104 research outputs found

    Legislative opportunity of coercitive treatment of incompliancy patients about antituberculosis treatment

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    Catedra Psihiatrie, Narcologie, Psiholgie MedicalăThis study is a psychological and psychiatric study about 837 inpatient of nonpsychotic psychic disorders and tuberculoses diseasis victims, whish need to be of differentiate a psychoterapeutically, inclusivly coercitive treatment, and medico legal psychiatric intervention. Lucrarea, în baza studierei a 837 de pacienţi, este consacrată necesităţii implementării tratamenului diferenciat psihoteraeutic, inclusiv coercitiv cu intervenţia psihiatriei medico-legale la persoanele, victime ale tulburărilor psihice nepsihotice şi tuberculozei pulmonare

    Zeolite Usage for Interventions in Accidental Polutions by Mine Waters in Maramureş County

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    This study presents the results obtained using natural zeolites for retaining heavy metals from the Maramureş rivers affected by the mining activities. Natural zeolites from the north-west Transylvania have been tested, i.e. zeolite from Călineşti-Maramureş and two sorts of zeolites manufactured by SC Zeolitos SRL Oradea. Natural zeolites represint a technical and economical alternative to ion-exchange synthetic resins and classical waste water technologies. Heavy-metal containing waters from Cisla, Burloaia, Cavnic, Săsar, Buşag and Ilba rivers have been used. Metal concentrations of untreated vs. treated samples have been determined for the zeolites containing clinoptilolite. The adsorbtion of metals (Mn, Cu, Zn) during a 24h period has been studied for various zeolites

    Targeted Assembly of Short Sequence Reads

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    As next-generation sequence (NGS) production continues to increase, analysis is becoming a significant bottleneck. However, in situations where information is required only for specific sequence variants, it is not necessary to assemble or align whole genome data sets in their entirety. Rather, NGS data sets can be mined for the presence of sequence variants of interest by localized assembly, which is a faster, easier, and more accurate approach. We present TASR, a streamlined assembler that interrogates very large NGS data sets for the presence of specific variants, by only considering reads within the sequence space of input target sequences provided by the user. The NGS data set is searched for reads with an exact match to all possible short words within the target sequence, and these reads are then assembled strin-gently to generate a consensus of the target and flanking sequence. Typically, variants of a particular locus are provided as different target sequences, and the presence of the variant in the data set being interrogated is revealed by a successful assembly outcome. However, TASR can also be used to find unknown sequences that flank a given target. We demonstrate that TASR has utility in finding or confirming ge-nomic mutations, polymorphism, fusion and integration events. Targeted assembly is a powerful method for interrogating large data sets for the presence of sequence variants of interest. TASR is a fast, flexible and easy to use tool for targeted assembly

    Bone marrow nucleated autocells in treatment of femoral head osteonecrosis in adults (preliminary report)

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    Clinica ortopedie și traumatologie „Vitalie Bețișor”, Laboratorul de inginerie tisulară și culturi celulare, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Scopul. Elaborarea unui protocolul de colectare, procesare, multiplicare și administrare a autocelulelor nucleate din măduva osoasă pentru tratamentul osteonecrozei de cap femural la adult. Material şi metode. Studiul a fost realizat în cadrul Laboratorului de inginerie tisulară şi culturi celulare și Clinica Ortopedie şi Traumatologie ’’V. Bețișor” al USMF ’’N. Testemiţanu”. Inițial au fost efectuate studii preclinice pe animale de laborator la care s-au obținut rezultate favorabile. A fost elaborat protocolul recoltării (aspirat de măduvă osoasă în volum de 40 ml din crista iliaca postero-superioară), separării și multiplicării pe mediu nutritiv (DMEM cu 10% autoser) în incubator CO2 până la 12,6±1,5x106 celule/ml. După 5-6 zile, suspensia celulară, a fost inoculată cu ajutorul unei trefine speciale sub control Rx în focarul necrotic. În prima jumătate a anului 2015 au fost tratați prin această metodă 8 pacienți adulți cu diagnosticul de osteonecroză de cap femural (6 în stadiul II și unul în stadiul IIIa). A fost elaborată o conduită postoperatorie care a constat din: repaus funcțional cu sprijin dozat pe membrul afectat timp de o lună, oxibaroterapie, preparate pentru ameliorarea microcirculației, preparatele vit. B, bisfosfonați.Rezultate. La toți pacienții postoperator s-a determinat un grad înalt de satisfacție datorită dispariției durerilor. La investigația imagistică progresie în focarul necrotic nu s-a depistat în nici un caz. Concluzii. Luând în considerație evoluția clinică favorabilă și datele literaturii considerăm necesare prelungirea studiilor în acest domeniu.Purpose. Protocol elaboration for prelevation, processing, multiplication and administration of bone marrow nucleated autocells in treatment of avascular femoral head osteonecrosis in adults. Materials and methods. The study was performed in the Laboratory ’’Tissue engineering and cell cultures’’ and Orthopaedics and Traumatology clinic ’’Vitalie Bețișor”. Pre-clinical studies with favorable results were obtained on laboratory animals. A procedure protocol was elaborated for collecting bone marrow (aspiration of 40 ml bone marrow from posterior superior iliac crest), cells separation and multiplication on nutrient medium (DMEM with 10% autoserum) in CO2 incubator until reach to 12,6±1,5x106 cells/ml. After 5-6 days, the cell suspension was inoculated in necrotic area using a special cannulated needle Rx guided. In first half of 2015, using this method, were treated 8 adult patients diagnosed with osteonecrosis of the femoral head (6 in stage II and 1 in stage IIIa). All patients followed a special postoperative care that consists in: functional rest with dosed support on affected limb for one month, oxibarotherapy, medicamentous microcirculation enhancement, group B vitamins and bisphosphonates. Results. All patients after surgery declared a high degree of satisfaction due to pain disappearance. On imaging investigation progression of necrotic area was not determined in all cases. Conclusions. Due to a favorable clinical evolution and conducive literature data, we consider mandatory continuation of studies

