25 research outputs found

    Effects of Teaching the management and leadership Skills on Sports Managers’ Knowledge Management and their Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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    The present study investigates the effects of learning organizational intelligence skills on career self-efficacy, job engagement, and strategic thinking among sports managers. A quasi-experimental research method was adopted for the present study including a pretest, posttest, and follow-up stages using a group control. In this regard, 20 managers and assistants from among managers and deputies of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences of Al-Mustansiriya Univesrsity, Iraq were selected as a sample for the purpose of this research, using the convenient method. The sample were randomly assigned into two groups, namely the experimental (10 persons) and control (10 persons) groups respectively. Afterwards, the organizational intelligence training was taught to the managers in the experimental group (8 sessions). The data collected included the 36-item job self-efficacy (Riggs & Knight, 1994), the 10-item job engagement (Kanungo, 1982), and the strategic thinking questionnaires (Jeanne Liedtka, 2008). Data were then analyzed using MANOVA and ANOVA with repeated measures tests. The study results suggest that educating sports managers on organizational intelligence had a significant effect on career self-efficacy, job engagement, and strategic thinking. Furthermore, the effects was still observable in the experimental group three months after the educational intervention

    The utility of Helicobacter pylori eradication in improving functional dyspepsia in adult population in Iran

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    Background: This review aimed at investigating the effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori eradication in improving the symptoms of patients with functional dyspepsia in Iranian adult population. Materials and Methods: This study was a systematic review. Data were collected from the Medline database by searching some keywords including "Helicobacter pylori", "eradication", "effectiveness", "dyspepsia", and "Iran". After obtaining the full text of articles, the critical review was performed based on article titles and abstracts. For each article, information regarding benefits, side effects and efficacy was identified. Then, scenarios were extracted according to the mentioned data. Results: From a total of 28 reviewed papers, 6 were systematic reviews (with the level of evidence 1a), 18 articles were randomized interventional trials (with the level of evidence 1b) and 4 articles were longitudinal studies (with the level of evidence 2b). Most studies reported improvement in symptoms, although some of them did not report the statistically significant difference. After extracting data related to the scenarios from the articles, they were rated regarding the clinical advantage and the ability to localize each scenario. Conclusion: Considering the results of analyzing the articles and extracted scenarios, Helicobacter pylori eradication is recommended in Iranian adult patients with functional dyspepsia, normal upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and documented Helicobacter pylori infection

    The Relationship between Capital Investment Choice and Capital Productivity: A Test of Firm Life Cycle Theory (A Comparative Investigation of Cyclical and Non-Cyclical Companies)

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    According to the firm life cycle theory, companies go through certain behavioral patterns in various stages of their life. A thorough understanding and recognition of these behavioral patterns, new investment in assets and the optimal use of assets can considerably enhance the capital productivity. In the current study, the relationship between the stages of firm life cycle and capital productivity and mediation relationship of the capital investment choice in the two groups of companies have been examined, and methodically compared and contrasted. To examine the research hypothesis, the data were gathered from 118 companies accepted in Tehran Stock Exchange during a period of 7 years. Findings of the research clearly indicated that there is a positive relationship between introduction, growth and maturity stages with capital productivity in the cyclical and non-cyclical companies. Regarding the cyclical companies, a positive relationship was witnessed between the decline stage and capital productivity. Such a relation, however, was not found between the two variables in non-cyclical companies. Also, no significant relationship was observed among the stages of introduction, growth, maturity and the capital investment choice in both groups of companies. In non-cyclical companies, the relationship between the decline stage and the capital investment choice was positive, while there was no relationship between cyclical companies. Capital investment choice also failed to prove the assumed mediating role

    Investigating Iranian EFL Instructor Evaluation Scheme from End-Users’ Perspective: Self-Evaluation vs. Students’ Ratings

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    Abstract This study investigated Iranian EFL instructor evaluation scheme from end-users’ perspective: self-evaluation vs. students’ ratings. To do so, in the second semester of 2015-2016, 60 instructors and 1000 students of English Department of Islamic Azad University Isfahan (Khorasgan) Branch, )IAUIB(, were selected as those from whom the corpus of the study was extracted. The corpus was provided by administrating two rating scales online via the university website on each person’s profile. Then the results of their completed evaluation rating scales were compared. The study was accomplished through a non-experimental descriptive correlational design. The results revealed that almost no relationship was found between Iranian EFL instructors’ self-evaluation and those done by their students at IAUIB. This study could benefit Iranian educationalists, policy makers, and evaluators in making informed pedagogical decisions and conducting more efficient teacher evaluation in English education of Iran

    Concept design of a high-voltage electrostatic sanitizer to prevent spread of COVID-19 coronavirus

