6 research outputs found


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    Akvakultura kao poljoprivredna djelatnost u našoj zemlji je u stanjuproizvoditi velike količine ribe različitih vrsta i kategorija. Klimatske i geografskekarakteristike naše zemlje, njen reljef i razvoj poljoprivredne proizvodnje kao ipoštovanje principa „održivog razvoja”, mjesta i značaja ribarstva u višenamjenskomkorišćenju voda, moraju da određuju pravac razvoja proizvodnje pastrmki ubudućnosti. Najvažnija riblja vrsta koja se uzgaja u pastrmskim ribnjacima kodnas je kalifornijska pastrmka, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). Osim što jegajenje ove vrste ribe privlačno za veliki broj proizvođača, s obzirom na mogućnostpostizanja visokih prinosa, nju odlikuje i značajna tolerantnost na variranjamikroambijentalnih uvjeta okoliša. S obzirom za značaj proizvodnje ribe u Bosni iHercegovini, koja je jedna od rijetkih grana prehrambenog sektora koja je uspjelaispuniti međunarodne standarde i postavljene kriterije te osigurati izlazak na tržištezemalja Europske unije, neophodno je ustanoviti optimalne uslove koji obezbjeđujuvisoku produktivnost salmonidnog gospodarstva. Proučavanje reproduktivnogciklusa može dati vrlo precizne i značajne rezultate o stanju organizma za vrijemeovog vrlo složenog fiziološkog procesa, kao i populacije u datom ekosistemu


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    Aquaculture as an agricultural activity in our country is capable ofproducing large amounts of different types and categories of fish. Climate andgeographic characteristics of our country, the terrain and development of agriculturalproduction as well as compliance with the principle of “sustainable development”,the position and importance of fishery in a multipurpose water utilization, mustdetermine the direction of development of the future trout production. The mostimportant type of fish grown in the trout fisheries in BiH is the rainbow trout,Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792). In addition to the fact that growing thistype of fish is attractive to many producers, considering the high yield potential,it is also characterized by a significant level of tolerance to varying microambientconditions of the environment. Given the importance of fish production in Bosniaand Herzegovina, which is one of the rare branches of food sector that has fulfilledthe international standards and criteria and secured access to the markets of the EUcountries, it is necessary to establish optimal conditions to ensure high productivityof salmonid fisheries. Studying the reproductive cycles can provide very preciseand significant results of the overall condition of the entire organism during thisvery complex physiological process and of the overall population in the respectiveecosystem


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    U Bosni i Hercegovini, kunićarstvo kao grana stočarstva, je slabo razvijeno a glavni faktori nerazvijenosti su kulturološke ustaljene prehrambene navike, nepostojanje tradicije uzgoja kunića i sigurnog tržišta za plasman dobivenih proizvoda što u konačnici predstavlja mali broj uzgajivača za ovu vrstu stočarstva a samim tim i slabiji privredni značaj. Prisutna je tendencija pada ukupnog broja kunića. Tako je 2006. godine bilo oko 18.000, od 2007. do 2010. 19.000, dok je 2011. godine registrirano 11.000 kunića što je za 38,89% bilo manje u odnosu na 2006., a 42,11% u odnosu na period 2007. do 2010. godine. Zahvaljujući određenom broju zaljubljenika ipak je primjetna tendencija rasta broja uzgajivača ovih ţivotinja, ne samo kao uzgoj ljubimaca, već i uzgoj kunića sitnih proizvođača isključivo za vlastite potrebe. S toga, je potrebno prezentirati osnovne karakteristike i značaj uzgoja kunića kao preporuka uzgajivačima za intenzivnije bavljenje ovom granom stočarstva.In the Bosnia and Herzegovina as a branch of rabbit livestock is poorly developed, and the main factors of underdevelopment of the livestock industry are routine cultural eating habits, absence of tradition of breeding rabbits, and a secure markets for the products obtained which ultimately represents a small number of breeders for this type of livestock and thus and weaker economic importance. There is a downward trend in the total number of rabbits. In 2006, rabbit population in B&H was about 18, of 2007 to 2010 19.000, while in 2011 the number decreased to 11.000 rabbits which is 38.89% was less than the 2006th, and 42.11% over the period of 2007th-2010th. Thanks to a number of fans still noticeable tendency for the number breeder of these animals, not only as breeding animals, but breeding rabbits small producers exclusively for their own use. Therefore, it is necessary to present the main features and importance of breeding rabbits as a recommendation for growers intensive practice of this branch of animal husbandry


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    Horse breeding is a branch of animal husbandry that keeps loosing its importance in BiH, in particular in the postwar period. Horse population number tends to decline constantly. In 1990, horse population in BiH was about 99.803, in 2004 about 27.156, in 2006 about 25.699, while in 2009 the number decreased to 21.185 with the objective tendency of further decline. These data support the opinion of many livestock breeding experts that horse breeding surely became the most endangered livestock breeding in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, horse population has an estimate of 1000. Only thanks to a number of enthusiasts in horse breeding, horse population has been surviving, sometimes under unbelievable circumstances lacking food, water and adequate accommodation. These facts command a thorough research both phenotypic and genetic, with the goal of complete determination of this horse population.Key words: Horse breeding, Bosnia and Herzegovina mountain horse, free breeding</p

    Histology of uterus of Dubska pramenka during sexual season

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    Bosnia and Herzegovina has always had a developed sheep production, at least from the aspect of the number of sheep per capita. Today, the ratio is 1 sheep per 4 persons, because the cattle production, globally looking, is decimated by war. Thanks to the geographic location of the country, the quality of mountain pastures and environment that is still healthy, we believe that with increased investments in sheep production we could increase the number of heads, which would have positive effects on production of meat and milk of exceptional quality. The study involving the uterus of Dubska pramenka during sexual season under nomadic conditions of holding, demonstrated that, in adequate zoo hygiene conditions (holding, feeding, treatment of animal), the sheep showed increased reproductive parameters as well as parameters manifested in meat and milk production. In our studies, microstructure of uterus of Dubska pramenka during sexual season shows extremely positive characteristics for nidation of the egg cell and normal development of the embryo. Epithelium of the uterus is in a form of high-prismatic cells, which points to significant cell activity; perfusion and development of myometrium are visible. The uterine glands are extremely well developed and their histological structure indicates increased secretion and preparation of the uterus for gravidity