57 research outputs found


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    Današnji trendovi u fitomedicini nalažu upotrebu ekološki prihvatljivih metoda zaštite bilja koje se postižu smanjenjem upotrebe standardnih kemijskih sredstava (pesticidi) u zaštiti bilja te primjenom preventivnih mjera zaštite i najnovijih metoda bioloških mjera. Primjeni bioloških preparata daje se prednost pogotovo kada su u pitanju zaštićeni prostori i organska proizvodnja zbog pojave rezistentnosti patogena i štetnika na pesticide, a posebno kod uzgoja povrća. Kod uzgoja gerbera kroz čitavu godinu primjena insekticida je neizostavna te da bi se smanjila učestalost primjene i inhalacijska toksičnost, posebice u vrijeme visokih temperatura, poželjna je primjena i introdukcija bioloških preparata u suzbijanju patogena i štetnika. U ovom istraživanju korištena je parazitska osica (Encarsia formosa) za suzbijanje štitastog moljca (Trialeurodus vaporariorum) i kombinacija 50% Encarsia formosa i 50% Eretmocerus eremicus u stakleničkoj proizvodnji gerbera, kao i parazitska gljiva (Trichoderma harzianum) za suzbijanje gljivičnih bolesti uzročnika polijeganja presadnica rajčice (Pythium debarianum i Rhizoctonia solani). Upotreba ovih bioloških preparata uspoređena je s upotrebom standardnih kemijskih pesticida. Na kraju ispitivanja, u oba slučaja, najbolji rezultat pokazala je primjena biološkog suzbijanja.The purpose of phytomedicine nowadays is ecologically acceptable protection against plant diseases that is attained by reducing standard chemical plant protection applying preventive protection measures and the newest achievements in biological control. Application of biological products can be given advantage specially in protected areas and in organic production, when replacing chemicals that become inefficient due to the resistance development, and on account of pesticide residues present. In gerbera production the use of insecticides obligatory throughout and to decrease their use and inhalation toxicity, especially during periods of high temperatures, application and introduction of biological pest and disease control is highly recommended. In this investigation predator wasp (Encarsia formosa) for whitefly (Trialeurodus vaporariorum) and the combination of 50% Encarsia formosa and 50% Eretmocerus eremicus in gerbera glasshouse production and parasite fungus (Trichoderma harzianum) for the control of fungus diseases Pythium debarianum and Rhizoctonia solani, agents of seedling lodging in greenhouse tomato production were used and compared with the use of standard chemical pesticides. At the end of the experiment, in both cases, biological control gave the best result


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    U ovom istraživanju ispitan je učinak biostimulatora na energiju klijanja, klijavost, masu svježe i suhe tvari klijanaca kod prkosa, slamnatog cvijeta, kadife i cinije. Energija klijanja i klijavost su ispitane laboratorijski, a po završetku ispitivanja obavljeno je mjerenje svježe i suhe tvari klijanaca. Statističkom obradom podataka analizom varijance utvrđeno je da tretman biostimulatorima pozitivno utječe na poboljšanje energije klijanja, a kod nekih vrsta i na klijavost. Mase svježe i suhe tvari klijanaca su uglavnom bile na strani tretmana sa biostimulatorom, pogotovo kada je u pitanju masa svježe tvari što govori u prilog pojačanom usvajanju vode i boljoj aktivnosti korijena u fazi klijanja koje može biti od presudnog značaja za preživljavanje klijanaca. Na kraju istraživanja može se zaključiti da je tretman biostimulatorima u fazi klijanja ispitivanih vrsta dao pozitivan učinak na ispitivana svojstva.In this research influence of biostimulant on germination energy, germination, seedlings fresh matter content and dry matter content of Moss rose, Strawflower, Mexican marigold and Zinnia was investigated. Germination energy and germination were tested in laboratory and by finishing the testing seedlings fresh matter content and dry matter content were recorded. Statistical analysis of data using analysis of variance method showed that treatment with biostimulant positively affects on germination energy and by some species on germination as well. Seedlings fresh and dry matter content were mostly higher in treated plants, especially in case of fresh matter content. This leads to assumption of higher water absorption and higher root activity in germination phase which can be of crucial significance for seedlings survival. At the end of investigation it can be concluded that treatment with biostimulant in germination phase of mentioned species gave positive results in the first place by increasing germination energy and seedlings fresh matter content


