21 research outputs found

    L'Antracnosi de la fava "(Vicia faba)"

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    Anthracnose is described as a new broad bean disease in Catalonia and Spain; techniques have been found for the multiplication and inoculation of the fungus Ascochyta pisi f. fabae, with the object of making a preliminary selection of the commercial broad bean varieties which are most appropriate to select the strains anthracnose-resistant. During these preliminary tests the conclusion was reached that the optimum density of the inoculum is from 5.000 to 6.000 cel/ml, and that the most interesting strains for the selection of the varieties most resistent to disease are the following: A-26, A-25, M-17, M-19, Italian and Dutch

    Malalties del clavell en el Maresme

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    Les Virosis més comunes d'algunes plantes d'horta: liliaceae, compositae, cucurbitaceae i solanaceae

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    Citem algunes virosis de dues espècies de Liliaceae (Allium cepa L. i A.sativum L.), una Compositae (Lactucae sativa L.) dues cucurbitaceae (Cucumis Sativus L. i Cucumis melo L.) i quatre solanaceae (Capsicum annuum L., Nicotia. na Tabacum L., Solanum Lycopersicum L. i S.tuberosum L.) d'interès agro-alimentari. A més indiquem els mecanismes de transmissió, les característiques de les partícules, la simptomatologia i la relació d'hostatjants que poden ésser afectats.We make an appointment about viruses of two species of Liliaceae (Allium cepa L. and A.sativum L.), one Compositae (Lactucae sativa L.) two Cucurbitaceae (Cucumis Sativus L. and Cucumis melo L.) and four Solanaceae (Capsicum annuum L., Nicotia. na Tabacum L., Solanum Lycopersicum L. and S.tuberosum L.) what has important interest in the human nutrition. Also we indicate the transmission mechanism, particles characteristic, symptomatology amd host relation which colud be affected

    Espècies del gènere Melampsora

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    Hom cita 6 espècies del Gen. Melampsora que parasiten tant plantes espontànies com cultivades a diversos indrets de Catalunya. Han estat observades en diferents estadis de llur cicle biològic sobre els corresponents patrons.It's appointed 6 species of Melampsora Gen. that they are parasiting inspontaneus as well as cultivated plants from different locations in Catalunya. It's observed in diverse phase of their biologic cycle in the correspondent patterns.Se citan 6 especies del Gen Melampsora que parasitan tanto plantes espontáneas como cultivadas procedentes de diferentes lugares de Cataluña. Se han observado en distintos estadios de su ciclo biológico sobre los correspondientes patrones

    Contribució al coneixement dels "Dematiaceae" de Catalunya

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    More than 60 species of Imperfect Fungi of the Dematiaceae Family, most of them parasitic of Catalonian plants, are listed. Many of these species are of great interest for plant protection, although some have been found on hosts of scarce agronomic interest or in small geographical areas reduced to infectious spots

    Noms de colors aplicats als fongs

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    En aquest treball es recullen els epítets més freqüents aplicats als noms dels fongs que fan allusió als colors. Aquests epítets, en el cas dels macromicets, acostumen a fer referència al color del carpáfor, mentre que en els micromicets indiquen generalment el color de l'esporada o dels pigments que difonen al substrat o medi de cultiu. La 'lista comprèn 187 noms de colors.This work gathers the most frequent epithets applied to the fungi names that refer to colours. In the macromicetes these epithets refer to the carpophor colour, while in micromicetes they indicate the spore mass colour or pigments that are diffused in the culture medium. The relation includes 187 colour names.Este trabajo recoge los epítetos más frecuentes aplicados a los nombres de los hongos que hacen alusión a los colores. Estos epítetos, en el caso de los macromicetos, suelen hacer referencia al color del carpóforo mientras que en los micromicetos indican generalmente el color de la esporada o de los pigmentos que difunden al medio de cultivo. La relación comprende 187 nombres de colores

    Malalties del clavell en el Maresme

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    Present i futur de la fitopatologia a Catalunya

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    In this paper a vision of the present state of Plant Pathology development in Catalonia, in its Institutions, Instruction, Research, Crops Protection and Industry is given. In a general way, the future of Plant Pathology in Catalonia is also discussed

    L'Antracnosi de la fava "(Vicia faba)"

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    Anthracnose is described as a new broad bean disease in Catalonia and Spain; techniques have been found for the multiplication and inoculation of the fungus Ascochyta pisi f. fabae, with the object of making a preliminary selection of the commercial broad bean varieties which are most appropriate to select the strains anthracnose-resistant. During these preliminary tests the conclusion was reached that the optimum density of the inoculum is from 5.000 to 6.000 cel/ml, and that the most interesting strains for the selection of the varieties most resistent to disease are the following: A-26, A-25, M-17, M-19, Italian and Dutch