26 research outputs found

    Technické konopí (Cannabis sativa L.) jako možný zdroj kanabidiolu

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    (-)-Cannabidiol (CBD) is a cannabinoid, which has unique pharmacological and biological activities.The aim of this study was to determine the CBD, cannabidiolic (CBDA), and canabigerolic acids (CBGA) content in parts of industrial hemp that are possible waste material in the production of hemp fiber, and could be used for CBD extraction. Two hemp varieties were sampled at the full-flowering stage, and at the ripening stage. The lyophilised material (leaves, roots, stems, and inflorescences/seeds) was extracted with ethylacetate and analyzed by HPLC. Hemp inflorescences and leaves are the most important source of CBD. CBDA and CBGA are the dominant compounds in these plant parts. They are the precursors of CBD. The CBD level is dependent on the variety and the environmental conditions. Dry cool weather with lower solar intensity increased the CBD level in \u27Bialobrzeskie\u27 - a monoecious variety potentially suitable as a material for CBD extraction with heat decarboxylation due to the high CBDA, CBGA, and CBD levels in the leaves and inflorescences.-) - Kanabidiol (CBD) je kanabinoid, který má jedinečné farmakologické a biologické účinky. Cílem této práce bylo zjistit obsah CBD, kyseliny kanabidiolové (CBDA) a kanabigerolové (CBGA) v jednotlivých částech technického konopí, které jsou možným odpadovým materiálem při výrobě konopných vláken a mohly by být použity k extrakci CBD. Vzorky ze dvou odrůd konopí byly odebrány ve fázi plného květu a ve fázi zrání. Lyofilizovaný materiál (listy, kořeny, stonky a květenství / semena) byl extrahován ethylacetátem a analyzován pomocí HPLC. Konopná květenství a listy jsou nejdůležitějším zdrojem CBD. CBDA a CBGA jsou dominantní sloučeniny v těchto rostlinných částech. Tyto látky jsou prekurzory CBD. Obsah CBD závisí na odrůdě a podmínkách prostředí. Suché chladné počasí s nižší intenzitou slunečního záření zvýšilo hladinu CBD v rostlinách. „Bialobrzeskie“ – jednodomá odrůda je potenciálně vhodná jako materiál pro extrakci CBD po tepelné dekarboxylaci z důvodu vysokého obsahu CBDA, CBGA i CBD v listech a květenstvích

    The possibilities of increasing lignan content in food

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    Lignans are bioactive substances which belong to polyphenols. This compounds can be found in plants including coniferous trees. Lignans are secondary plant metabolites with wide range of biological effects, such as antimicrobial, antivirus or anticancer. They also serve as antioxidants and are naturally occurring compounds which are found in food rich in fibre. There are more than 200 lignans that originate from more than 70 plant families. They can be found in all parts of the plant, mainly in seeds. Almost 37% of total lignan intake in human diet comes from drinking tea and coffee. Fruit and vegetable contain only about 1% of lignans, but they are also significant source of lignans because they are consumed in higher amounts than seeds. 7-hydroxymatairesinol is the main representative of lignans. It is white powder with great health benefits and it is present in the knots of coniferous trees, especially in knots of spruce. Lignans were extracted from the knots and used for fortifying fruit and vegetable spreads. Subsequently, the fortified products became subject to sensory analysis, their antioxidant capacity was measured by the FRAP method, total polyphenols content was found and lignan content determined using the HPLC method. The aim was enriching commonly consumed foods by healthy lignans to avoid negative effects on the sensory quality of these products by the bitter taste of the lignan extract. Of the tested foods, plum jam and red pepper paste are the best options as they best block the bitter taste of lignans. There was a positive increase in antioxidant capacity in food products fortified by the lignan extract. For plum jam, strawberry jam, strawberry spread and red pepper paste, the more lignans were added to the products, the greater was the level of antioxidant capacity. The highest antioxidant capacity was reached in samples with the added amount of 340 mg of lignan per kg of product. As with the antioxidant capacity, total polyphenols content is dependent on the quantity of added lignans. Plum jam is the only exception, for which there was no statistically evident difference between the doses of 170 mg and 340 mg of lignans per kg. The values of lignans measured for samples with added 340 mg of lignans per kg range from 313 mg to 339 mg. For samples with addition of 170 mg of lignans per kg the measured values range from 129 to 164 mg per kg. Although lignans are beneficial for health, they are not acceptable to deteriorate taste of the product. The samples containing the highest dose of lignans, i.e. 340 mg of lignans per kg, were rated as the least acceptable by consumer. Evaluated as the most suitable in this regard was plum jam with a dose of 170 mg of lignans per kg of product where lignans were not found to possess a sensory effect on the acceptability of the product.

