20 research outputs found

    Klaster analiza klonova autohtone sorte Kreaca (Vitis vinifera L.)

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    The purpose of this paper was to characterize the clones obtained from Kreaca, autochthonous grapevine cultivar of Banat. Based on examination of 6 important biological and technological properties, phenotypic and genetic divergence of 28 selected clones was established. The divergence was determined using ANOVA and hierarchical cluster analysis. Using variance analysis, for grape weight, yield, total acid content, sugar content and sugar/acid ratio very significant or significant differences were obtained between clones. The UPGA method was used and the Euclidean distance in order to determine the difference between the groups. Two clone groups were obtained on the dendrogram. The objective of clone differentiation was primarily cluster weight, although other properties were taken into account as well. As the most perspective clones for further investigation and production, that can be recommended, were clones 12/5/5, 56/11/7 and 69/11/7.U periodu od 2006 do 2008. godine, u zasadima vinove loze 'Vršački vinogradi' u Gudurici, izvršene su sanitarna i masovna pozitivna selekcija sorte vinove loze Kreaca. Sa ukupne površine od 12 ha, na osnovu šest značajnih bioloških i tehnoloških karakteristika izdvojeno je 28 klonova. Primenom ELISA testa kod svih ispitivanih klonova nije utvrđeno prisustvo sledećih ekonomski značajnih virusa: Nepovirus Grapevine fanleaf virus (GFLV), clostero virusa, Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1(GLRaV-1), Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 2(GLRaV-2) i Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3(GLRaV-3). Primenom ANOVA i hijerarhijske klaster analize određena je divergentnost klonova. Analizom varijanse ustanovljene su veoma značajne ili značajne razlike između klonova za masu grozda, prinos, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina, sadržaj šećera i odnos šećera i kiselina. Fenotipska divergentnost između klonova ustanovljena je primenom hijerarhijske klaster analize. Korišćen je UPGA metod, pri čemu je razlika između grupa izražena preko Euklideanovog rastojanja. Na dobijenom dendrogramu izdvojene su dve grupe srodnih klonova. Prvu grupu čine 11 a drugu 17 klonova. Kao najperspektivniji, za kolekcionisanje i dalje širenje u proizvodnji, mogu se preporučiti klonovi 12/5/5, 56/11/7 i 69/11/7

    Genetic diversity of a Serbian grapevine germplasm collection based on morphoagronomic characteristics

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate diversity and relationships among grapevine cultivars from the Serbian gene bank in Sremski Karlovci, and to identify the most useful variables for discrimination. A total of 54 grapevine cultivars have been studied. During the period 2000-2005, twelve quantitative and qualitative characteristics were evaluated using OIV categories to each trait. Characterization was done using multivariate statistical analyses: cluster and principal component analysis (PCA), Based on cluster analysis cultivars divided into three major groups and the clustering pattern was related to the classical eco-geographical grouping: occidentalis, pontica and orientalis. Beside geographic origin clustering position of cultivars throughout the dendrogram was related to main uses. The major part (70.1%) of the total variation presented was explained by four principal components. PC1 is highly correlated with the bunch and berry size and PC2 with the density of prostrate hairs of young shoot tip and the density of prostrate hairs between veins on the lower side of mature leaf. The overall arrangement of cultivars suggests considerable phenotypical (and presumably genetic) variability in studied germplasm collection. Furthermore, obtained results may be useful for further utilization of available genetic resources in gene bank managers, growing and breeding


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    Two studies investigated preschoolers ' understanding of how televised images relate to the reality they represent: are they seen as merely showing the visual aspect of reality as it is ('world-window ' interpretation), or as representing it by way of specific visual means ('media ' interpretation). The first study compared the reactions of younger (4- 5) and older (6- 7) preschoolers to very short video clips showing some usual and some unusual (impossible) sights. The children were asked whether what they saw on the screen was true and, if not, how it was possible to show it. The analysis of children's explanations indicates a development toward 'media ' interpretation: while younger children tend to explain the impossible images by referring to interventions made "out there", in front of the camera, the older ones tend to explain them by referring to the interventions of the medium itself. In the second study some of the older preschoolers were given a brief visual literacy training (Videolab method). In the subsequent testing these children demonstrated faster movement toward 'media ' interpretations. Cognitive-developmental and educational implications of these findings are discussed. Key words: cognitive development, iconic representation, pictorial competence, screen-based media Moving picture, in all its versions- film, television, video, internet transmission/presentation, computer animation- has long been a part of everyday life of millions of people. These means of communication, often called screen-based media, marked the 20th century by bringing a new language into human communication: building upon the ancient, visual language, the new technologies 1 Author's address

    From 'out there' to 'in between': Preschoolers' interpretation of televised images

