859 research outputs found

    Internal Mobility and Likelihood of Skill Losses in Localities of Emigration: Theory and Preliminary Empirical Application to Some Developing Economies

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    An economic model is introduced to discuss the impacts of rural migration on skills in source and destination localities and regions. Two versions of the model are used without and with risks. In this context, the model considers that rural migration is determined by the demand for education and urban rural wage differences. The optimal decision rules attained are tested against available aggregate data for series of developing countries. The preliminary empirical results show the existence of country variations of rural emigration with varied impacts on education with likely losses in localities of emigration. Economic and social policies are to account for these impacts mainly when emphasis is placed on regional and local development programs.Rural migration; bias; education; skilled labor; local development

    Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights, Software Protection & Development in the South Mediterranean Countries

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    This paper looks at the role of intellectual property rights in development in the context of South Mediterranean countries. A special focus is placed on software piracy data and analysis to assess the current losses implied by the practices of non compliance with IPRs. Descriptive and regression analyzes are used to show the links between piracy, economic losses and development. The results show how the strengthening of domestic institutions may not mean only applying “the law” and pursuing legally the non compliant. But it means the inclusion of the all players into the process of development. Further research and development besides optimal IPR protection appear to be necessary. The inclusion of the informal sector is then an important part of this enterprise. This requires policies of formalization besides mobilization of knowledge and intellectual property rights among the informal producers and traders.Intellectual property rights; software piracy; development; South Mediterranean countries.

    Local Universities as Engines for Innovation and Regional Development in Southern Economies with Reference to MOROCCO

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    Abstract: The objective of this paper is to show that universities can be engines for local development in Southern economies. Previous contributions to the literature on this subject have already shown the positive effects of regional sources of tacit knowledge on local development. Using data on developed, developing and emerging countries, regression analysis is pursued with the available data. The attained results show that developing economies do have room for local development as this can be further provided by regional universities and schools. These potential gains have been expressed to be higher for developing and emerging countries. These results imply that developing and emerging countries can enhance their local and overall development through the promotion of local universities and schools but these sources of skills and knowledge need to be tied with the local needs of the population as in developed countries. The case of Morocco illustrates the potential and positive effects of regional universities on local development. The transmission channel includes encouragement of skills, access to patents and intellectual property rights protection besides enterprise creation and implementation. These trends are likely to be accelerated within the regionalization process and the role of regional knowledge centers.universities-innovations-local development-Southern countries-Morocco

    Emigration of Highly Skilled Labor: Determinants & Impacts

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    This is an additional contribution to the large body of literature developed in the area of economics of skilled labor migration. It focuses on two major objectives that are the determinants of the migration and its likely impacts on developing economies. Within the framework of the new economics of skilled labor migration, this research has attempted to test empirically the relevance of some components of the most recent new economic models of skilled labor migration. Using available data from international organizations (World Bank, OECD, UNESCO…) and others, in both regressions analyzes and economic simulations, hypotheses have been tested and directions of empirical results identified for larger policy discussions. The theoretical models that have been given priority in these empirical investigations are mainly those of Beine & al, Stark (2005) & al, N. Duc Thanh (2004) and M. Schiff (2005). A major focus has been placed on the models suggested by Duc Thanh (2004) where useful specifications of the functional forms were made. This selected framework uses the similarities that have been observed between this model and that of Stark and Schiff. The empirical results that have been obtained confirm the role of relative wages, the availability of better opportunities such as jobs, the importance of the living conditions as well as the existence of more attractive working conditions in destination countries relative to source economies. Concerning the estimation of the impacts of skilled labor migrations for both developed and developing economies, the specifications have followed Beine, Stark and Duc Thanh models with special emphasis placed on this latter. Given the dynamic nature of Beine’s model and with the limits on the available time series, significant empirical results are obtained and tests of Beine’s propositions achieved. The regressions results using the subcomponent of the knowledge economic index have shown significantly the effects of both domestic education and the attractiveness of foreign relative wages as major determinants that support the explanation of the level of knowledge added by the tertiary sector in each economy. In the sense of these estimations, it appears clearly that any economy is under two major opposite effects. On one hand, there is the relative share of investment in education that affects positively the human capital formation in any country but with higher impact in developing economies. On the other hand, there is the magnitude of the relative wages that negatively affect the performance of developing economies as measured by the subcomponent of the knowledge economic index. These results have been first confirmed through regression analysis. These preliminary findings suggest that local, national, regional and international economic policies consider the new theoretical and empirical trends shown so far by these results.Key words: Sklled labor; brain drain; development