    The obtaining of three-dimensional extracellular liver matrix

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    Laboratorul de inginerie tisulară și culturi celulare, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Creşterea numărului persoanelor ce necesită transplant de ficat şi insuficienţa donatorilor de organe, cât şi avansarea în bioinginerie a permis dezvoltarea de noi strategii terapeutice ce presupun generarea organelor artificiale funcţionale, obţinute prin tehnologia de decelularizare şi crearea matricei extracelulare şi recelularizarea ulterioară acestora. Scop. actualei lucrări este obţinerea unei matrice prin decelularizarea ficatului cu păstrarea arborelui vascular al acestuia. Materiale şi metode. În calitate de obiect de studiu au servit ficați de şobolan (n=9) care au fost supuse decelularizării cu soluţie sodiu dodecilsulfat de 0,1 şi 0,5 % şi cu combinaţia de sodiu dodecilsulfat de 0,1 şă 0,5 % şi anticuagulant. Ulterior, s-a efectuat extracţia acizilor nucleici conform protocolului de extracţie QIAamp Blood Mini Kit (2003). Rezultate. În urma decelularizării ţesutului hepatic am obţinut matrice hepatice decelularizate. Cuantificarea acizilor nucleici a relevat existenţa unei mici cantităţi de ADN 1,04±0,43 ng/μl, * p<0,05 în matricile decelularizate cu anticuagulant şi soluţie sodiu dodecilsulfat. Prin metoda de decelularizare numai cu agent de decelularizare SDS am obţinut o cantitate mai mare de acizi nucleici fapt ce a relevat o decelularizare mai puţin eficientă 5.2 ± 2.19 ng/μl, * p<0,05. Concluzii. Cuantificarea conţinutului de acizi nucleici a matricilor decelularizate prin metoda cu anticoagulant şi detergent SDS a determinat valori mai mici de acizi nucleici, ceea ce denotă o decelularizare mai eficientă a segmentelor de ţesut hepatic decelularizat şi obţinerea unei bioconstrucţii pentru recelularizare.Introduction. The growing of people number who need the liver transplant and the insufficiency of organ donors, as the advancement in bioengineering has enabled the development of new therapeutic strategies which involve generation of functional artificial organ, obtained by the decellularization technology and create extracellular matrix and their subsequent recellularisation. Purpose. Is to obtain a liver matrix by decellularization and to maintain its vascular tree. Materials and methods. As the object of this study they served rat livers (n = 9) which were subjected to decellularization with sodium dodecyl sulfate solution 0.1 and 0.5% and the combination of sodium dodecyl sulfate 0.1 to 0.5% and anticoagulant. Subsequently, the extraction of nucleic acids was performed according to the protocol QIAamp Blood Mini Kit (2003). Results. After the liver tissue decellularization we obtained the matrix of decellularised liver. The quantification of nucleic acids revealed the existence of a small amount of DNA 1.04 ± 0.43 ng/μl, * p<0,05 in decellularised matrix with sodium dodecyl sulfate solution and anticoagulant. After decellularization by the method with SDS exclusively, we obtained a larger amount of nucleic acids which revealed a less efficient decellularization 5.2 ± 2.19 ng/μl, * p <0.05. Conclusions. The quantification of nucleic acids content of decellularised matrix by the method with anticoagulant and detergent SDS, they resulted lower values of nucleic acids, which suggested a more efficient decellularization of liver tissue segments and we achieved a decellularised bioconstruction for recellularisation