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    In addition to public health measures, including social distancing, masking, cleaning, surface disinfection, etc., ventilation and air filtration can be a key component of a multi-pronged risk mitigation strategy against COVID-19 transmission indoors. Electrostatic precipitators (ESP) have already proved their high performance in fluid filtration, particularly in industrial applications, to control exhaust gas emissions and remove fine and superfine particles from the flowing gas, using high-voltage electrostatic fields and forces. In this contribution, a high-voltage electrostatic sanitizer (ESS), based on the electrostatic precipitation concept, is proposed as a supportive measure to reduce indoor air infection and prevent the spread of COVID-19 coronavirus. The finite element method (FEM) is used to model and simulate the proposed ESS, taking into account three main mechanisms involving in electrostatic sanitization, namely electrostatic field, airflow, and aerosol charging and tracing, which are mutually coupled to each other and occur simultaneously during the sanitization process. To consider the capability of the designed ESS in capturing superfine particles, functional parameters of the developed ESS, such as air velocity, electric potential, and space charge density, inside the ESS are investigated using the developed FEM model. Simulation results demonstrate the ability of the designed ESS in capturing aerosols containing coronavirus, precipitating suspended viral particles, and trapping them in oppositely charged electrode plates

    The utility of Helicobacter pylori eradication in improving functional dyspepsia in adult population in Iran

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    Background: This review aimed at investigating the effectiveness of Helicobacter pylori eradication in improving the symptoms of patients with functional dyspepsia in Iranian adult population. Materials and Methods: This study was a systematic review. Data were collected from the Medline database by searching some keywords including "Helicobacter pylori", "eradication", "effectiveness", "dyspepsia", and "Iran". After obtaining the full text of articles, the critical review was performed based on article titles and abstracts. For each article, information regarding benefits, side effects and efficacy was identified. Then, scenarios were extracted according to the mentioned data. Results: From a total of 28 reviewed papers, 6 were systematic reviews (with the level of evidence 1a), 18 articles were randomized interventional trials (with the level of evidence 1b) and 4 articles were longitudinal studies (with the level of evidence 2b). Most studies reported improvement in symptoms, although some of them did not report the statistically significant difference. After extracting data related to the scenarios from the articles, they were rated regarding the clinical advantage and the ability to localize each scenario. Conclusion: Considering the results of analyzing the articles and extracted scenarios, Helicobacter pylori eradication is recommended in Iranian adult patients with functional dyspepsia, normal upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, and documented Helicobacter pylori infection

    Medium voltage XLPE cable condition assessment using frequency domain spectroscopy

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    Practical Approach to Underground Distribution Power Cable Fleet Management

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    With the growing requirements imposed by regulatory authorities, grid operators and power utilities firms are confronted with the challenging task of ensuring the reliability, safety, and resilience of distribution networks amid aging asset infrastructure and a lack of resources. Over the past 15 years, the health index (HI)-based analysis has become an increasingly popular asset management tool for several power utilities. This strongly focuses on HI-based analysis to consider not only factors such as the cable vintage, type, and operating conditions, but also maintenance testing data. In this regard, the best industry practices for cable maintenance testing, including VLF Tan-Delta, partial discharge (PD), and time domain reflectometry (TDR), are outlined. Moreover, online tests, such as infrared thermography, ultrasonic PD scan, and temperature monitoring, are discussed. This paper also summarizes the classic asset management strategies for underground (UG) distribution power cables. The paper offers a practical approach for cable fleet management based on authors’ experience dealing with distribution power utility cable management for North American power utilities firms in the past 10 years. The proposed approach ensures reliable cable management at the lowest total life cycle cost. The topic of fleet management for UG power cables considering various condition parameters and an overall risk assessment is outlined. The fleet management guideline of UG power cables covers both cables and their accessories, such as terminations and joints. The main contributions of the paper are to: (1) determine the key parameters and testing factors for condition assessment of cables; (2) offer a practical approach to cable management that is not only based on technical issues, but also considers risk and impact costs, such as financial impact, reliability impact, etc.; and (3) propose a methodology for translating the HI/calculated risks into GIS, making it possible to identify major degradation patterns for fleet assessment. Considering budget and resource limitations around testing UG cable installations, this paper aims to assist asset managers, engineers, and asset owners in developing an effective cable fleet management strategy

    Expression of Galectin-3 As A Testis Inflammatory Marker in Vasectomised Mice

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    Objective: Vasectomy, though in some cases are being confronted with irreversibility, has been accepted as an effective contraceptive method. It is estimated that near 2-6% of vasectomised men ultimately show a tendency to restore their fertility. In some cases, vasectomy has been considered as an irreversible procedure due to many post-vasectomy complications causing this debate. The aim of present study was to investigate the pattern of expression of galectin-3, an inflammatory factor secreted by macrophages and immune cells, following the vasectomy in mice testis tissue.Materials and Methods: In this experimental study, twenty mature male Balb/c mice, aged two months, were divided into two equal groups: sham and vasectomised groups (n=10). They were sacrificed four months after vasectomy, while the pattern of galectin-3 expression was investigated using a standard immunohistochemistry technique on testicular tissues. Stereological analyses of testes parameters in vasectomised and sham-operated groups were compared by mixed model analysis.Results: Based on observations, although galectin-3 was not expressed in sham-operated group, it was expressed in 40% of testicular tissues of vasectomised mice, like: seminiferous tubules, interstitial tissues and tunica albugina. Also, our result showed a significant alteration in number of germ and sertoli cells of testicular tissue in vasectomised group in comparison to sham-operated group. In addition, the result of mixed model method confirmed a significant reduction in germ and sertoli cells of vasectomised group.Conclusion: The expression of galectin-3 at different parts of testicular tissue in vasectomised group is higher than sham group. This express illustrates the increase of degenerative changes and inflammation reactions in testicular tissue, leading to chronic complications and infertility, after the vasovasostomy