13 research outputs found


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    Background: The high prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with psychiatric disorders, almost double the prevalence reported for the general population, is worrying. The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of metabolic syndrome and inflammatory marker levels in patients with schizophrenia and recurrent depressive disorder in a Croatian psychiatric sample. Subjects and methods: This study included 62 inpatients with schizophrenia and 62 with recurrent depressive disorder treated at the Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Centre Split, enrolled from November 2011 until May 2012. The cases were compared to 124 healthy subjects from the general population. Results: The presence of metabolic syndrome was found in 56.5% of the patients with schizophrenia and 53.2% of the patients with depression, which was significantly more prevalent than in the control group (32.3%). The levels of inflammation markers (i.e., C-reactive protein and PAI-1) were significantly higher among patients with metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: Patients with schizophrenia and recurrent depressive disorder demonstrate a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome that is also related to inflammation processes. In the context of integrative medicine, clinicians and researchers should consider psychiatric patients within a holistic approach

    The Significance of Salivary and Serum Interleukin 6 and Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Levels in Patients with Sjƶgren\u27s Syndrome

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    Role of various cytokines have been implicated in the development and perpetuation of Sjƶgren\u27s syndrome (SS), but no specific cytokine could be determined as a major contributor to the SS. Salivary and serum interleukin 6 (IL-6) levels have been studied previously in patients with SS, but data upon salivary and serum basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in SS are lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate levels of salivary and serum IL-6 and bFGF in 18 patients with SS, age range 32ā€“79, mean 54.05 years. Control group consisted of 23 healthy participants, mean age 25 years. Serum IL-6 and bFGF levels were not significantly different between patients with SS and healthy controls. Elevated levels of salivary IL-6 and bFGF in patients with SS when compared to the healthy controls were found (p<0.001). We might speculate that higher levels of salivary IL-6 and bFGF in patients with SS might originate from local production probably having source in the salivary glands

    The efficacy of two phytogenic feed additives in the control of swine dysentery

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    Control of swine dysentery with antibiotics is often ineffective due to the resistance of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae. The potential of some herbal-based components against B. hyodysenteriae was previously studied in vitro. This study aims at the evaluation of in vivo efficacy of phytogemc feed additives in the control of swine dysentery. The study involved 64 seven-week old weaned pigs allotted to 4 groups: two were fed on feed supplemented with either Patente Herba(R)or Patente Herba(R) Plus, the third received tiamulin (positive control), while the negative control was not given antibiotics or additives. Fecal consistency was recorded daily. The presence of B. hyodysenteriae in the feces was investigated weekly using microbiological assays and the PCR test. Weight gain and feed conversion ratio were calculated for each week, and for the whole experiment. B. hyodysenteriae was detected in all samples by both methods. The additives showed efficacy in the prevention and control of swine dysentery as only normal and soft stool was observed in the treated groups. By contrast, in the negative control all feces categories were detected. Frequencies of feces categories significantly differed (p (lt) 0.001) between feed-supplemented groups and the negative control. Efficacy of both additives in the prevention of SD is comparable to tiamulin, based on insignificant differences in the frequency of the various feces categories. Beneficial effects of both additives resulted in significantly (p (lt) = 0.05) higher weight gain and lower feed conversion ratio in comparison to the negative control. The average weight gains between additive-fed groups and tiamulin-treated group did not differ significantly

    High Incidence of Glucose-6-phosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency in Croatian Island Isolate: Example from Vis Island, Croatia

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    Aim: To determine the prevalence of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency in the population of the town of Komiža on the island of Vis, which has previously been reported as a place with several cases of favism. Methods: We screened 302 randomly selected men, using the fluorescent spot test. Fluorescence readings were performed at the beginning and 5, 10, and 20 minutes after incubation, and were classified into three groups: bright fluorescence, weak fluorescence, and no fluorescence. All men found to be G6PD deficient were tested with a quantitative spectrophotometric UV method. Results: Of the 302 tested blood samples, 36 (11.9%) samples showed weak fluorescence or no fluorescence spots. Spectrophotometric UV test showed that 18 (5.96%) men were G6PD deficient. The prevalence of G6PD deficiency in the population of Komiža is significantly higher (P<0.001) than the prevalence in the whole population of Dalmatia in the south of Croatia (0.75% in men). Conclusion: On the basis of these findings, we recommend including the newborns from the island of Vis into a screening program for G6PD deficiency. Our results indicate that G6PD deficiency should be determined for all the island isolates in the Mediterranean basin and they warrant further studies

    Uvođenje autohtonih ekotipova čeÅ”njaka in vitro pod utjecajem regulatora rasta i svjetlost

