18 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Third Party Logistics Performance Based On Manufacturer’s Perspective - The Role Of Trust As A Mediator

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    This research examines the influence of specific investments, opportunistic behavior, prior satisfaction, third-party logistics (3PL) reputation, reciprocity and communication on outcomes of 3PL performance, and the extent to which trust affects these relationships

    Factors Influencing Third Party Logistics Performance Based On Manufacturer’s Perspective: The Role Of Trust As A Mediator

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    Kajian ini meneliti pengaruh pelaburan tertentu, perilaku oportunistik, kepuasan dahulu, reputasi logistik pihak ketiga (3PL), resiprositi dan komunikasi pada hasil prestasi 3PL, dan sejauh mana kepercayaan mempengaruhi hubungan ini. Kajian yang dilakukan setakat ini lebih ke arah menilai prestasi 3PL melalui beberapa indeks kejayaan kritikal yang ditakrifkan, dengan penumpuan sebegini, saya yakin ianya akan hanya memberikan keuntungan jangka pendek. Beberapa kajian empirikal telah membincangkan kejayaan jangka panjang 3PL yang berkaitan dengan hubungan pemasaran di Amerika, Eropah dan beberapa negara di Asia tetapi tiada kajian sebegini di Malaysia. Kajian-kajian sebelum ini lebih berfokuskan pada kriteria pemilihan 3PL atau jurang antara perkhidmatan yang ditawarkan dan 3PL yang digunakan oleh pelanggan. Disebabkan kajian setakat ini hanya membincangkan prestasi berdasarkan prestasi jangka pendek dan sangat kurang pertimbangan yang diberikan pada prestasi jangka panjang, oleh yang demikian, kajian ini meneliti penilaian prestasi (Dependent Variable) dan aspek yang menyumbang kepada kejayaan jangka panjang melalui hubungan pemasaran. Sebanyak 750 borang soal selidik diedarkan kepada syarikat-syarikat perkilangan di wilayah utara, tengah dan selatan Semenanjung Malaysia. Analisis regresi berperingkat dan regresi mudah digunakan ke atas 200 soalselidik yang lengkap untuk menguji hipotesis-hipotesis yang telah dicadangkan untuk kajian ini. This research examines the influence of specific investments, opportunistic behavior, prior satisfaction, third-party logistics (3PL) reputation, reciprocity and communication on outcomes of 3PL performance, and the extent to which trust affects these relationships. The studies undertaken thus far are more towards evaluating 3PL performance through some defined critical success indicators which I believe can only contribute to short term benefits. Few empirical studies have addressed the long term success of 3PL with regards to relationship marketing. Prior work on 3PL has focused on selection criteria, or the gap between 3PL services offered and those used by customers. Since most of the studies thus far only talks about performance based on short term achievements and very little consideration given on long term performance, thus this research looks into Performance evaluation (Dependent Variable) and aspects contributing to long term success via relationship marketing. A total of 750 questionnaires were distributed to manufacturing firms in Northern, Central and Southern region of Peninsular Malaysia. Multiple regressions and simple regressions were applied on 200 completed questionnaires to the hypotheses listed for this research

    Internal Process Risk Management: A Proposed Conceptual Framework for Electronic Design Industry Process Gap

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    Risk management is a crucial element in every industrys operational supply chain as the impact of turbulence in the form of uncertainty is drastic. Many researchers have published theories and frameworks defining Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) as there are gaps in the application definition gap, process gap, and methodology gap. This paper identifies the process gap in electronic design industry and proposes a modified framework adopted from Sodhi, Son and Tang (2012) to contribute in formulating a framework to define, operationalize and mitigate internal process supply chain risk management. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we categorize the detailed review with electronic design internal supply chain process. Second, we analyze and develop a framework with expected results upon completing the SCRM process throughout each internal process. Keywords Risk management, process gap, micro risk, uncertainty, supply chain risk managemen

    Expanding the Horizons of Supply Chain in Higher Education Institution: Resources and Expatriate Academics (EAs) Outcomes

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    The ultimate goal of any service industry is to provide quality services to its customers. Applying industry models of supply chain management in higher education institutions (HEIs), this study aims to examine the impact of various resources on expatriate academics outcomes. Internationalisation of higher education sector has created the need to recruit foreign faculty to become part of critical inputs in providing world-class education to students. In this regard, understanding the factors contribute to their effectiveness is imperative for continuous quality improvement. A survey-based quantitative research using a sample of 152 expatriate academics (EAs) employed in 20 Malaysian public universities revealed some important findings. Both the personal (cultural intelligence) and organizational resources (perceived organizational support) are found to be important determinants of EAs work engagement and psychological needs satisfaction which is important for quality service delivery. The findings of this study have made significant contribution to international human resource management practices and policy makers especially to Malaysian HEIs with regards to recruitment and retention of academic expatriates

