1 research outputs found

    Types of sauces and their characteristics in the traditional Gastronomy of southern Campeche

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    Las salsas mexicanas son acompa帽antes fundamentales de los platillos y antojitos tradicionales en la pen铆nsula de Yucat谩n. Las salsas se elaboran con una amplia variedad de chiles secos o frescos. En la presente investigaci贸n se identificaron los tipos de salsas que se elaboran y los platillos asociados en la gastronom铆a del sur del estado de Campeche. Se llevaron a cabo entrevistas abiertas y semi estructuradas con los propietarios de los establecimientos dedicados a la venta de antojitos y platos t铆picos. Los resultados arrojan que la salsa roja es la de mayor consumo, la cual los comensales la utilizan para acompa帽ar distintos platillos y antojitos. En conclusi贸n se detect贸 que las salsas tienen un valor cultural en la gastronom铆a campechana.Mexican sauces are essential accompaniments to traditional dishes and snacks in the Yucatan Peninsula. The sauces are made with a wide variety of dried or fresh chiles. In the present investigation, the types of sauces that are made and the associated dishes in the gastronomy of the south of the state of Campeche were identified. Open and semi-structured interviews were carried out with the owners of establishments dedicated to the sale of snacks and typical dishes. The results show that red sauce is the most consumed, which diners use to accompany different dishes and appetizers. In conclusion, it was detected that sauces have a cultural value in Campeche gastronomy