    The control of Foxp3+ regulatory T cell by interleukin-4 receptor alpha-mediated signaling

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    T regulatory (Treg) cells play a pivotal role in the maintenance of self-tolerance and immune homeostasis. Forkhead box P3 (Foxp3)+ Treg function is controlled by environmental cues of which cytokine-mediated signaling is a dominant component. Recently, Interleukin (IL)-4 has been shown to play an important role in determining the fate of Foxp3+ Tregs. In vivo, IL-4-mediated signaling via Interleukin-4 receptor alpha (IL4Rα) was convincingly shown to mediate Treg transdifferentiation into ex-Foxp3 Th2 or Th17 cells, suggesting a negative regulation of Foxp3+ Tregs by IL-4Rα-mediated signaling. Puzzlingly, however, IL-4-mediated signaling was also independently found to reinforce the Foxp3+ Tregs, counter-arguing for the positive regulation of Foxp3+ Tregs by IL-4Rα-mediated signaling. In the face of such a conundrum, the present work was set forth as an attempt to unambiguously and conclusively decipher the bases of the regulation of Foxp3+ Treg by IL-4Rα-mediated signaling using transgenic murine models. It was first noted that Foxp3+ Treg cells do express IL-4Rα under steady-state. Furthermore, in vitro, purified CD25+ Tregs were prompted to higher Foxp3 expression and increased survival upon stimulation with IL-4 arguing for a potentiating role of IL-4Rα mediated signaling on Foxp3+ Treg cells. To better address the need for the host Foxp3+ Treg cells to express IL-4Rα as observed, we generated Foxp3-specific IL-4Rα deficient mice where IL-4Rα is specifically deleted from Foxp3+ T cells in the whole organism. Even though naïve Foxp3cre IL-4Rα -/lox mice model at homeostasis did neither reveal any significant alteration of the cellular, tissular and phenotypic profile nor development of spontaneous inflammatory disorder when compared to wild-type mice, under S. mansoni infection impairment IL-4Rα-mediated signaling on Foxp3+ Tregs resulted in heightened activation marker expression and elevated T cell effector functions as indicated by increased cytokines production and greater T cell proliferation rate. This heightened immune responsiveness translated overall into an exacerbated parasitic egg-driven fibrogranulomatous inflammation in the liver and the gut of schistosomiasis-diseased Foxp3cre IL-4Rα-/lox mice. Furthermore, in another model of helminth infection with the parasitic nematode, Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, Foxp3cre IL-4Rα-/lox mice showed a higher level of mucus and exaggerated emphysematous pathology in the lungs. Interestingly, the impairment of IL-4Rα signaling within the Foxp3+ Treg population in Foxp3cre IL-4Rα-/lox mice led to a reduced recruitment of Foxp3+ Tregs and a diminished expression of Foxp3, and other associated Treg suppressive markers (i.e. IRF4 and Helios) during the course of these helminth infections. Taken together, our findings supported a role for IL-4Rα signaling in the positive regulation of Foxp3+ Tregs function and thus, the suppression of inflammatory responses during helminth infections. In conclusion, this work demonstrated a positive role for IL-4Rα mediated signaling in the biology of Foxp3+ Treg cells whereby the latter cells require IL-4Rα signaling to survive and maintain Foxp3 expression and suppressive functions so as to efficiently control tissue inflammatory responses during infection. The data presented do provide insights into the mechanisms of Foxp3+ Treg regulation that are highly relevant for the therapeutic control of inflammation during infectious diseases

    A systematic review of reviews to identify key research opportunities within the field of eHealth implementation

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    Introduction: This paper is a systematic review of the relevant literature surrounding the implementation and utilisation of eHealth to identify key challenges and opportunities to future eHealth applications. Methods: NHS Evidence, PubMed, IEEE Explorer, Cochrane Library and JMIR Publications were all searched for reviews published between 1 January 2010 and 30 June 2017. Results: A total of 47 papers met the final inclusion criterion. The published literature focused on a wide array of challenges categorised into five areas, facing the implementation and utilisation of eHealth; from this, four areas of opportunity to advance eHealth were identified. Discussion: The five challenge areas are (C1) stakeholders and system users, (C2) technology and interoperability, (C3) cost-effectiveness and start-up costs, (C4) legal clarity and legal framework and (C5) local context and regional differences. The four opportunity areas are (O1) participation and contribution, (O2) foundation and sustainability, (O3) improvement and productivity and (O4) identification and application. Conclusion: The literature analysed in this systematic review identifies design and implementation priorities that can guide the development and utilisation of future eHealth initiatives

