9 research outputs found

    Identificación y documentación de los elementos arquitectónicos del patrimonio rural de las montañas de Traras (noroeste de Argelia): un estudio arquitectónico

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    In the extreme northwest of the Algerian territory the Traras Mountain the vernacular architecture of the houses is facing natural and human threats. with its loss, a synthesis of traditional rural life, imminent. This article is aimed at identifying and recording the characteristics of traditional vernacular architecture in housing to safeguard the knowledge and promote community awareness with respect to this architectural resource, thereby providing a context for future conservation work. The study involved an architectural survey to identify and document the architectural resources of the Traras mountains vernacular rural buildings. The survey included collection of relevant historical and geographic information, building description and analysis together with other data relating to spatial and functional organisation, construction methods and materials. The final product of this study is a conservation‐support plan detailing all the characteristic features of the Traras mountains rural vernacular buildings.En el extremo noroeste del territorio argelino, la montaña de Traras, la arquitectura vernácula de las viviendas se enfrenta a amenazas naturales y humanas. con su pérdida, una síntesis de la vida ru‐ ral tradicional, inminente. Este artículo tiene como objetivo identificar y registrar las características de la arquitectura vernácula tradicional de las viviendas para salvaguardar el conocimiento y promover la concienciación de la comunidad con respecto a este recurso arquitectónico, proporcionando así un contexto para futuros trabajos de conservación. El estudio consistió en una encuesta arquitectónica para identificar y documentar los recursos arquitectónicos de los edificios rurales vernáculos de las montañas de Traras. El estudio incluyó la recopilación de información histórica y geográfica relevante, la descripción y el análisis de los edificios junto con otros datos relativos a la organización espacial y funcional, los métodos de construcción y los materiales. El producto final de este estudio es un plan de apoyo a la conservación que detalla todos los rasgos característicos de los edificios rurales vernáculos de las montañas de Traras

    Délimitation du patrimoine urbain de la ville historique de Tlemcen en Algérie

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    Tlemcen is a city of art and history, which was built in Roman times. It was architecturally enriched over time with stylistic contributions of different dynasties. This city was ranked saved area in 2009 by executive decree. The geographical trace of this area affects only the Islamic medina Tagrart excluding the rest of the city. Therefore, we wondered about the real limits of this millenary city. For that, we traced its urban heritage by studying the stratification and characteristics of the urban fabric. This new geographical trace demonstrates the exclusion of many historic areas of the heritage classification.Tlemcen est une ville d’art et d’histoire qui a été édifiée á l’époque romaine. Elle s’est enrichie architecturalement á travers le temps avec les apports stylistiques des différentes dynasties. Cette ville a été classée secteur sauvegardé en 2009 par décret exécutif. Le tracé géographique de ce secteur ne touche que la médina islamique de Tagrart excluant le reste de la ville. De ce fait, nous nous sommes interrogés sur les véritables limites de cette cité millénaire. Pour cela, nous avons retracé son patrimoine urbain en étudiant la stratification et les caractéristiques des tissus urbains. Ce nouveau tracé géographique démontre l’exclusion de nombreuses zones historiques du classement patrimonial

    Intervention on historical city Tlemcen during 1960-2009: impacts and applicability

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    Tlemcen is an Algerian historic city with an urban core dates back to 201 AD. It has an exceptional heritage through the passage of several civilizations. This city has been the subject of several interventions on architectural and urban heritage supported by ten special restoration plans. These interventions have not produced the desired results, so we wondered about the reasons that led to these failures. To this end, we calculated the rate of applicability, raised their heritage impacts and verified their compliance with the legislation of each era. It turns out that the majority of these interventions have not been completed, some have a negative impact on cultural property and do not respect the legal framework in force. In conclusion, we believe that to save the urban heritage of Tlemcen, global action, coordinated by appealing to heritage experts who will ensure the application of the shares in a regulatory framework is more than necessary

    Tlemcen and the notion of “Islamic city”: Between reference texts and effective model

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    On the question of the archetypal model of the Islamic city, several oriental researchers and orientalists tried to give some answers, each considering on his part on a specific aspect to the originality of these cities. Some even expressed great skepticism toward the concept of “Islamic city” as an urban ideal of the Muslim world. The purpose of this study is to confront various visions having a theoretical interest on this issue in order to trace the characteristics of the case study. As such, the medina of Tlemcen, capital of central Maghreb for nearly three centuries, is a privileged analysis field to study the type organization of Arab-Muslim cities. Thus, the hypothesis put forth is that this Medina had, in medieval and Ottoman period, a spatial configuration fully aligned with the model of “Islamic cities”; corroborating the idea of the existing common features shared by the historic cities of the Islamic world

