3 research outputs found

    Analysis on the soundness Level of Shariah Commercial Banks Using RGEC During the Covid-19

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    This study aims to determine the soundness of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia using the measurement method regulated in Bank Indonesia Regulation PBI No.13/1/PBI/2011, concerning the Assessment of Bank Soundness Levels using the RGEC method during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020). The assessment factors in the RGEC method are Risk Profile using credit risk (NPF ratio) and liquidity risk (FDR ratio), Earnings (ROA, ROE and BOPO ratio) and Capital (CAR ratio). This research is a quantitative descriptive using secondary data, namely published reports in the 2020 Annual Report. The research subjects used were 11 Islamic Commercial Banks. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. The result of this study indicates that the level of the soundness of Islamic commercial banks in terms of the risk profile of the NPF ratio with the predicate healthy and FDR fairly healthy. Good corporate governance obtains an average healthy composite rating, in the earnings aspect, the healthy BOPO ratio, ROA and ROE ratio is in the composite rating of fairly healthy and the capital aspect is healthy and gets average composite rating of very healthy

    Analysis on the Soundness Level of Shariah Commercial Banks Using RGEC During the Covid-19

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    This study aims to determine the soundness of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia using the measurement method regulated in Bank Indonesia Regulation PBI No.13/1/PBI/2011, concerning the Assessment of Bank Soundness Levels using the RGEC method during the Covid-19 pandemic (2020). The assessment factors in the RGEC method are Risk Profile using credit risk (NPF ratio) and liquidity risk (FDR ratio), Earnings (ROA, ROE and BOPO ratio) and Capital (CAR ratio). This research is a quantitative descriptive using secondary data, namely published reports in the 2020 Annual Report. The research subjects used were 11 Islamic Commercial Banks. The sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling. The result of this study indicates that the level of the soundness of Islamic commercial banks in terms of the risk profile of the NPF ratio with the predicate healthy and FDR fairly healthy. Good corporate governance obtains an average healthy composite rating, in the earnings aspect, the healthy BOPO ratio, ROA and ROE ratio is in the composite rating of fairly healthy and the capital aspect is healthy and gets average composite rating of very healthy

    Relationship between Knowledge, Attitude, Behavior, and Needle Stick Injury among Nurses at Cilegon Public Hospital, Banten

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    Background: Needle stick injury is one of the greatest risks faced by nurses. Deadly blood borne pathogens contaminating needle stick injuries may lead to a serious or fa­tal in­fection. This study aimed to examine the relationship between knowledge, at­ti­tude, behavior, and needle stick injury among nurse at Cilegon Regional Public Hos­pital. Subject and Method: This was cross sectional study conducted at Cilegon Regional Pub­­lic Hospital, Banten, from January to July 2018. Total of 51 nurses at emergency de­partment and central surgical installation were selected for this study by total sam­pling. The dependent variable was needle stick injury. The independent variables were know­ledge, attitude, and behavior. Data was collected by a set of questionnaire and bivariate analysis was performed by chi-square. Results: Poor knowledge (OR= 20.00; 95% CI= 2.07 to 193.17; p=0.004), poor attitude (OR= 4.28; 95% CI= 1.13 to 16.23; p=0.038), and reckless behavior (OR= 20.40; 95% CI= 4.08 to 101.94; p<0.001) were associated with increased risk of needle stick injury. Conclusion: Knowledge, attitude, and behavior are associated with needle stick in­jury. Keywords: knowledge, attitude, behavior, needle stick injury