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    Garlic is valuable crop that is used not only for human consumption, but also in pharmaceutical, food and cosmetics industries. Indigenous cultivars have specific beneficial properties that could be permanently lost due to cultivation of new cultivars. Aim of this study was to established two indigenous garlic cultivars in vitro under influence of growth regulator and light. Garlic varieties Slavonian winter (Croatia) and Vincek (Slovenia) were introduced on medium supplemented with two different concentrations of BAP (1 and 1,5 mg/L) and grown under two types of light (FLUO and LED). Results showed there were no significant influence of light type but concentration of growth regulator significantly influenced in vitro development of garlic microshoots of both investigated cultivars. The best treatment for Vincek garlic explants was nutrient medium supplemented with 1.5 mg/L BAP and LED lights, while for Slavonian winter garlic the best treatment showed to be FLUO light and 1,5 mg/L BAP.ČeÅ”njak je dragocjena kultura koja se koristi osim za ljudsku prehranu, i u farmaceutskoj, prehrambenoj i kozmetičkoj industriji. Autohtone sorte imaju specifična korisna svojstva koja bi mogla biti trajno izgubljena uzgojem novih kultivara. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je uspostaviti in vitro protokol za uzgoj dvije autohtone sorte čeÅ”njaka pod utjecajem regulatora rasta i svjetla. U in vitro kulturu uvedene su autohtone sorte čeÅ”njaka Slavonski ozimi (Hrvatska) i Vincek (Slovenija) na dvije različite varijante hranjive podloge (1 i 1,5 mg/L BAP-a) te su uzgajane pod dvije varijante osvjetljenja (FLUO i LED). Rezultati su pokazali da nije bilo značajnog utjecaja vrste svjetla, ali je koncentracija regulatora rasta značajno utjecala na in vitro razvoj mikroizdanaka čeÅ”njaka obje ispitivane sorte. Eksplantati čeÅ”njaka Vincek postigli su bolje rezultate na tretmanu hranjive podloge s dodatkom 1,5 mg/L BAP-a i LED svjetla, dok se za Slavonski ozimi čeÅ”njak pokazao najbolji tretman FLUO svjetlo i 1,5 mg/L BAP-a

    The Significance of Salivary and Serum Interleukin 6 and Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Levels in Patients with Sjƶgren\u27s Syndrome

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    Role of various cytokines have been implicated in the development and perpetuation of Sjƶgren\u27s syndrome (SS), but no specific cytokine could be determined as a major contributor to the SS. Salivary and serum interleukin 6 (IL-6) levels have been studied previously in patients with SS, but data upon salivary and serum basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) in SS are lacking. The aim of this study was to evaluate levels of salivary and serum IL-6 and bFGF in 18 patients with SS, age range 32ā€“79, mean 54.05 years. Control group consisted of 23 healthy participants, mean age 25 years. Serum IL-6 and bFGF levels were not significantly different between patients with SS and healthy controls. Elevated levels of salivary IL-6 and bFGF in patients with SS when compared to the healthy controls were found (p<0.001). We might speculate that higher levels of salivary IL-6 and bFGF in patients with SS might originate from local production probably having source in the salivary glands

    Neuroimaging in brain development malformations EUROIMAGING IN BRAIN DEVELOPMENT MALFORMATIONS

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    Prikazani su rezultati studije ocjene vrijednosti ultrazvuka, kompjutorizirane tomografije i magnetne rezonancije u dijagostificiranju poremećaja prouzročenih anomalijama u razvoju mozga. Studijom je obuhvaćeno 70 djece s cerebralnim anomalijama dijagnosticiranim primjenom UZV, CT i MR u razdoblju od 1984. do 1995. godine, koja su klinički obrađivana u Klinici za dječje bolesti Zagreb. U radu je primijenjena modificirana klasifikacija anomalija mozga prema De Myeru. Navedena klasifikacija polazi od stupnja razvoja u kojem anomalija nastaje, pa govorimo o cerebralnim anomalijama uslijed poremećaja citogeneze, histiogeneze ili organogeneze. UZV je osnovna metoda u dijagnostici intrakranijskih anomalija i mora biti primijenjen kao "screening" metoda. S obzirom da značajan broj anomalija mozga može ostati neprepoznat ukoliko se primjenjuje samo UZV, potrebno je, ponekad, primijeniti i CT ili MR, a pogotovo nakon zatvaranja fontanele djeteta. Primjenom kombinacije radioloÅ”kih metoda uz kliničke i laboratorijske nalaze, u mogućnosti smo utvrditi konačnu dijagnozu anomalija mozga u velikom broju djece, a Å”to je vrlo značajno s kliničkog, prognostičkog i genetskog stajaliÅ”ta.The paper presents the results of the study of the value of ultrasound (US), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance (MR) in the diagnostics of brain development malformations, In the period from 1984 to 1995 US, CT and MR examinations were performed on 70 children with cerebral development malformations who were treated at the Children\u27s Hospital in Zagreb. In our study we applied the classification of cerebral malformations by De Myer. This Classification is based on the stage in the foetal development in which malformation occurs: disorders of cytogenesis, disorders of histogenesis or organogenesis. US is the basic imaging method in the diagnostics of cerebral malformations and must be used as a screening method. However, CT and MR, have to be used sometimes especially after the closure of a child\u27s fontanelle, because some of the malformations can be misdiagnosed if US is applied alone. The combination of imaging methods, clinical and laboratory findings enables us to set the definite diagnosis in children with cerebral malformations. This is very important from clinical, genetic and prognostic points of view

    Doprinos transkranijske dupleks Dopplerove sonografije dijagnostici stenoze velikih moždanih arterija u djeteta

