4 research outputs found

    Data_Sheet_1_Genetic basis and principal component analysis in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) grown under water deficit condition.docx

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    Cotton is considered as the main crop in the agricultural sector of Pakistan. Water deficiency in this region in recent years has reduced the chances of high yields of cotton. Selection and creation of high-yielding varieties of cotton, even in water deficit conditions, is one of urgent tasks of today. For this purpose, 40 diverse genotypes of upland cotton were screened in normal and water deficit conditions in triplicate arrangement under split plot in a randomized complete block design. All the genotypes showed significant difference under both water regimes. Ten upland cotton accessions were screened out as water deficit tolerant (VH-144, IUB-212, MNH-886, VH-295, IR-3701, AA-802, NIAB-111, NS-121, FH-113, and FH-142) and five as water deficit sensitive (IR-3, CIM-443, FH-1000, MNH-147, and S-12) based on seed cotton yield and stress susceptibility index. These tolerant and sensitive genotypes were crossed in line 脳 tester mating design. For further evaluation of genetic material, the seed of 50 F1 crosses and their 15 parents were field planted under normal and water deficit conditions during next cotton growing season. Traits related to yield under the study showed significant variations among the accessions and their half sibs. The results of the principal component analysis (PCA) exhibited that total variation exhibited by factors 1 and factor 2 were 55.55 and 41.95%, respectively. PCA transformed the variables into three factors, and only two factors (F1 and F2) had eigenvalue > 1. The degree of dominance revealed that all parameters were highly influenced by non-additive gene action under both water regimes. Furthermore, the line VH-295 and tester CIM-443 had better yield performance under water deficit stress. The cross-combinations, viz., VH-144 脳 S-12, NIAB-111 脳 IR-3, and VH-295 脳 MNH-147, were the best for yield contributing traits. These combinations may be helpful for germplasm enhancement on large scale under water scarcity. All the studied traits have non-additive types of gene action suggesting the usage of these genotypes in cotton hybrid development program against water deficit tolerance.</p

    Table_3_Determination of morpho-physiological and yield traits of maize inbred lines (Zea mays L.) under optimal and drought stress conditions.XLSX

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    Globally, climate change could hinder future food security that concurrently implies the importance of investigating drought stress and genotype screening under stressed environments. Hence, the current study was performed to screen 45 diverse maize inbred lines for 18 studied traits comprising phenological, physiological, morphological, and yield characters under optimum and water stress conditions for two successive growing seasons (2018 and 2019). The results showed that growing seasons and water regimes significantly influenced (p < 0.01) most of the studied traits, while inbred lines had a significant effect (p < 0.01) on all of the studied traits. The findings also showed a significant increase in all studied characters under normal conditions compared to drought conditions, except chlorophyll content, transpiration rate, and proline content which exhibited higher levels under water stress conditions. Furthermore, the results of the principal component analysis indicated a notable distinction between the performance of the 45 maize inbred lines under normal and drought conditions. In terms of grain yield, the drought tolerance index (DTI) showed that Nub60 (1.56), followed by Nub32 (1.46), Nub66 (1.45), and GZ603 (1.44) were the highest drought-tolerant inbred lines, whereas Nub46 (0.38) was the lowest drought-tolerant inbred line. These drought-tolerant inbred lines were able to maintain a relatively high grain yield under normal and stress conditions, whereas those drought-sensitive inbred lines showed a decline in grain yield when exposed to drought conditions. The hierarchical clustering analysis based on DTI classified the forty-five maize inbred lines and eighteen measured traits into three column- and row-clusters, as inbred lines in cluster-3 followed by those in cluster-2 exhibited greater drought tolerance in most of the studied traits. Utilizing the multi-trait stability index (MTSI) criterion in this study identified nine inbred lines, including GZ603, as stable genotypes in terms of the eighteen studied traits across four environments. The findings of the current investigation motivate plant breeders to explore the genetic potential of the current maize germplasm, especially in water-stressed environments.</p