    Bayesian Analyses of the Burr Type ? Distribution under Doubly Type ?? censored samples using different Priors and Loss functions

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    The Bayesian analysis of the Burr type  distribution (Exponentiated Rayleigh) has been considered in the paper.  The Gamma, Exponential, Chi-Squared and Jeffrey prior have been assumed for posterior analysis. The estimation has been made under doubly type  censored samples. The Bayes estimation has been obtained under eight different loss functions (Squared error, Quadratic, Weighted, Linear exponential, Precautionary, Entropy, De Groot and non-Linear exponential loss functions). The simulation study has been conducted to compare by mean square error (MSE) for the performance of various estimators. Keyword: Bayesian Analyses, Exponentiated Rayleigh Distribution, Burr type  distribution, Loss function, Prior, Posterior, (Squared error, Quadratic, Weighted, Linear exponential, Precautionary, Entropy, De Groot and non-Linear exponential) loss functions

    An Enhanced Approach of Image Steganographic Using Discrete Shearlet Transform and Secret Sharing

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                   في الآونة الأخيرة، جعل الإنترنت المستخدمين قادرين على نقل الوسائط الرقمية بطريقة أسهل. على الرغم من هذه السهولة للإنترنت، إلا أنه قد تؤدي إلى العديد من التهديدات التي تتعلق بسرية محتويات الوسائط المنقولة مثل مصادقة الوسائط والتحقق من تكاملها. لهذه الأسباب ، يتم استخدام أساليب إخفاء البيانات والتشفير لحماية محتويات الوسائط الرقمية. في هذه الورقة البحثية ، تم اقتراح طريقة معززة لإخفاء المعلومات بالصور مع التشفير المرئي. يتم تشفير الشعار السري (صورة ثنائية) بالحجم (128 × 128) عن طريق تطبيق التشفير البصري (2 out 2 share) لتوليد مشاركتين سريتين. أثناء عملية التضمين ، يتم تقسيم الصورة غطاء RGB بحجم (512 × 512) إلى ثلاث طبقات (الأحمر والأخضر والأزرق). يتم تحويل الطبقة الزرقاء باستخدام التحويل Shearlet المتقطع للحصول على معاملاتها. يتم تضمين المشاركة السرية الأولى في معاملات الطبقة الزرقاء المحولة للحصول على صورة الاخفاء. في عملية الاستخراج ، يتم استخراج المشاركة السرية الأولى من معاملات الطبقة الزرقاء لصورة الاخفاء وثم يتم تطبيق عملية XOR عليها مع المشاركة السرية الثانية لإنشاء الشعار السري الأصلي. وفقًا للنتائج التجريبية ، فإن الطريقة المقترحة قد حققت افضل نسبة من عدم الوضوح لصورة الاخفاء بقدرة الحمولة الصافية تساوي (1 bpp). أصبح الشعار السري أكثر أمانًا باستخدام التشفير المرئي (2 out 2 share)  والمشاركة السرية الثانية كمفتاح خاص ايضاً.  Recently, the internet has made the users able to transmit the digital media in the easiest manner. In spite of this facility of the internet, this may lead to several threats that are concerned with confidentiality of transferred media contents such as media authentication and integrity verification. For these reasons, data hiding methods and cryptography are used to protect the contents of digital media. In this paper, an enhanced method of image steganography combined with visual cryptography has been proposed. A secret logo (binary image) of size (128x128) is encrypted by applying (2 out 2 share) visual cryptography on it to generate two secret share. During the embedding process, a cover red, green, and blue (RGB) image of size (512x512) is divided into three layers (red, green and blue). The blue layer is transformed using Discrete Shearlet Transform (DST) to obtain its coefficients. The first secret share is embedded at the coefficients of transformed blue layer to obtain a stego image. At extraction process, the first secret share is extracted from the coefficients of blue layer of the stego image and XORed with the second secret share to generate the original secret logo. According to the experimental results, the proposed method is achieved better imperceptibility for the stego image with the payload capacity equal to (1 bpp). In addition, the secret logo becomes more secured using (2 out 2 share) visual cryptography and the second secret share as a private key