91 research outputs found

    Microbial community analysis with a specific statistical approach after a record breaking snowfall in Southern Italy

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    Abstract Purpose Snow and ice ecosystems present unexpectedly high microbial abundance and diversity. Although arctic and alpine snow environments have been intensively investigated from a microbiological point of view, few studies have been conducted in the Apennines. Accordingly, the main purpose of this research was to analyze the microbial communities of the snow collected in two different locations of Capracotta municipality (Southern Italy) after a snowfall record occurred on March 2015 (256 cm of snow in less than 24 h). Methods Bacterial communities were analyzed by the Next-Generation Sequencing techniques. Furthermore, a specific statistical approach for taxonomic hierarchy data was introduced, both for the assessment of diversity within microbial communities and the comparison between different microbiotas. In general, diversity and similarity indices are more informative when computed at the lowest level of the taxonomic hierarchy, the species level. This is not the case with microbial data, for which the species level is not necessarily the most informative. Indeed, the possibility to detect a large number of unclassified records at every level of the hierarchy (even at the top) is very realistic due to both the partial knowledge about the cultivable fraction of microbial communities and limitations to taxonomic assignment connected to the quality and completeness of the 16S rRNA gene reference databases. Thus, a global approach considering information from the whole taxonomic hierarchy was adopted in order to obtain a more consistent assessment of the biodiversity. Result The main phyla retrieved in the investigated snow samples were Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Firmicutes. Interestingly, DNA from bacteria adapted to thrive at low temperatures, but also from microorganisms normally associated with other habitats, whose presence in the snow could be justified by wind-transport, was found. Biomolecular investigations and statistical data analysis showed relevant differences in terms of biodiversity, composition, and distribution of bacterial species between the studied snow samples. Conclusion The relevance of this research lies in the expansion of knowledge about microorganisms associated with cold environments in contexts poorly investigated such as the Italian Apennines, and in the development of a global statistical approach for the assessment of biological diversity and similarity of microbial communities as an additional tool to be usefully combined with the barcoding methods

    Purification and partial characterization of bacillocin 490, a novel bacteriocin produced by a thermophilic strain of Bacillus licheniformis

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    BACKGROUND: Applications of bacteriocins as food preservatives have been so far limited, principally because of their low antimicrobial activity in foods. Nisin is the only bacteriocin of significant use, but applications are restricted principally because of its very low activity at neutral or alkaline pH. Thus the isolation of new bacteriocins active in foods is desirable. RESULTS: We isolated a Bacillus licheniformis thermophilic strain producing a bacteriocin with some novel features, named here bacillocin 490. This bacteriocin was inactivated by pronase E and proteinase K and was active against closely related Bacillus spp. both in aerobic and in anaerobic conditions. Bactericidal activity was kept during storage at 4°C and was remarkably stable in a wide pH range. The bacteriocin was partially purified by elution after adhesion to cells of the food-isolated strain Bacillus smithii and had a rather low mass (2 KDa). Antimicrobial activity against B. smithii was observed also when this organism was grown in water buffalo milk. CONCLUSIONS: Bacillocin 490 is a novel candidate as a food anti-microbial agent since it displays its activity in milk, is stable to heat treatment and during storage, is active in a wide pH range and has bactericidal activity also at high temperature. These features may allow the use of bacillocin 490 during processes performed at high temperature and as a complementary antimicrobial agent of nisin against some Bacillus spp. in non-acidic foods. The small size suggests its use on solid foods

    Expression of the heat shock gene clpL of Streptococcus thermophilus is induced by both heat and cold shock

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    BACKGROUND: Heat and cold shock response are normally considered as independent phenomena. A small amount of evidence suggests instead that interactions may exist between them in two Lactococcus strains. RESULTS: We show the occurrence of molecular relationships between the mechanisms of cold and heat adaptations in Streptococcus thermophilus, a lactic acid bacterium widely used in dairy fermentation, where it undergoes both types of stress. We observed that cryotolerance is increased when cells are pre-incubated at high temperature. In addition, the production of a protein, identified as ClpL, a member of the heat-shock ATPase family Clp A/B, is induced at both high and low temperature. A knock-out clpL mutant is deficient in both heat and cold tolerance. However lack of production of this protein does not abolish the positive effect of heat pre-treatment towards cryotolerance. CONCLUSION: Dual induction of ClpL by cold and heat exposure of cells and reduced tolerance to both temperature shocks in a clpL mutant indicates that the two stress responses are correlated in S. thermophilus. However this protein is not responsible by itself for cryotolerance of cells pre-treated at high temperature, indicating that ClpL is necessary for the two phenomena, but does not account by itself for the relationships between them
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