    Long term investigation of resveratrol content in moravian red wines in relation to climate conditions

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    The considerable commercial importance of wine together with the necessary quality control and investigation of the biological quality of constituent compounds leads to the development of adequate and reliable methods for the determination of macro- and micro-components in wine. Although wine contains a large amount of known compounds e.g. volatile (fl avour compounds), semi-volatile (phenolic) and non-volatile components (pigments), new compounds from all the above mentioned classes are still found in wine and are under heavy investigation, especially regarding their biological activity and their relation to the vinifi cation processes. Th e most signifi cant and famous due to the so-called French paradox is resveratrol-3,4´,5-trihydroxystilbene. Resveratrol is a stress metabolite formed in the grapevine in response to abiotic (UV irradiation) and biotic stresses (Botrytis cinerea). UV irradiation transforms trans isomer to cis form. But according the recent literature cis resveratrol could be also a result of organic farming – natural means of defence in organic viticulture against fungal infections. In our study we have investigated resveratrol content in diff erent vineyards in relation to annual mean temperature, precipitation and sun irradiation

    Trans-pterostilbene and its derivative 2,4-dimethoxy-6-hydroxyphenanthrene in the leaves of Parthenocissus tricuspidata

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    Trans-pterostilbene, cis-pterostilbene and 2,4-dimethoxy-6-hydroxyphenanthrene were detected in the leaves of Parthenocissus tricuspidata (Siebold et Zuccarini) Planchon. It was recorded for this plant for the first time that in autumn, when the leaves change in colour, there is an increase in content of 2,4-dimethoxy-6-hydroxyphenanthrene (DMPH), which is a derivative of trans-pterostilbene

    Spread of tetracycline resistance genes at a conventional dairy farm

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    The use of antibiotics in animal husbandry contributes to the worldwide problem of increasing antibiotic resistance in animal and human pathogens. Intensive animal production is considered an important source of antibiotic resistance genes released to the environment, while the contribution of smaller farms remains to be evaluated. Here we monitor the spread of tetracycline resistance (TC-r) genes at a middle-size conventional dairy farm, where chlortetracycline (CTC, as intrauterine suppository) is prophylactically used after each calving. Our study has shown that animals at the farm acquired the TC-r genes in their early age (1-2 weeks), likely due to colonization with TC-resistant bacteria from their mothers and/or the farm environment. The relative abundance of the TC-r genes tet(W), tet(Q), and tet(M) in fresh excrements of calves was about 1-2 orders of magnitude higher compared to heifers and dairy cows, possibly due to the presence of antibiotic residues in milk fed to calves. The occurrence and abundance of TC-r genes in fresh excrements of heifers and adult cows remained unaffected by intrauterine CTC applications, with tet(O), tet(Q), and tet(W) representing a "core TC-resistome" of the farm, and tet(A), tet(M), tet(Y), and tet(X) occurring occasionally. The genes tet(A), tet(M), tet(Y), and tet(X) were shown to be respectively harbored by Shigella, Lactobacillus and Clostridium, Acinetobacter, and Wautersiella. Soil in the farm proximity, as well as field soil to which manure from the farm was applied, was contaminated with TC-r genes occurring in the farm, and some of the TC-r genes persisted in the field over 3 months following the manure application. Concluding, our study shows that antibiotic resistance genes may be a stable part of the intestinal metagenome of cattle even if antibiotics are not used for growth stimulation, and that smaller dairy farms may also contribute to environmental pollution with antibiotic resistance genes

    Variability in the Content of Trans-Resveratrol, Trans-ε-Viniferin and R2-Viniferin in Grape Cane of Seven Vitis vinifera L. Varieties during a Three-Year Study

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    Grape canes are a waste product from viticulture that show potential as an industrially extractable source of stilbenes, which are valuable for medical and other purposes. In this work, grape canes collected in three consecutive years (2014–2016) at six different places in South Moravia, Czech Republic were extracted, and the contents of trans-resveratrol, trans-ε-viniferin, and r2-viniferin were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography. The study included three blue grape varieties of Vitis vinifera L. (Cabernet Moravia, Blaufränkisch, and Piwi variety Laurot) and four white grape varieties (Chardonnay, Green Veltliner, Piwi variety Hibernal, and Piwi variety Malverina). From the viewpoint of producing extracts with high stilbenes content, the Hibernal variety is clearly the best. The mean amounts of the stilbenes for this variety at all localities and for all three years were 4.99 g/kg for trans-resveratrol, 3.24 g/kg for trans-ε-viniferin, and 1.73 g/kg for r2-viniferin. The influence of vintage, locality, and variety on the amounts of stilbenes was studied using PCA analysis. In contrast to expectations, there was no strong impact of locality on stilbenes content. The differences were varietal for most varieties, regardless of the area of cultivation. Laurot and Hibernal varieties did differ significantly in that respect, however, as they exhibited clear dependence on location