    Green Supply Chain: Challenges and Practical Issues

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    This conceptual paper aims to identify the challenges and practical issues in green supply chain management. Besides that, the established theory in adoption of green business practises are also pointed out to illustrate the complexities and practical issues arises in the process. The research emphases on the factors which hinder the success of green supply chain operations. The paper has revealed the challenges and issues arise due to conflicting objectives and limitations of measurement methods. The future research would be the opportunity to describe the market acceptance to the green businesses as well as practical measurement method to enable forecasting of the profits and strategic objective formulation. The findings will provide overviews on solving supply chain issues in implementing green supply chain practices. In the long run, the management practices will enhance the performance across the supply chain entities. Keywords Supply Chain, Green, Sustainability, Profitability, Government Role, Marke

    Efforts and Strategies towards Continuous Optimization across Divisions, Processes, and Business Ecosystem through Digital Transformation at BIT Group Sdn. Bhd.

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    Technological challenges, slim profit margins and the change of industry landscape due to disruptive inventions will continue to challenge the status quo of traditional ICT industry today. This is especially true for larger and older organizations. Digital business for instance has become the mantra of most top executives of the world as they seek competitive advantages in the landscape of fast moving technological change. As a result, ICT businesses are realizing the significance on how new digital technologies can transform their existing traditional businesses, and driving business growth in order to keep ahead of the competition. Transforming business models from their traditional core business to digital business that is known as digital transformation has become crucial. It is not about focusing only on the present business needs, but also directing towards a prioritization for future needs, which boils down to innovative ideas, operational change, and cultural shift. Hence, the objective of this case study is to learn and discuss how a traditional ICT company, BIT Group constructed its digital business transformation through major efforts and strategies that have been undertaken in the context of reliable methodologies, standards and practices references. The transformation exercise implemented is to warrant the business directing towards continuous optimization across the company's people in various divisions, internal processes, and the business ecosystem, which has been the core elements involved in the delivery of the business services through both competition and cooperation

    Pressing problems and interim solutions at DS Rubber Products Sdn. Bhd.

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    Michael (General Manager) is having a weekly meeting with the team, the overall production process and flow are running smooth and in an orderly manner. When Sam (Factory Manager) informs Michael that few orders received unable to fulfil within the stipulated time monthly. Michael stunned with this none achieving number and worrying this rate is getting up. Ultimately, the company's objectives are to provide excellent customer experience and maximizing the shareholders' wealth will be impacted. He needs to find out the best solution to handle this none fulfilment of the order, interruption on the production processes, customer dissatisfaction or sourcing alternative suppliers, increase in the production cost and unforeseen impact on the total business. He does concern the existing 34 production lines need to be rearranged the layout, machines prioritization and output maximization, manpower allocation and commissioning. He needs to plan this well before the next meet up with the board of directors. Rubber product business is very competitive and high demanding locally and internationally. The company overseas orders (e.g. Europe, Southeast Asia, and Australasia) keep increasing from month to month. New customers are foreseen to be coming in (at 5% incremental by monthly) with referring to the previous year records. In 2005, the company has obtained ISO 9001:2000 certified by SIRIM QAS international. Eventually, the manufacturing and quality assurance procedures are certified by the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System. He shall make sure an excellent customer experience and maximization of the shareholders' wealth is achieved

    Relationship between service quality, perceived value and trust for Malaysian festivals among international tourists

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    Tourism has been one of the most contributing sector in Malaysia. To boost tourism sector, festivals are useful for the attraction of tourists from all over the World to visit Malaysia. Several vital aspects of tourism are service quality, perceived value and trust. This paper aims to examine the relationship between service quality, perceived value and trust. Data was collected from international tourists who have visited festivals organized by Tourism Malaysia. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was utilized and significant relationships were revealed between service quality and perceived value, service quality and trust and perceived value and trus

    Business management of Homeomed Sdn. Bhd. – A case study of a local SME

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    Homeopathy is categorized under Traditional and Complimentary Medicine (TCM) and is an underrated business both by the government and the public. There is less support by the government from the perspective of acknowledgement, nationwide publication, and validation on homeopathy as an important complimentary medicine. To escalate the issue further, homeopathy practitioners have been practicing homeopathy in a traditional manner and disconnected with the principles and concepts of business management and administration. Homeomed Sdn. Bhd. (Homeomed) is one of the homeopathy companies; operating in Bukit Beruang, Melaka; they had almost ceased the business few times due to high operational cost and the effects of Covid-19 pandemic. They were experiencing the classical business challenges for SME of having a “bulk business issues” in all aspects of business management due to incompetency or ignorance or both. The main tasks here is to identify the gaps from a business point of view and to propose a few improvement recommendations focusing on operation, marketing, sales, human resource, finance, supply chain and customer service. During the implementations of new business techniques and approaches, main performance indicators such as revenue, number of patients, inquiries and customer satisfaction were measured to reflect Homeomed’s competitiveness. The data collected are analysed and studied for further improvement initiatives. The data collected are analysed and studied for further improvement initiatives. A total of five main problem areas were identified and solutions were implemented in 5 stages with all of it deriving positive outcomes