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    Two studies investigated preschoolers' understanding of how televised images relate to the reality they represent: are they seen as merely showing the visual aspect of reality as it is ('world-window' interpretation), or as representing it by way of specific visual means ('media' interpretation). The first study compared the reactions of younger (4 - 5) and older (6 - 7) preschoolers to very short video clips showing some usual and some unusual (impossible) sights. The children were asked whether what they saw on the screen was true and, if not, how it was possible to show it. The analysis of children's explanations indicates a development toward 'media' interpretation: while younger children tend to explain the impossible images by referring to interventions made 'out there', in front of the camera, the older ones tend to explain them by referring to the interventions of the medium itself. In the second study some of the older preschoolers were given a brief visual literacy training(Videolab method). In the subsequent testing these children demonstrated faster movement toward 'media' interpretations. Cognitive-developmental and educational implications of these findings are discussed

    Phenological models for prediction of veraison and harvest in grapevine

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    The objective of this study was to develop phenological models capable of predicting the onset of veraison and harvest in grapevine early enough to be useful for viticultural activities planning. Models are based on the responsiveness of phenological timing to the preceding thermal conditions. Key temperature variable and period for the onset of veraison and harvest were determined using the long-term (1981-2007) temperature and phenological data for 20 wine cultivars grown in the region of Sremski Karlovci (Serbia). The input variable for both phenological models was the maximum daily temperature averaged over the period from April 1 to June 30. The general model equations set up for grapevine as a species were adjusted for each cultivar by adding a correction factor. The correction factor was calculated as a difference between the mean date of phenological stage onset for given cultivar and the average value for all examined cultivars. The proposed empirical models proved to be capable of predicting the onset of veraison and harvest in grapevine cultivars with high accuracy, up to one and half month ahead for veraison and up to three months for harvest. On average for all cultivars, the mean absolute differences between the observed and predicted veraison and harvest dates were 4 and 6 days, respectively. The results are very satisfactory, having in mind the high year-to-year variability of veraison date (up to 49 days) and harvest date (up to 64 days) during the studied period

    A roughly mapped terra incognita: Image of the child in adult-oriented media contents

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    The study analyzes the image of the child in the media contents intended for adult audiences in Serbia, considering the importance of the role media play in shaping public opinion on children, as well as the influence of such public opinion on adults' attitudes, decisions and actions concerning children. The study focuses on visibility and portrayal of children in the media, in order to determine to what extent children are present in them, and in what way. Relevant data were collected for three media - press, radio and television - mostly covering the entire territory of Serbia, over two consecutive months (April - May 2001). Content analysis revealed that children are not only underrepresented, but also misrepresented, in Serbian media

    Ciljevi, metode i dostignuća u oplemenjivanju voćaka i vinove loze

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    The most important objectives, methods and accomplishments in fruit and grape breeding are showed in this study. Yield, quality and resistance to plant diseases and pests are underlined among numerous breeding aims. Besides, review of specific targets was also listed. The most conventional and new biotechnological breeding methods were described. A lot of accessory methods, which in combination with the conventional ones are contributing faster achievement of set goals, are also mentioned. Accomplishments of many breeding programs showed that planned work contributed creating numerous important cultivars and rootstocks in all fruit and grapevine species. Those cultivars are pushing out the standard ones and replacing them in new plantations. All of this is showing that breeding work throughout the world and in our country should go on, while only new cultivars and rootstocks with high genetic potential can provide, with certain conditions, high income in fruit production and viticulture.U radu su prikazani najvažniji ciljevi, metode i dostignuća u oplemenjivanju voćaka i vinove loze. Među ciljevima oplemenjivanja posebno su istaknuti prinos, kvalitet i otpornost prema izazivačima bolesti i štetočinama. Pored njih dat je i prikaz pojedinih specifičnih ciljeva. Od metoda oplemenjivanja u prvom redu obrađene su konvencionalne i nove metode biotehnologije. Određena pažnja usresređena je i na brojne pomoćne metode, koje u kombinaciji sa konvencionalnim, doprinose bržem ostvarivanju postavljenih ciljeva. Dostignuća mnogih oplemenjivačkih programa pokazala su da su planskim radom na oplemenjivanju stvorene brojne privredno značajne sorte i podloge kod svih vrsta voćaka i vinove loze. Mnoge od njih potiskuju iz proizvodnje standardne sorte i zauzimaju odgovarajuća mesta u novim zasadima. Sve ovo ukazuje da oplemenjivački rad kako u svetu tako i u našoj zemlji treba dalje nastaviti, jer samo nove sorte i podloge velikog genetičkog potencijala mogu, uz odgovarajuće druge uslove, obezbediti visok dohodak u voćarskoj i vinogradarskoj proizvodnji

    Heat requirements for red grapevine cultivars in the wine-producing region of Sremski Karlovci, Serbia

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    Heat requirements for four major phenological stages (budburst, flowering, veraison and harvest) were assessed in eight red grapevine cultivars grown in the Sremski Karlovci region in northern Serbia using a growing degree-days (GDD) method and base temperature of 10 degrees C. Temperature and phenological data covering the period 1986-2007 were used to conduct the study. The accumulated GDD for the beginning of budburst ranged from 70 ('Gamay' and 'Limberger') to 92 ('Cabernet Sauvignon'). The heat requirements for the beginning of flowering varied between 338 GDD in 'Gamay' to 398 GDD in 'Probus'. The smallest heat requirements to reach the beginning of veraison was observed in 'Portugizer' (937 GDD) and the greatest in 'Probus' (1117 GDD). The GDD for harvest spanned the range from 1555 in 'Portugizer' to 1649 in 'Prokupac'. Generally, a greater variation in GDD was found between years for a single cultivar than among cultivars within individual years. Among phenological stages, the greatest inter-annul variation in terms of coefficient of variation was displayed for the beginning of budburst and the least for harvest