    The use of amniotic membrane in the treatment of severe burn injuries

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    Clinica de chirurgie plastică și microchirurgie reconstructivă a locomotorului, IMSP IMU, Catedra de ortopedie și traumatologie, USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, Centrul Republican de Leziuni Termice, Spitalul Clinic de Traumatologie și Ortopedie, Chișinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința stiințifică „Nicolae Anestiadi – nume etern al chirurgiei basarabene” consacrată centenarului de la nașterea profesorului Nicolae Anestiadi 26 august 2016Introducere. Arsurile reprezintă o problemă majoră a sănătății publice, datorită frecvenței înalte a cazurilor letale, dar și a consecințelor grave medicale și sociale, fiind cauza spitalizării îndelungate, mutilării si invalidizării pacienților respectivi. Arsurile profunde produc defecte dermo-epidermice, care nu regenerează ”per primam intentionem” și a căror soluționare necesită asistență medicală specializată. Promovarea regenerării plăgilor post-arsură și restabilirea structurii și funcției tegumentului recuperat utilizând substituenți biologici de piele, reprezintă o adevărată provocare pentru clinicieni. Obiectiv. Determinarea eficacității clinice a membranelor amniotice (MA) umane procesate în calitate de pansament la pacienți cu arsuri profunde si grave; influența asupra evoluției plăgilor, timpului de regenerare și rezultatului estetic al sechelelor. Material și metode. S-a efectuat un studiu descriptiv-retrospectiv a unui lot de pacienți cu arsuri de gr. III și IV în tratamentul cărora s-a utilizat MA în calitate de pansament biologic. Concomitent s-a studiat un lot-control de pacienți, la care s-au aplicat metode tradiționale de tratament. MA s-a aplicat pe locurile donatoare de piele, și pe plăgi post-arsură după debridare tangențială precoce. Rezultatele au fost comparate cu cele obținute în cazul folosirii metodelor tradiționale de tratament la pacienți cu arsuri similare. Rezultate. La folosirea MA pe plaga debridată se diminuează sindromul dolor, pierderile electrolitice și proteice, se stimulează producerea țesutului granular și cicatrizarea, reducându-se timpul de regenerare. Utilizarea MA în calitate de pansament al locului donator de autogrefă promovează epitelizarea mai rapidă a plăgii cu constituirea unui epiteliu mai fin decât în cazul tratamentului tradițional. Concluzii. MA în calitate de pansament biologic promovează generarea țesutului granular și epitelizarea plăgii arse debridate și a zonei donatoare.Introduction. Burn injuries represent a major problem of public health due to high incidence of lethal cases, and due to severe medical and social consequences, causing long term hospitalization, patient’s mutilations and invalidity. Deep burns cause dermo-epidermic defects, which don’t heal per primam intentionem, requiring specialized medical care. Promotion of wound regeneration, structure’s restoration and function’s recovery using temporal biological substituents represents a true challenge for clinicians. Purpose. Determination of clinical effectiveness of use of amniotic human membrane as biologic dressing in patients with severe burns; of influence on pathology’s evolution; of regeneration’s time of the wounds and patients hospitalization. Material and methods. It was performed a descriptive retrospective study in a group of 11 patients with 3rd and 4th degree burns treated with amniotic membrane as temporal biologic dressing. At the same time was studied a control group with severe burns, treated with standard methods. Results. The study group was formed by 4 men and 7 women. In 7 cases AM was applied on skin’s donor sites, in 4 cases – on post burn wounds after tangential surgical debridement. Results were compared with those obtained in use of standard treatment methods in patients with similar diagnostics. Conclusions. Using AM on debrided wound diminishes pain, electrolytic and protein losses, stimulates production of granular tissue and promotes epithelization reducing regeneration’s time. Using it as biologic dressing of donor site, promotes wound’s epithelization with formation of a new, thin and gentle epithelium