    Table_2_Determination of morpho-physiological and yield traits of maize inbred lines (Zea mays L.) under optimal and drought stress conditions.XLSX

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    Globally, climate change could hinder future food security that concurrently implies the importance of investigating drought stress and genotype screening under stressed environments. Hence, the current study was performed to screen 45 diverse maize inbred lines for 18 studied traits comprising phenological, physiological, morphological, and yield characters under optimum and water stress conditions for two successive growing seasons (2018 and 2019). The results showed that growing seasons and water regimes significantly influenced (p < 0.01) most of the studied traits, while inbred lines had a significant effect (p < 0.01) on all of the studied traits. The findings also showed a significant increase in all studied characters under normal conditions compared to drought conditions, except chlorophyll content, transpiration rate, and proline content which exhibited higher levels under water stress conditions. Furthermore, the results of the principal component analysis indicated a notable distinction between the performance of the 45 maize inbred lines under normal and drought conditions. In terms of grain yield, the drought tolerance index (DTI) showed that Nub60 (1.56), followed by Nub32 (1.46), Nub66 (1.45), and GZ603 (1.44) were the highest drought-tolerant inbred lines, whereas Nub46 (0.38) was the lowest drought-tolerant inbred line. These drought-tolerant inbred lines were able to maintain a relatively high grain yield under normal and stress conditions, whereas those drought-sensitive inbred lines showed a decline in grain yield when exposed to drought conditions. The hierarchical clustering analysis based on DTI classified the forty-five maize inbred lines and eighteen measured traits into three column- and row-clusters, as inbred lines in cluster-3 followed by those in cluster-2 exhibited greater drought tolerance in most of the studied traits. Utilizing the multi-trait stability index (MTSI) criterion in this study identified nine inbred lines, including GZ603, as stable genotypes in terms of the eighteen studied traits across four environments. The findings of the current investigation motivate plant breeders to explore the genetic potential of the current maize germplasm, especially in water-stressed environments.</p

    Table_1_Determination of morpho-physiological and yield traits of maize inbred lines (Zea mays L.) under optimal and drought stress conditions.DOCX

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    Globally, climate change could hinder future food security that concurrently implies the importance of investigating drought stress and genotype screening under stressed environments. Hence, the current study was performed to screen 45 diverse maize inbred lines for 18 studied traits comprising phenological, physiological, morphological, and yield characters under optimum and water stress conditions for two successive growing seasons (2018 and 2019). The results showed that growing seasons and water regimes significantly influenced (p < 0.01) most of the studied traits, while inbred lines had a significant effect (p < 0.01) on all of the studied traits. The findings also showed a significant increase in all studied characters under normal conditions compared to drought conditions, except chlorophyll content, transpiration rate, and proline content which exhibited higher levels under water stress conditions. Furthermore, the results of the principal component analysis indicated a notable distinction between the performance of the 45 maize inbred lines under normal and drought conditions. In terms of grain yield, the drought tolerance index (DTI) showed that Nub60 (1.56), followed by Nub32 (1.46), Nub66 (1.45), and GZ603 (1.44) were the highest drought-tolerant inbred lines, whereas Nub46 (0.38) was the lowest drought-tolerant inbred line. These drought-tolerant inbred lines were able to maintain a relatively high grain yield under normal and stress conditions, whereas those drought-sensitive inbred lines showed a decline in grain yield when exposed to drought conditions. The hierarchical clustering analysis based on DTI classified the forty-five maize inbred lines and eighteen measured traits into three column- and row-clusters, as inbred lines in cluster-3 followed by those in cluster-2 exhibited greater drought tolerance in most of the studied traits. Utilizing the multi-trait stability index (MTSI) criterion in this study identified nine inbred lines, including GZ603, as stable genotypes in terms of the eighteen studied traits across four environments. The findings of the current investigation motivate plant breeders to explore the genetic potential of the current maize germplasm, especially in water-stressed environments.</p