10 research outputs found

    Predictors of early graft patency following coronary artery bypass surgery

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    Background: The long-term success of coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) is dependent on graft patency after the operation. Early occlusion (within the first week) affects the long-term results. Therefore, we sought to determine pre-operative, intraoperative, and perioperative factors associated with early coronary graft patency. Methods: Between March 2007 and March 2008, 107 consecutive patients (81 men, 26 women, mean age 60 &#177; 9 years) who underwent CABG were included in this study. The enrolled patients underwent 16-slice computed tomography angiography one week after CABG. Results: Based on the multislice computed tomography, acute graft occlusion was detected in 32 (8.7% of all) grafts, including 26 of 250 (10%) in venous grafts and 6 of 116 (5%) in arterial grafts. In univariate analysis, patients with patent coronary grafts had a lower serum glucose level (119 &#177; 30 vs. 141 &#177; 65 mg/dL, p = 0.02) and longer partial thromboplastin time (34 &#177; 11 vs. 30 &#177; 2 s, p = = 0.04). In addition, pump time was significantly longer in patients with occluded grafts than in those with patent grafts (119 &#177; 43 vs. 102 &#177; 32 min, p = 0.04). Those with longer pump time required more coronary grafts (pump time &#8805; 120 min for 3.5 grafts vs. pump time < 120 min for 2.9 grafts, p = 0.02). Of the multiple pre-operative, intraoperative, and perioperative characteristics of the patients who underwent successful CABG, serum glucose level (OR: 2.014, 95% CI: 1.002-3.026, p = 0.002) and pump time < two hours (OR: 1.502, 95% CI: 1.001-2.030, p = 0.003) were the only predictors of coronary graft patency seven days after surgery in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: Our study demonstrated that the patients with successful CABG and patent coronary grafts within the first week after surgery had optimal blood glucose control and pump time < two hours. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 4: 344-348

    Czynniki wpływające na wczesną drożność pomostów naczyniowych u pacjentów poddawanych pomostowaniu aortalno-wieńcowemu

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    Wstęp: Sukces terapeutyczny pomostowania aortalno-wieńcowego (CABG) w odległej obserwacji zależy od drożności pomostów naczyniowych po zabiegu. Wczesne zamknięcie pomostu (w ciągu pierwszego tygodnia po CABG) wpływa niekorzystnie na odległe wyniki leczenia. Celem niniejszego badania było określenie czynników przed-, śród- i pooperacyjnych, które mogą się wiązać z drożnością pomostów aortalno-wieńcowych we wczesnym okresie po CABG. Metody: Badanie prowadzono od marca 2007 do marca 2008 roku. Do udziału w nim zakwalifikowano 107 kolejno przyjętych pacjentów (81 mężczyzn, 26 kobiet; średnia wieku: 60 &#177; 9 lat), których poddano CABG. Tydzień po zabiegu u chorych wykonano angiografię tomografii komputerowej (TK) przy użyciu 16-rzędowej TK. Wyniki: Na podstawie obrazowania wielorzędowej TK w 32 pomostach naczyniowych (8,7% wszystkich wszczepionych naczyń) stwierdzono ostrą okluzję, z czego 26 okluzji spośród 250 wykonanych zespoleń (10%) wystąpiło w pomostach żylnych, a 6 z 116 (5%) &#8212; w tętniczych. W wieloczynnikowej analizie u pacjentów z drożnymi pomostami aortalno-wieńcowymi odnotowano niższe stężenie glukozy w osoczu (119 &#177; 30 ml/dl v. 141 &#177; 65 ml/dl; p = 0,02) i dłuższy czas częściowej tromboplastyny po aktywacji (34 &#177; 11 s v. 30 &#177; 2 s; p = 0,04). Ponadto czas wykorzystania krążenia pozaustrojowego był znacznie dłuższy u osób z zamkniętymi pomostami niż u tych z drożnymi wszczepionymi naczyniami (119 &#177; 43 min v. 102 &#177; 32 min; p = 0,04). U chorych z dłuższym czasem krążenia pozaustrojowego konieczne było zastosowanie większej liczby pomostów aortalno-wieńcowych (czas &#8805; 120 min dla 3,5 pomostu v. czas < 120 min dla 2,9 pomostu; p = 0,02). Spośród licznych parametrów przed-, śród- i pooperacyjnych jedynie stężenie glukozy w osoczu [iloraz szans (OR): 2,014; przy 95-procentowym przedziale ufności (95% CI): 1,002&#8211;3,026; p = 0,002] i czas krążenia pozaustrojowego poniżej 2 godzin (OR: 1,502; 95% CI: 1,001&#8211;2,030; p = 0,003) były czynnikami predykcyjnymi drożności pomostów aortalno-wieńcowych po upływie 7 dni od CABG. Wnioski: U pacjentów po operacji CABG zakończonej sukcesem, z drożnymi pomostami naczyniowymi w ciągu pierwszego tygodnia po operacji stężenie glukozy w osoczu było optymalnie kontrolowane, a czas operacji z wykorzystaniem krążenia pozaustrojowego nie przekraczał 2 godzin. (Folia Cardiologica Excerpta 2010; 5, 6: 325&#8211;330

    Midterm Results After Surgical Correction of Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection

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    Objective:To evaluate the surgical treatment of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (TAPVC) and determination of predictors for postoperative death.Methods:Between 1995 and 2005,80 patients aged from 1 month to 12 years underwent surgical repair for supracardiac (39),cardiac (34),infracardiac (3)or mixed(4) type of TAPVC.Systemic pulmonary hypertension PH) in 53.8% of patients, half systemic PH in 26.3% and mild pH (<40 mmHg) were found by preoperative evaluations. Twelve patients (15%) had some degree of pulmonary vein obstruction preoperatively. Results: Seven patients (8.7%) died in the operating room. Early postoperative mortality (during 48 hours) occurred in 11 cases (13.7%) and nine patients died during first hospitalization. We did not have late mortality in survivors during follow-up period; therefore the overall mortality rate was 33.8%. The incidence of postoperative death was highest in the infracardiac type (2/3). Approximately two-thirds of dead patients (21/27) had presented with systemic PH and 89% of them had at least half-systemic PH preoperatively. Mortality rate in patients with normal pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) was zero. Conclusion: In contrast to early surgical results we had excellent mid-term outcome. The role of myocardial protection and surgical technique are the most probable causes of high death rate in our series. However influences of poor preoperative stabilization process as well as anesthetic technique and cardiopulmonary bypass related problems should be considered. PAP more than half of systemic pressure and patient age smaller than 3 months were the primary predictive factors for premature death (P<0.05)

    Recurrence rate of different techniques for repair of coarctation of aorta: A 10 years experience

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    Background and Aim : The main goal of this study was to assess the frequency of recurrent coarctation after repair using different surgical methods. Methods : Surgical results of repairs for coarctation of aorta (Co-A) in 188 patients under the age 14 years who were treated in Rajaee Heart Center, Tehran, Iran, were evaluated retrospectively. The most common methods included patch-graft aortoplasty (59), resection with end-to-end anastomosis (20.7) and subclavian flap aortoplasty (SCFA) (16.5). The remaining patients underwent bypass tube graft and excision with placement of a tube graft. Seventy eight percent had discrete stenosis while 22 had long segment narrowing. The patients were followed for 81.632.8 months. Results : The overall mortality rate was 2.6. The highest incidence rate of recoarctation was found in the patch-graft aortoplasty group (12.7) and the lowest was found in SCFA (3.2). The incidence of recoarctation in long-segment lesions was significantly higher than that in the discrete ones (30 vs. 4, P<0.001). In patients <1 year, the incidence of recoarctation was lower than that in the other age groups. Conclusion : The patch-graft aortoplasty technique had the highest incidence of recoarctation and SCFA had the lowest rate. Long-segment Co-A had a higher chance of recoarctation. In contrast to some previous reports, the incidence of recoarctation was not higher in the age below 1 year

    Modified Blalock-Taussig Shunt and Giant Perigraft Reaction

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    This is a case of a modified Blalock-Taussig shunt, which was complicated by perigraft transudative, fibrinous fluid accumulation and recurrence after surgical intervention. Follow-up and expectant management of the patient was successful. Our experience regarding this complication is presented

    Anesthetic management in a patient with type A aortic dissection and superior vena cava syndrome

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    Introduction: Induction of general anesthesia in patients with superior vena cava (SVC) syndrome may cause airway obstruction and cardiovascular collapse. Case Presentation: Herein, we introduced a patient with the diagnosis of dissecting aneurysm of the ascending aorta who was candidate for emergency surgery. He also had symptoms of SVC syndrome. To maintain airway patency during anesthetic management, we decided to perform femoro-femoral cardiopulmonary bypass followed by general anesthesia and tracheal intubation. Conclusions: Femoro-femoral bypass prior to initiation of sternotomy is a safe and easy method in patients with aortic dissection and SVC syndrome in whom earlier endotracheal intubation may not be feasible

    Mid-term outcomes of surgical repair for anomalous origin of the left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery: In infants, children and adults

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    Background: Anomalous origin of left coronary artery from the pulmonary artery (ALCAPA) is a rare congenital malformation. We sought to evaluate in-hospital and mid-term outcomes of patients with a diagnosis of ALCAPA who underwent surgical repair. Objectives: The objective of this study is to evaluate the mid-term outcomes of surgical repair of ALCAPA at our center and to analyze the surgical techniques used. Materials and Methods: In a retrospective study, we analyzed early and mid-term clinical and echocardiographic data to determine the outcomes of patients who underwent surgical repair of ALCAPA in our institution between 2005 and 2015. Results: Twenty-one patients underwent surgical repair for ALCAPA using aortic reimplantation (n = 10, 47.6%), ostial closure. (n = 8, 38.1%), or ligation. (n = 3, 14.3%). The median age of patients was 24. months. (range 22 days to 51 years). There were 2 (9.5%) in-hospital mortalities in infants undergoing the reimplantation technique. All patients were followed up for a median of 21 months. (range 1–60 months). No patients required reoperation, and there was no mortality from discharge to mid-term follow-up. Severe early postoperative mitral regurgitation. (MR) was associated with composite end-point, defined as a combination of mortality after surgery, moderate to severe MR, and moderate to severe left ventricular dysfunction at late follow-up. (P = 0.019) while mitral valve repair was not. (P = 0.469). Conclusion: The surgical management of ALCAPA can be associated with good in-hospital and mid-term outcomes regardless of the age, at which the patient has been operated