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    Današnji trendovi u fitomedicini nalažu upotrebu ekološki prihvatljivih metoda zaštite bilja koje se postižu smanjenjem upotrebe standardnih kemijskih sredstava (pesticidi) u zaštiti bilja te primjenom preventivnih mjera zaštite i najnovijih metoda bioloških mjera. Primjeni bioloških preparata daje se prednost pogotovo kada su u pitanju zaštićeni prostori i organska proizvodnja zbog pojave rezistentnosti patogena i štetnika na pesticide, a posebno kod uzgoja povrća. Kod uzgoja gerbera kroz čitavu godinu primjena insekticida je neizostavna te da bi se smanjila učestalost primjene i inhalacijska toksičnost, posebice u vrijeme visokih temperatura, poželjna je primjena i introdukcija bioloških preparata u suzbijanju patogena i štetnika. U ovom istraživanju korištena je parazitska osica (Encarsia formosa) za suzbijanje štitastog moljca (Trialeurodus vaporariorum) i kombinacija 50% Encarsia formosa i 50% Eretmocerus eremicus u stakleničkoj proizvodnji gerbera, kao i parazitska gljiva (Trichoderma harzianum) za suzbijanje gljivičnih bolesti uzročnika polijeganja presadnica rajčice (Pythium debarianum i Rhizoctonia solani). Upotreba ovih bioloških preparata uspoređena je s upotrebom standardnih kemijskih pesticida. Na kraju ispitivanja, u oba slučaja, najbolji rezultat pokazala je primjena biološkog suzbijanja.The purpose of phytomedicine nowadays is ecologically acceptable protection against plant diseases that is attained by reducing standard chemical plant protection applying preventive protection measures and the newest achievements in biological control. Application of biological products can be given advantage specially in protected areas and in organic production, when replacing chemicals that become inefficient due to the resistance development, and on account of pesticide residues present. In gerbera production the use of insecticides obligatory throughout and to decrease their use and inhalation toxicity, especially during periods of high temperatures, application and introduction of biological pest and disease control is highly recommended. In this investigation predator wasp (Encarsia formosa) for whitefly (Trialeurodus vaporariorum) and the combination of 50% Encarsia formosa and 50% Eretmocerus eremicus in gerbera glasshouse production and parasite fungus (Trichoderma harzianum) for the control of fungus diseases Pythium debarianum and Rhizoctonia solani, agents of seedling lodging in greenhouse tomato production were used and compared with the use of standard chemical pesticides. At the end of the experiment, in both cases, biological control gave the best result

    Effect of biostimulant application on development of pansy (Viola tricolor var. Hortensis dc.) seedlings

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    Pansy (Viola tricolor var. hortensis DC.) is a biennial large-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a popular ornamental plant in urban green areas. The plants prefers sun and well-drained soil, but also tolerate low temperatures. The optimal time for transplanting pansy seedlings in outdoors beds is in autumn, although early autumn frosts can affect the insufficient nutrient uptake, which can be a limiting factor for seedling survival. To avoid these effects, plants can be treated with different growth stimulants such as the biostimulant Radifarm®. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of biostimulant Radifarm® application on development of pansy seedlings. The experiments were carried out in the glasshouse of the Faculty of Agriculture in Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, set up as a split-plot design with treated and untreated plants during 2014 and 2015. In the greenhouse, young plants were treated with biostimulant Radifarm® (Valagro SpA, Italy) in concentration of 0.30% while control plants were treated only with tap water. During the experiment, the following parameters were recorded: plant height (cm), plant diameter (cm), number of leaves, and number of flowers. At the end of the experiment root and above-ground fresh, and dry mass were recorded. Biostimulant treatment showed improved results by increasing the examined parameters. Biostimulant application can ensure production of high quality pansy seedlings by overcoming temperature stress and providing good nutrient uptake by the reduction of fertilizers and environmental contamination