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    The contribution of pulsating duplex Doppler ultrasonography to the diagnosis of middle (MCA) and anterior (ACA) cerebral artery obstruction in one patient is reported. A 10year-old boy was admitted to the hospital for pulsating headaches (especially pronounced on physical training). He had no neurologic disabilities. His EEG and brain CT scan were normal, and so were his funduscopic examination, lumbar puncture, and laboratory tests. Transcranial color duplex Doppler ultrasonography showed very high velocities in both ACA and right MCA as a sign of suspected stenosis or spasm. Bilateral subtraction cerebral angiography performed after several months of recurrent headaches and unchanged Doppler ultrasonography findings produced an image of high degree stenosis of A1 segment of both ACA and right MCA, with signs of ā€˜steal syndromeā€™ through the posterior cerebral circulation. MRI performed one year later, after episodes of transient ischemic attacks, showed ischemic infarction in the right temporo-occipital region. The etiology of stenosis was supposed to include vasculopathy, i.e. early stage of moyamoya syndrome. Other vasculopathies were excluded by laboratory tests and clinical elaboration. It is concluded that transcranial Doppler ultrasonography is a very helpful method for detection and follow-up of the degree of stenosis of great cerebral arteries in children, and that it correlates well with cerebral angiography, yet it is not useful in diagnosing the etiology of stenosis.Prikazan je slučaj 10-godiÅ”njeg dječaka koji je primljen na Kliniku zbog pulsirajućih glavobolja koje su se najčeŔće javljale za vrijeme tjelesnog napora. Dječak je bio urednog somatskog i neuroloÅ”kog statusa. Njegov EEG i CT mozga bili su uredni, kao i pregled očnog dna, likvora i laboratorijske pretrage. Transkranijski obojeni dupleks Doppler pokazao je izrazito velike brzine u objema prednjim moždanim arterijama (ACA) i u desnoj srednjoj moždanoj arteriji (MCA), Å”to je moglo odgovarati stenozi krvnih aila. Subtrakcijska cerebralna angiografija učinjena je nakon nekoliko mjeseci opetovanih glavobolja i nepromijenjenog Doplerskog nalaza. Pokazala je veći stupanj stenoze prednjeg segmenta obiju ACA i početnog dijela desne MCA, sa znacima ā€˜sindroma krađeā€™ kroz stražnju moždanu cirkulaciju. MRI (učinjena godinu dana kasnije, nakon ponavljanih epizoda prolaznih ishemijskih napadaja) pokazala je ishemijski infarkt temporookcipitalno desno. Etiologija bolesti ostala je otvorenom. Pretpostavljeno je da se radi o vaskulopatiji, tj. ranom stadiju bolesti moyamoya. Ostale vaskulopatije isključene su laboratorijskim i kliničkim ispitivanjem. Zaključuje se kako je transkranijski obojeni dupleks Doppler vrlo dobra metoda za otkrivanje i praćenje stupnja stenoze moždanih arterija u djece i dobro korelira s cerebralnom angiografijom, ali joÅ” ne pomaže u otkrivanju etiologije stenoze

    Synthesis and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Novel Furochromenes

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    A series of variously substituted furochromenes, hemiacetals 2, acetals 3, and rearranged compounds 4, were synthesized from variously substituted 4-hydroxycoumarins and evaluated in several in vitro assays, inhibition of mast cell degranulation induced by the activation of FcĪµ receptor type I or calci-um ionophore and leukotriene B4 (LTB4) inhibition. The most active derivatives, 3p and 4p (8-iso-propyl substitution in coumarin ring) and 3r (5-methyl-8-chloro substitution), showed significant inhibition of mast cell degranulation (Fctriggered) and LTB4, and exhibited significant local anti-inflammatory activity in PMA induced ear edema in CD1 mice, with potency equal (compounds 3p and 4p) or better (compound 3r) in comparison with zileuton, a reference drug used. It might be a promising direction for developing novel drugs as potential agents for the treatment of allergies and other inflammatory diseases.(doi: 10.5562/cca2240


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    Background: The high prevalence of metabolic syndrome in patients with psychiatric disorders, almost double the prevalence reported for the general population, is worrying. The aim of this study is to investigate the presence of metabolic syndrome and inflammatory marker levels in patients with schizophrenia and recurrent depressive disorder in a Croatian psychiatric sample. Subjects and methods: This study included 62 inpatients with schizophrenia and 62 with recurrent depressive disorder treated at the Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Centre Split, enrolled from November 2011 until May 2012. The cases were compared to 124 healthy subjects from the general population. Results: The presence of metabolic syndrome was found in 56.5% of the patients with schizophrenia and 53.2% of the patients with depression, which was significantly more prevalent than in the control group (32.3%). The levels of inflammation markers (i.e., C-reactive protein and PAI-1) were significantly higher among patients with metabolic syndrome. Conclusions: Patients with schizophrenia and recurrent depressive disorder demonstrate a high prevalence of metabolic syndrome that is also related to inflammation processes. In the context of integrative medicine, clinicians and researchers should consider psychiatric patients within a holistic approach