5 research outputs found

    Strategic Adjustment of Organization Changes

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    Strategy is science and skill of using different ways to accomplish and achieve the goals. Company is forced to learn not only from its own experience, but also from the experience of other companies. Continual adjustment and progress in contemporary economy means creating new values for customers, otherwise there isn't any stimulation for buying products and services. Developmental behavior of a company means searching for concepts and instruments which harmonize goals and possibilities of the company with challenges and threats from surrounding. Developmental goals represents anticipated effects, conditions or situations which company wants to achieve. Developmental policy gathers a certain group of rules, criteria or principles that the company will do in making decisions about growth and development. In order to achieve developmental goals a direction and method of the company’s action must be set up. Management of growth and development of the company means setting up a strategy as a way of putting developmental policy into reality

    Strategic Management- Straints and Weaknesses of State and Law Influences

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    In the next period, there is a strong competitive fight on the insurance market for the insurance companys, involved by the entrance of foreign insurance companys, dominated buying domestic insurance sociates. There is expecting growing on the insurance market in the next period, wich will be involved, as mentioned, by the entrance of foreign insurance companys

    The Range of Corporate Governance- Regulation and Application

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    The huge individual investors have been looking for a place in corporate governance strukture, bord of direktors, involving the matter of operational strategie, business feature and corporate rising like holders of corporate powertie. A necessary prerequisite for the proper functioning of corporate governance and capital markets is a stable legal system in the country and development institutions. The transition conditions is necessary to ensure compliance of privatization and regulation of capital markets which, together with effective investor protection in practice, leads to the development of capital markets, cheaper access to capital and the growth and developmen

    Tax Authorities and Procedures- Effects on MNK-Transparency International Experience

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    In the last 30 years has drastically increased importance of multinationals in world trade. This is partly caused by the increased integration of national economies and technical progress, especially in the field of communication. Increased number of multinational companies to put the tax administration and the company before any taxation matters more difficult, because the individual national rules for taxation of multinational companies can not be seen in isolation but must be viewed in a broad international context. The requirement to comply with laws and administrative regulations may differ from country to country creates additional problems for multinational companies. Different requirements may be associated with the additional workload for a multinational company and lead to higher costs related to compliance with these regulations than is the case with a similar company that operates exclusively under one tax sovereignty. Contentious issues, both for tax administrations and for multinational companies, resulting primarily from the practical difficulties in relation to establishing the expenditure and revenue companies or business units within the multinational companies that are taken into account in a particular country, especially when they concern jobs closely related