    Morphological Characteristics of Roses Cut Flower after Vase Life

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    Investigation was conducted under controlled conditions in the laboratory for plant production at the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek. The cut roses used in the study were „Red Naomi“. Three different mediums of 300 ml volume were used in the study: ordinary tap water, Chrysal clear, Crystal soil gel. After symptoms of decay such as weariness of neck and yellowing and drying of petals were observed, each rose was taken out of medium and the volume of the residual liquid was measured. Leaves, neck and head of decayed roses were separately weighed, placed in paper bags and dried at 70 ºC for 24h and 48h respectfully. The smallest loss of medium volume (5.45 %) was recorded in cut roses that were stored in the Crystal soil gel, while the greatest loss of medium volume (47.71 %) was recorded in cut roses stored in Chrysal clear


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    Vegetative propagation of medicinal and aromatic herbs with green cuttings is mainly used because of seed low germination percentage and duration of such reproduction. The aim of this investigation was to determine the effect of commercial rooting powder Rhizopon I on the sage rooting (Salvia officinalis L.) and rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) green cutting. The investigation was conducted in the greenhouse of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Banja Luka during April till July of 2012. The experiment consisted of two variants. Cuttings of sage and rosemary were treated with rooting powder or planted directly into the substrate without being previously treated. Morphological properties such as plant height, number of leaves, root length, fresh weight and dry weight of plants were recorded. The treatment with rooting powder resulted in significantly higher values of all morphological parameters tested. Therefore, it is highly recommendable to use it in transplants production thus ensuring the proper rooting of cuttings for earlier transplanting.Vegetativno razmnožavanje ljekovitoga i aromatičnoga bilja provodi se onda kada je postotak klijavosti sjemena nizak te zbog skraćivanja postupka dobivanja presadnica. Cilj je ovog istraživanja utvrditi utjecaj komercijalnoga sredstva za ukorjenjivanje Rhizopon I na ukorjenjivanje zelenih reznica kadulje (Salvia officinalis L.) i ružmarina (Rosmarinus officinalis L.). Istraživanje je provedeno u periodu od travanja do srpanja 2012. na Agronomskome fakultetu Sveučilišta u Banja Luci. Pokus se sastajao od dvije varijante. Reznice kadulje i ružmarina tretirane su sredstvom za ukorjenjivanje ili direktno posađene u supstrat bez prethodnoga tretiranja. Tijekom istraživanja zabilježeni su sljedeći parametri: visina biljke, broj listova, dužina korijena, svježa masa biljaka i suha masa biljaka. Statističkom analizom podataka utvrđeno je da su biljke tretirane hormonom Rhizopon I imale statistički značajno veće vrijednosti svih istraživanih parametara. Stoga, preporučljivo ga je koristiti prilikom vegetativnoga razmnožavanja reznicama te tako osigurati pravilno ukorjenjivanje reznica za ranije presađivanje


