549 research outputs found

    Energy expenditure in children : effects of body composition, gender, and school

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    The purpose of the present study was to determine whether differences in energy expenditure would be dependent on body composition or gender and to examine the relationship between physical activity levels in and out of school children. [This is an excerpt from the abstract. For the complete abstract, please see the document.

    Plato\u27s Theologia Revisited

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    The word theologia is attested for the first time in Plato’s Republic II, 379a4: Hoi tupoi peri theologias. According to Werner Jaeger (The Theology of the Early Greek Philosophers, Oxford 1947, 4-­‐13), Plato coined the word to support the introduction of a new doctrine which resulted from a conflict between the mythical and the natural (rational) approach to the problem of God. For Jaeger, the word theologia designates what Aristotle was later to call theologikê or “first philosophy (hê protê philosophia) – whence his translation of hoi tupoi peri theologias by “outlines of theology.” Victor Goldschmidt, for his part, in an illuminating article entitled “Theologia” (in Questions Platoniciennes, Paris, 1970, 141-­‐72) will have nothing to do with such a contention. He argues that the word theologia here used by Plato means nothing more than a species of muthologia. While the principal lexicons agree with Jaeger, that is, that theologia bears the sense of “science of divine things,” the majority of contemporary translators follow Goldschmidt in taking theologia as an equivalent to muthologia or a species of it. In view of the importance of the concept of theologia in the Western tradition, I believe it merits another analysis. The aim of this paper is to show that the word theologia in this passage of the Republic can mean “science of divine things,” contrary to the claim of Goldschmidt and his followers, but not in the context of natural philosophy as Jaeger seems to imply. The most important thing is to determine whether the element logia should be translated as “science” or “speech,” that is, whether Plato is making a value judgement about theos. I argue that he does

    Literary and Poetic Performance in Plato\u27s Laws

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    Plato’s evaluations of the written and spoken word are complex, even ambiguous. On the one hand, he clearly privileges the give-and-take oral conversation as the paradigm for philosophical discussion, and on the basis of this paradigm he offers strong critiques of the written word, notably in the Phaedrus and Letter 7. On the other hand, he is a most famous enemy of the oral performance of poetry − notwithstanding the fact that in the Republic he gives ‘music’ a prominent place in education. When we turn to the Laws, we encounter another aspect or dimension of Plato’s thinking about the written word and poetic performance. Here Plato argues that for political and moral salvation in the city of Magnesia the laws themselves are to be versified and performed as songs. But what are we to make of this recommendation? To explore the relationship between writing and poetic performance, I begin with a discussion of Plato’s account of the introduction of written laws, turn to his recommendation concerning the dramatic representation of the laws, and then end with a review of the precedents for Plato’s position. My overall aim is to show that, drawing on historical precedents of which he was no doubt aware, Plato in the Laws truly does recommend the public performance of the laws. Singing and dancing the laws is not a fanciful suggestion: the poetic performance of the written laws is intended to be compulsory for the entire citizen bod

    Coming Home: How Identity Plays a Role in Students who Study Abroad in an Area That is Representative of Their Heritage

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    Study abroad participation has more than tripled over the past two decades in the United States and has led to increased research efforts on topics such as the benefits of study abroad and the development of students who study abroad; however, little research exists on students who have heritage connections to the area in which they study abroad. In order to address this need within the field of higher education and study abroad, a hermeneutic phenomenological qualitative study was conducted to explore what factors, if any, affect changes in identity salience for students who study abroad in areas that are representative of their heritage. Rather than focus on one aspect of identity (e.g., social, ethnic, racial, or nationality), this study left it up to the participants to disclose what pieces of their identity, if any, were affected by their individual study abroad experience. Identity salience in regards to ancestral connection was a focus of this study. The theories that guide this study include Bronfenbrenner’s ecological theory and Abes, Jones, and McEwen’s reconceptualized model of multiple dimensions of identity. This research provides insight into this phenomenon by exploring the lived experiences of American students who studied abroad in an area connected to some part of their heritage. In addition, this research embraces a holistic perspective of student development as a guiding philosophy throughout in order to represent the fluidity and intersectionality of identity


