more transparent and open to citizens, such a policy contributes to the maximum involvement of citizens in the public and political life of the state. The article also deals with the issues of involving citizens in the social and political life of the society; it discusses the motivational measures and the policy of the state in the field of engaging citizens in interaction and establishment of a meaningful, effective dialogue between the society and the state

    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Investment in Construction and Poverty in Economic Crises (Denmark, Italy, Germany, Romania, China, India and Russia)

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    This study aims to examine the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI), investment in construction and poverty in various countries. The Russian Federation invests heavily in construction and it is located both in Europe and Asia. Russia is usually described as a European country (while 70% of its territory is in Northern Asia, 80% of the population resides in Europe). That is why in this document both developed and emerging countries are considered; the former are represented by the EU members of different economic levels and the latter by BRICS countries. We looked at economically different countries to determine the best differentiated data in order to answer the question: “Why does a high level of poverty persist in Russia if Russian officials have repeatedly reaffirmed their commitment to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by investing heavily in construction and attracting FDI?”. For the estimation, we used an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), considering cointegration and heteroscedasticity, in which the current values of the series depend both on the past values of this series and on the current and past values of other time series. Having received statistical data, we were able to compare the economic development of countries with some economic growth theories. 4–5% FDI share of the GDP helps to contain the negative impact of financial crises. Investment in construction supports the economies of countries in the long term and maintains or reduces the poverty level by increasing the assets of the population. Empirical data also helped us to evaluate the economic growth patterns and poverty in these seven countries. China and the Russian Federation will find themselves at different “poles”. China uses several theories and models simultaneously for economic development and poverty reduction and the Russian Federation does not keep to an established theory or a model of economic growth

    Risk management using information technologies of the Russian railways holding

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    The increased competition between modes of transport, the growing uncertainty of the business environment, the diversity of goals of the business units of the holding “Russian Railways” and the participants of the transport market inevitably increase the level of risks that can threaten the efficient development of the company. The development of information technologies is the base of risk management and higher competitiveness. The growth in uncertainty and speed of changes in the business environment leads to the necessity of implementation of digital technologies for risk management, influencing the add value of transportation-logistic services

    Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Investment in Construction and Poverty in Economic Crises (Denmark, Italy, Germany, Romania, China, India and Russia)

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    This study aims to examine the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI), investment in construction and poverty in various countries. The Russian Federation invests heavily in construction and it is located both in Europe and Asia. Russia is usually described as a European country (while 70% of its territory is in Northern Asia, 80% of the population resides in Europe). That is why in this document both developed and emerging countries are considered; the former are represented by the EU members of different economic levels and the latter by BRICS countries. We looked at economically different countries to determine the best differentiated data in order to answer the question: “Why does a high level of poverty persist in Russia if Russian officials have repeatedly reaffirmed their commitment to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by investing heavily in construction and attracting FDI?”. For the estimation, we used an autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL), considering cointegration and heteroscedasticity, in which the current values of the series depend both on the past values of this series and on the current and past values of other time series. Having received statistical data, we were able to compare the economic development of countries with some economic growth theories. 4–5% FDI share of the GDP helps to contain the negative impact of financial crises. Investment in construction supports the economies of countries in the long term and maintains or reduces the poverty level by increasing the assets of the population. Empirical data also helped us to evaluate the economic growth patterns and poverty in these seven countries. China and the Russian Federation will find themselves at different “poles”. China uses several theories and models simultaneously for economic development and poverty reduction and the Russian Federation does not keep to an established theory or a model of economic growth

    A review on the commonly used methods for analysis of physical properties of food materials

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    The chemical composition of any food material can be analyzed well by employing various analytical techniques. The physical properties of food are no less important than chemical composition as results obtained from authentic measurement data are able to provide detailed information about the food. Several techniques have been used for years for this purpose but most of them are destructive in nature. The aim of this present study is to identify the emerging techniques that have been used by different researchers for the analysis of the physical characteristics of food. It is highly recommended to practice novel methods as these are non-destructive, extremely sophisticated, and provide results closer to true quantitative values. The physical properties are classified into different groups based on their characteristics. The concise view of conventional techniques mostly used to analyze food material are documented in this work.Axencia Galega de Innovación | Ref. IN607A2019/0