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    The metals such as Fe, Cu, Zn and Mn are the essential elements that have an important role in the human immune system. The aim of this research was to determine the concentration of nutritive values of macroelements (N, P, and K) and microelements (Fe and Zn) in a mushroom substrate and in a champignon mushroom fruiting body. A trial was conducted in the mushroom production company Romanjek LLC in Slavonski Brod, Croatia. It was conducted in four vegetation cycles on two different substrates, the one originating from Eastern Europe and the other originating from Northern Europe. At the end of the trial, the basic chemical properties of substrates and mushrooms were recorded. A comparison of investigated substrate measurements demonstrates that the highest content of elements N, P, and K was determined in the substrate 2 originating from Northern Europe, while the concentration of microelements Fe and Zn was higher in substrate 1, originating, from Eastern Europe. There was a statistically significant difference in a macroelement content in the mushrooms grown on the substrates of different origin, as well as in the transfer of Zn and Fe from a substrate to mushrooms. There was a higher accumulation of the transferred Zn in comparison to Fe in the mushrooms regardless of the origin of the substrate.Šampinjoni su jedna od ekonomski najznačajnijih jestivih vrsta gljiva, iznimno dobre nutritivne vrijednosti, koja ima važnu ulogu u zdravoj prehrani. Metali Fe, Cu, Zn i Mn su esencijalni elementi koji imaju važnu ulogu u jačanju ljudskoga imuniteta. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi koncentracije makroelemenata (N, P i K) i mikroelemenata (Fe i Zn) u supstratima i plodnim tijelima gljiva. Pokus je postavljen u proizvodnji gljiva Romanjek d. o. o. (Slavonski Brod, Hrvatska) i provodio se tijekom četiri vegetacijska ciklusa na dva supstrata različitoga geografskog podrijetla. Jedan supstrat (supstrat 1) proizveden je u istočnoj Europi, a drugi (supstrat 2) u sjevernoj Europi. Na kraju pokusa analizirana su osnovna kemijska svojstva supstrata i uzoraka istraživanih gljiva. Usporedbom rezultata istraživanih supstrata ustanovljen je veći sadržaj N, P i K u supstratu 2 podrijetlom sa sjevera Europe, ali je koncentracija mikroelemenata Fe i Zn bila veća u supstratu 1, podrijetlom s istoka Europe. Statistički značajna razlika ustanovljena je u sadržaju makroelemenata u gljivama uzgojenim na supstratima različitoga podrijetla, kao i u transferu Zn i Fe iz supstrata u gljive. Osim toga, uspoređujući akumulaciju transferiranoga Zn i Fe, ustanovljena je veća akumulacija Zn u gljivama bez obzira na podrijetlo supstrata


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    Od abiotskih čimbenika koji utječu na klijavost sjemena, jedna od najvažnijih je toplina. Visoka ili niska temperatura zraka mogu značajno smanjiti klijavost sjemena većine poljoprivrednih kultura. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bio utvrditi utjecaj temperature zraka na klijavost i nicanje deklariranog sjemena salate i mrkve. Klijavost i nicanje sjemena obje kulture ispitana je u uvjetima optimalne (20°C) i povišene temperature (30°C) u kontroliranim uvjetima te niskih temperatura zraka tijekom ranih rokova sjetve na otvorenom. Značajno smanjenje klijavosti primijećeno je na povišenoj temperaturi kod mrkve (16%), dok je nicanje bilo značajno manje kod obje kulture u uvjetima niskih temperatura tijekom poljskih pokusa, i to do 41% kod mrkve i do 57% kod salate u usporedbi sa laboratorijskom klijavošću. Iz rezultata ovog istraživanja, može se zaključiti da je stres zbog niskih temperatura značajno utjecao na smanjenje sklopa kod obje kulture u vrijeme sjetve i nicanja.Among different abiotic factors that influence seed germination, one of the most important is warmth. Either high or low temperature can significantly decrease seed germination of different agricultural crops. The aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of temperature and sowing time on germination of declared lettuce and carrot seeds. Seed germination and emergence of both crops was tested in conditions of optimal (20°C) and high temperature (30°C) in controlled environment and low temperature during early sowing periods in open field. Carrot seed germination significantly decreased (16%) in high temperature conditions. Moreover, emergence percentage significantly decreased in both species during field trials by about 41% for carrot and up to 57% for lettuce compared to laboratory germination. It can be concluded that stress caused by low temperatures during sowing time and emergence significantly decreases emergence percentage that resulting in low plant density