    Automated information system as quality management providing human tissue banks

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    School of Management, Nicolae Testemitsanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Info World Company, Laboratory of Tissue Engineering and Cell Cultures, Bank of Human TissuesBackground: Modern tissue bank should have management autonomy, to be equipped with modern equipment for tissue grafts procurement, processing, preservation and storage that met the requirements of the profile structures of the EU Directives and Authorized National Health Services. Material and methods: Article represents the analysis of the needs to create and use in human tissues and cells bank an automated information system (AIS) to provide qualitative and safe tissue and cells grafts for transplantation in the Republic of Moldova. Automated Information System components are analyzed and characterized, elucidated the functions they have to fulfill, their role in ensuring the effective management of human tissue bank (HTB) in providing secure grafts for health system in the Republic of Moldova. Results: Basic functions of the HTB AIS include: management of the life cycle of donated products; information about products recording and storing; grafts records and relevant information about them; monitoring of the stored products; indexing exactly the products location in storage devices; a comprehensive view of patient information products; listing information in real and historical time by textual and graphical means; generating and scanning labels for each product; evidence of testing and validation samples; view reports using aggregate data; restricting access rights per each group of users. Conclusions: Thus it appears that AIS is an important element in ensuring a strict accounting of human allergic graft throughout their movement from the procurement, processing, validation, storage, distribution and transplantation. AIS also permits easier integration into the European network for tissue, because it allows encoding of grafts according to European unique codes way enabling the identification of tissue grafts as Bank products and follow their path. The computerized record of practical grafts excludes human errors in grafts distribution

    Ice Formations Monitoring and intervention on the rivers in Romania in January-February 2017

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    This article presents ice monitoring and intervention on the rivers in Romania in January-February, 2017. After a long period in January with very low temperatures, there were positive temperatures with significant rainfall in the first decade, causing ice flows followed by ice jams and floods. In order to reduce the damage done by overflowing rivers ”Romanian Waters” National Administration employees from Alba, Bistrița-Năsăud, Brașov, Covasna, Harghita, Maramureș, Mureș and Suceava counties participated in the operation. Pyrotechnics teams from County Inspectorate for Emergency Situations intervened in the following counties: Alba, Bistrița-Năsăud, Maramureș, Mureș, Suceava and Vâlcea counties. There has been reported damages in Alba, Bistriţa-Năsăud, Botoşani, Harghita, Hunedoara, Iaşi, Maramureş, Mureş and Suceava. The most affected county was Bistriţa-Năsăud, the most pyrotechnical interventions occurred in Suceava. The intervention with special pyrotechnical equipment makes damage insignificant as it happened in Braşov, Covasna and Vâlcea counties

    Southern Europeans in France: Invisible Migrants?

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    France fared relatively well at the start of the current economic crisis, but has experienced low economic growth and high unemployment rates in the recent years. As a result it has been a less popular destination with Southern Europeans and EU migrants in general in search of economic opportunities. Although their numbers have increased and represent a growing proportion of recent flows to France, they remain low compared to numbers observed in Germany and the UK. Despite this statistical reality, EU mobility and more generally the role of the EU in economic and social policy have been at the forefront of debates in France since the start of the 2000s, thus well before the start of the crisis. These debates have focused on two populations – the Roma and posted workers – with both groups being portrayed as threats to the French welfare state. Although posted workers are not migrants, according to official EU definitions, their characteristics and experiences are similar to other groups of temporary migrant workers. Southern Europeans account for an increasing number of posted workers, and although they have not been the primary nationalities targeted in discussions concerning this issue, the debates and policy changes introduced in the recent years concern them as well. Moreover, we argue that the focusing of political debates on other populations in France has contributed to the relative invisibility of Southern European immigrants in this country

    Identification of differentially expressed subnetworks based on multivariate ANOVA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since high-throughput protein-protein interaction (PPI) data has recently become available for humans, there has been a growing interest in combining PPI data with other genome-wide data. In particular, the identification of phenotype-related PPI subnetworks using gene expression data has been of great concern. Successful integration for the identification of significant subnetworks requires the use of a search algorithm with a proper scoring method. Here we propose a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA)-based scoring method with a greedy search for identifying differentially expressed PPI subnetworks.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Given the MANOVA-based scoring method, we performed a greedy search to identify the subnetworks with the maximum scores in the PPI network. Our approach was successfully applied to human microarray datasets. Each identified subnetwork was annotated with the Gene Ontology (GO) term, resulting in the phenotype-related functional pathway or complex. We also compared these results with those of other scoring methods such as <it>t </it>statistic- and mutual information-based scoring methods. The MANOVA-based method produced subnetworks with a larger number of proteins than the other methods. Furthermore, the subnetworks identified by the MANOVA-based method tended to consist of highly correlated proteins.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This article proposes a MANOVA-based scoring method to combine PPI data with expression data using a greedy search. This method is recommended for the highly sensitive detection of large subnetworks.</p