    The Nedromien traditional dwelling persistence and changes

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    The old center of Nedroma, like the majority of the old centers of Algeria, conceals a frozen and unexploited local potential. It is a historic site which contains a variety of contrasted dwelling. This old center, “Médina”, is primarily made up of traditional dwelling - introverted patio type - not exceeding two levels. The traditional type dwelling knew multiple transformations through time, but knew kept its essential component : the patio “West Eddar”. This article proposes an attempt of a reading and a decoding of the traditional house nédromienne and its transformations. Our research will lie lay within a purely analytical inquiry scope of the traditional habitat and like a case of study on the traditional house Nédromiènne. The analysis of the design, the construction and the use of this habitat will reveal a whole an architectural richness thus revealing disclosing a whole major knowledge of the medium, materials, and needs, as well practical as social approach. This study will primarily aim at to revealing the veil on the various transformations which the traditional house Nédromiènne underwent through the various periods of the evolution of the city (what it underwent, which it knew to preserve, and its capacity of adaptation to the various risks…)

    Devalorization of Spanish fotifications, case of canatel gate

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    Oran is one of the Algerian cities marked by Spanish occupations where several fortifications were realized, that counted on several forts and gates, of which some could survive in the face of the change of power, and the natural events. Among them, we find the Canastel gate, precisely in SIDI EL HOUARI, which represents the city historic center, located in the north-west, between the flank of MURDJADJO, and the sea. The earthquake and the Turkish and French occupations caused destructions and transformations on these fortifications. A deep urban restructuring was carried out by integrating this gate into a residential building to mark an opening that traverses it, vulgarizing it, marking its space appropriation, and illustrating its power and autocracy. Today, the change of control is not being more beneficial to the gate. Abandoned, the heterogeneous structure (building and gate) presents important signs of degradation, and threat of demolition. In addition, it is totally unknown in society, and is completely devalued because of the socio-economic, legal, and cultural contexts that the city lives, and that materialize in the form of several aggressions leaving it fight to survive in an environment that is aimed at demolishing

    Free Vibration Analysis of a Liquid in a Circular Cylindrical Rigid Tank Using the Hierarchical Finite Element Method

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    Abstract A hierarchical finite element is developed for the free vibration analysis of a liquid in a rigid cylindrical tank with or without a free surface. It is a hierarchical quadrilateral element and has the advantage that the hierarchical mode number is allowed to vary independently of direction. Liquid behavior in tanks with large aspect ratios can therefore be solved very accurately by using a higher hierarchical mode number in the longer direction than in the shorter one. Furthermore, it is possible to idealize the liquid by using only one element. The solution can therefore be obtained to any desired degree of accuracy simply by increasing the hierarchical mode number. In this method, the liquid behavior is described by the displacements alone. The pressure and velocity potential are not considered as unknowns. The results are compared with other methods and show good agreement

    Free Vibration Analysis of a Liquid in a Circular Cylindrical Rigid Tank Using the Hierarchical Finite Element Method

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    Abstract A hierarchical finite element is developed for the free vibration analysis of a liquid in a rigid cylindrical tank with or without a free surface. It is a hierarchical quadrilateral element and has the advantage that the hierarchical mode number is allowed to vary independently of direction. Liquid behavior in tanks with large aspect ratios can therefore be solved very accurately by using a higher hierarchical mode number in the longer direction than in the shorter one. Furthermore, it is possible to idealize the liquid by using only one element. The solution can therefore be obtained to any desired degree of accuracy simply by increasing the hierarchical mode number. In this method, the liquid behavior is described by the displacements alone. The pressure and velocity potential are not considered as unknowns. The results are compared with other methods and show good agreement

    Interventions and uses of the defensive heritage in Tlemcen: Case of Bab El Quarmadin

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    Our research allowed us to understand that the process of devaluing the site of Bab El Quarmadine is divided into three main axes influencing each other. The first is legislative with passive, truncated, and poorly enforced regulation, resulting in inappropriate interventions and practices. The second is its disintegration of the urban fabric which is the fruit of French action, which first dismissed the site relegating it to extramuros then isolated it with the passage of the railroad, which currently represents a real break to the urban development. The third is social with this gradual dissolution of the affective bond since colonization because of the lack of practice and use of space. Despite the various interventions on the site, and especially that of 2010, it is still isolated, somewhat hostile, and misunderstood by society. These interventions have always been conditioned by time and the budget envelope, and apart from its maintenance, they have not succeeded in enhancing it. It also shows that this is not an isolated case in Tlemcen or elsewhere in Algeria, because it has many similarities with other elements of the defensive patrimony which show the same symptoms of devaluation and are provoking today more than ever, the greatest attention