    Effect of different preparations for prolonged vase life of rose flower

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    Istraživanje trajanja rezanog cvijeta ruže u vazi provedeno je 2011. u laboratoriju Zavoda za bilinogojstvo na Poljoprivrednom fakultetu u Osijeku. Za potrebe ovog istraživanja korištene su ruže mirisne sorte Red Naomi nizozemskog proizvođača Schreurs uzgojene na OPG Maltar u Valpovu. Kao medij u pokusu korištena je obična voda iz slavine, Chrysal clear i gel Crystal soil. Srednja temperatura tijekom pokusa iznosila je 24,3ºC. Statističkom obradom podataka utvrđena je značajna razlika u trajanju rezanog cvijeta u vazi (vase life) u ovisnosti o mediju čuvanja rezanog cvijeta. Rezani cvijet ruže čuvan u Chrysal clear prosječno je trajao 11 dana, dok je rezani cvijet ruže čuvane u vodi trajao prosječno osam dana. Najmanje se dana očuvao rezani cvijet u gelu koji je propao nakon pet dana. Intenzitet transpiracije i gubitak tekućine u posudama u ovisnosti su jedan o drugome, kao i o mediju u kojem su biljke bile čuvane. Najveći intenzitet transpiracije utvrđen je kod rezane ruže čuvane u mediju Chrysal, a najmanji u gelu. Nakon petog dana pokusa na nekoliko stabljika ruža u gelu uočena je siva pahuljasta prevlaka te je izolacijom patogena utvrđeno da se radi o uzročniku sive plijesni Botrytis cinerea. Istraživanje ukazuje da primjena preparata Chrysal, koji sadrži glukozu, biocide i acidifere, utječe na trajnost cvijeta ruže i produžava život cvijeta u vazi (vase life), isto tako gel nepovoljno utječe na čuvanje rezanog cvijeta ruže.The research of cut rose flower vase life was conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Crop Production, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek. For the needs of this research there were used roses of fragrant cultivar Red Naomi of the Dutch producer Schreurs cultivated at the family farm Maltar in Valpovo, Croatia. As the medium in the experiment there was used regular tap water, Chrysal clear and Crystal soil gel. Mean temperature during the experiment was 24.35°C. Statistical data analysis determined a significant difference in cut flower vase life depending on the medium for keeping a cut flower. Cut rose flower kept in Chrysal clear was fresh for 11 days on average, whereas cut rose flower kept in water was fresh for 8 days on average. Cut rose flower kept in gel had the shortest vase life of 5 days. Transpiration intensity and loss of fluid in pots were interdependent and also depend on the medium for keeping flowers. The highest transpiration intensity was determined with cut rose flower kept in Chrysal medium, and the lowest in gel. After the 5th day of the experiment there was noticed a gray flaky coating on few rose stalks, so pathogen isolation determined that it was the causative agent of gray mold, Botrytis cinerea. The research indicates that the application of the preparation Chrysal, which contains glucose, biocides and acidifiers, affects the viability of rose flower and prolongs the vase life. Also, gel influences unfavorably the keeping of cut rose flower


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    Calcium is an extremely important nutrient in highly productive fruit growing such as glasshousegrown sweet pepper. Good bioavailibility of calcium can be achieved by calcisation, but in many cases owing to its high prices, long-term effects, along with a delayed initial effect, as well as problems that appear due to radical change in availability of other nutrients in soil, its application is restricted. This paper deals with research on effects of foliar applications of the commercial chemical named "Calciogreen", as a supplement to the standard fertilization in greenhouse growing, on yield and quality of pepper fruits of the Cecil cultivar in the region of East Croatia.Kalcij je izrazito važan nutrijent u visokoproduktivnoj povrćarskoj proizvodnji kao što je i staklenička proizvodnja paprike. Dobra bioraspoloživost kalcija može se postići kalcizacijom, ali u mnogim slučajevima njena visoka cijena, višegodišnji efekti uz odloženo početno djelovanje te problemi koji nastaju radikalnom promjenom raspoloživosti drugih hraniva u tlu ograničavaju njenu primjenu. U ovom radu ispitivan je utjecaj folijarne primjene kalcija u obliku komercijalnog preparata "Calciogreen" kao dopuna standardne gnojidbe u stakleničkom uzgoju na prinos i kvalitet plodova paprike sorte Cecil na području istočne Hrvatske