    Analiza fenologije vinove loze u području Sremskih Karlovaca

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    A comprehensive analysis of phenological timing and growth intervals for eight red and thirteen white wine grape cultivars in the region of Sremski Karlovci was performed using a long-term (1986-2011) data set. Four phenological stages of grapevine were examined: beginning of budburst, beginning of flowering, beginning of veraison and harvest. The phenological stages studied exhibited a 30 to 51 day variation between the earliest and latest years for red cultivars and 29 to 49 day variation for white cultivars. The beginning of flowering exhibited the least, while harvest showed the highest inter-annual variation. The difference between red and white cultivars was the greatest for harvest - the mean harvest date averaged over all red cultivars was 24 September and over all white cultivars 14 September. The beginning of flowering to the beginning of veraison interval showed the smallest and budburst to harvest interval the greatest year-toyear variability. The beginning of budburst to harvest period for the cultivars examined averaged 165 days for red and 156 days for white cultivars, with the mean interval range of 58 days for red and 55 days for white cultivars. In addition, it was found that a variability of the onset and duration of phenological phases was greater between years for a single cultivar than among cultivars within individual years, meaning that climatic factors are more important than genetic characteristics of cultivars for phenological timing.Urađena je detaljna fenološka analiza na osnovu višegodišnjih podataka za period 1986-2011. godine za osam crvenih i trinaest belih vinskih sorti vinove loze gajenjih na području Sremskih Karlovaca. Ispitivana su četiri fenološka događaja: otvaranje pupoljaka, početak cvetanja, početak šarka i berba. Amplituda između najranijeg i najkasnijeg nastupa proučavanih fenoloških događaja kretala se od 30 do 51 dan za crvene i od 29 do 49 dana za bele sorte. Najmanje variranje između godina pokazao je datum početka cvetanja, a najveće datum berbe. Najveća razlika između crvenih i belih sorti je utvrđena kod datuma berbe - srednji datum berbe bio je 24. septembar za crvene, a 14. septembar za bele sorte. Period od početka cvetanja do početka šarka je ispoljio najmanje, a period od otvaranja pupoljaka do berbe najveće variranje između godina. Prosečno trajanje perioda od otvaranja pupoljaka do berbe je bilo 165 dana za crvene i 156 dana za bele sorte. Po godinama, trajanje ove fenološke faze variralo je u proseku 58 dana za crvene i 55 dana za bele sorte. Takođe je ustanovljeno da na variranje nastupa i trajanja fenoloških faza veći uticaj imaju klimtski faktori nego genetske osobine sorti

    Response of grapevine phenology to recent temperature change and variability in the wine-producing area of Sremski Karlovci, Serbia

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    The historical temperature (1981-2007) and phenological (1986-2011) data were analysed for the region of Sremski Karlovci, one of the oldest grapevine growing areas in Europe, with the aim of detecting trends of changes in the data, evaluating the sensitivity of grapevine phenology to temperature and revealing diversity among cultivars in their response to observed changes in temperature. The onset dates of four major phenological stages (budburst, flowering, veraison and harvest), along with the corresponding growth intervals between them, were examined for 20 wine grape cultivars. A number of climatically important parameters for viticulture were calculated for the calendar year, growing season and different grapevine growth periods. Significant increases were detected in average and heat-related extreme temperature indices. The greatest rate of change in temperature variables across the growing season was observed during the period from the beginning of flowering to the beginning of veraison and the smallest during the ripening period. Linear trends indicated that all phenological stages, except budburst, have advanced significantly. Averaged across all cultivars, detected trends were -0.4, -0.7 and -0.6 days/year for the beginning of flowering, the beginning of veraison and harvest date, respectively. Observed warming and change in the timing of phenological events did not significantly affect the duration of the growth intervals, which can be explained by significant inter-correlation between the phenological stages' onset. Ripening was occurring under warmer conditions due to earlier flowering and veraison, rather than because of considerably higher temperatures preceding harvest or shortening of the ripening period. Most of the variation in phenology timing (74-90%) can be explained by a linear relationship between the onset date of phenological stage and temperature, with mean and maximum temperatures being more important than minimum temperatures. According to the current results, a 1 degrees C increase in the most influential temperature variable during the most relevant periods for the onset of phenological stages led to an advancement in the beginning of budburst, the beginning of flowering, the beginning of veraison and harvest by 3.6, 3.1, 5.2 and 7.4 days, respectively, on average for all cultivars. Among the cultivars studied, Pinot Noir displayed the greatest phenology advancement in response to increased temperature