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    Transition to a clean, renewable energy future requires departure from thermally driven separation processes. In that regard, development of new materials that exhibit high adsorption capacity and selectivity, fast kinetics, and long-term durability under multicomponent conditions is becoming attractive for the applications in clean energy. Moreover, novel sorbents and separation systems that can store gases at normal conditions offer a promising approach for stationary or onboard gas storage. Due to the limitations on the surface area and biding energy restrict commercial materials effectiveness as a potential adsorption and storage material. There is significant interest in the properties of hybrid materials for their potential to improve gas capacity and selectivity. The first phase of this research focuses primarily on developing novel hybrid materials comprised of MOF and zeolite with core-shell structure for H2 purification to achieve large adsorption capacity, high selectivity, and fast kinetics under multicomponent. In addition, the kinetics of H2 purification over high-surface area Activated carbon under pressure swing adsorption conditions were systematically investigated. In the second phase of this research, CH4 storage performances of hybrid nanocomposite adsorbents comprised of MOF and graphene oxide, and highly porous aerogel-derived carbon adsorbents were investigated. The potential of these adsorbents for use in adsorbed natural gas tanks was thereafter demonstrated. The findings of this dissertation highlight the importance of synergistic effects of constituents in hybrid adsorbents in promoting adsorption/storage efficiencies, while fully assessing their performance under more realistic conditions --Abstract, p. i

    FRADO explains the Low Ionized Broad Emission Lines of AGNs

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    Broad emission lines (BELs) are the most characteristic features in the spectra of active galaxies. They mostly show either a single-peaked or double-peaked profiles; and originate from a complex dynamics of the likely discrete clouds moving in a spatially extended region so-called Broad Line Region (BLR). We follow a non-hydrodynamical single-cloud approach to the BLR dynamics based on the dust-driving model of Czerny & Hryniewicz. We previously showed in details that the 2.5D version of the model could provide us with the 3D geometry of the BLR. In this paper, we provide a large grid of results based on which we aim at testing the model with calculation of the spectral line generic profiles. We show that the shape of profiles not only depends on the accretion rate of the source, the black hole mass, and the viewing angle, but also it is most significantly affected by the adopted dust-to-gas mass ratio regulating the strength of the radiation pressure. We also show that the model can nicely/consistently explain the low ionized broad lines of the mean spectrum of quasars, such as MgII and Hbeta.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, Submitted to A&

    Optimizing Compressive Strength of Micro- and Nano-silica Concrete by Statistical Method

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    In recent years, the use of nano-particles to improve the properties of concrete has created a new perspective on concrete technology. Studies in this field indicate improved concrete properties and higher strength by adding nano and micro silica particles to concrete mixes. In this regard, 12 mixing designs with different amounts of these admixtures with three types of cement strength classes (525,425,325) and 36 cubic samples (10 × 10 × 10) were designed and tested to measure compressive strength, of which we have only used 6 mixing plans in this research. The purpose of this research is to present a new method for concrete mix design by optimizing principles. Therefore, in this paper, the Taguchi statistical methods and the factorial design of the optimal mixing plan for this type of concrete are used to reduce the number of experiments to predict the optimal composition of the materials. The results obtained from the MINITAB software show that the effect of combined micro-silica and nano-silica on the compressive strength is in one direction and the effect of these two factors is more than cement strength grade of the cement and also the optimal value for micro-silica and nano-silica are estimated to have an optimum amount of micro-silica and nano-silica of 95 and 38 grams, respectively

    Performance Modeling and Analysis of Software Architectures Specified Through Graph Transformations

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    Software architecture plays an important role in the success of modern, large and distributed software systems. For many of the software systems -- especially safety-critical ones -- it is important to specify their architectures using formal modeling notations. In this case, it is possible to assess different functional and non-functional properties on the designed models. Graph Transformation System (GTS) is a formal yet understandable language which is suitable for architectural modeling. Most of the existing works done on architectural modeling and analysis by GTS are concentrated on functional aspects, while for many systems it is crucial to consider non-functional aspects for modeling and analysis at the architectural level. In this paper, we present an approach to performance analysis of software architectures specified through GTS. To do so, we first enrich the existing architectural style -- specified through GTS - with performance information. Then, the performance models are generated in PEPA (Performance Evaluation Process Algebra) -- a formal language based on the stochastic process algebra -- using the enriched GTS models. Finally, we analyze different features like throughput, utilization of different software components, etc. on the generated performance models. All the main concepts are illustrated through a case study

    Effect of Main Factors on Fracture Mode of Mortar, A Graphical Study

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    One of the most effective ways to identify the concrete properties is to understand further about the cement mortar, which is a mixture of cement paste and fine aggregate. In order to identify the behavior of cement mortar, all required materials including cement, fine aggregate, water as well as the different ratios of each material should beinvestigated. The main objective of this research is to study the effectiveness of main parameters of mortar on the fracture mode and related factors. Specifically 26 mixing designs of flexural mortar with three cement strength classes (32.5, 42.5 and 52.5 MPa), three water to cement (W/C) ratios (0.25, 0.3 and 0.35) and three sand to cement (S/C) ratios (2.5, 2.75 and 3) were first prepared. The prepared samples were then tested using a stress-strain apparatus. Some pictures were finally taken from the fracture surfaces to investigate the mode and angle of fractures. The results indicated that any change in the main parameters of mortar changes the fracture mode and the fracture angle