9 research outputs found

    Understanding bias in DNA repair

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    QDM elements used to build an AMI DCDO. An Excel spreadsheet file containing a list of QDM elements related to AMI diagnostic criteria, This is an example for illustrating the DCDO building. (XLSX 11 kb

    Additional file 1: of Developing a modular architecture for creation of rule-based clinical diagnostic criteria

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    QDM elements used to build an AMI DCDO. An Excel spreadsheet file containing a list of QDM elements related to AMI diagnostic criteria, This is an example for illustrating the DCDO building. (XLSX 11 kb

    IL-17 protein expression in rat plasma and colon.

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    <p>Plasma IL-17 concentrations in the rat (A). IL-17 protein immunohistochemical staining in rat colon (B). <i>n</i>  =  7–8. Data are the mean ± SD. ****<i>P</i> <0.001. Representative immunohistochemical staining of IL-17 in rat colon mucosa in the control (C), colitis (D), supernatant (E), <i>F. prausnitzii</i> (F), and <i>B. longum</i> (G) groups. Upper and lower panel magnifications are ×40 and ×200, respectively.</p

    Growth and colonic lesion in rats.

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    <p>Body weight change (A). Colon length (B, C). Colon Neurath score (D). Representative images of rat colonic mucosa (E–I), control group (E); colitis group (F); supernatant group (G); <i>F. prausnitzii</i> group (H); <i>B. longum</i> group (I). Upper and lower panel magnifications are ×40 and ×200, respectively. Data are the mean ± SD. <i>n</i>  =  7–8. *<i>P</i> <0.05; **<i>P</i> <0.01; ****<i>P</i> <0.001.</p

    Short-chain fatty acids (<i>SCFAs</i>) in fresh cultured and concentrated supernatants.

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    <p>Data are presented as the mean ± SD. <i>n</i>  =  3.</p><p><i>F. prausnitzii</i> fresh, fresh culture supernatant of <i>F. prausnitzii</i>(1×10<sup>8</sup> CFU/ml). <i>F. prausnitzii</i> 1×, one time reconstituted culture supernatant of <i>F. prausnitzii</i>. <i>F. prausnitzii</i> 5×, five times reconstituted culture supernatant of <i>F. prausnitzii</i>. <i>B. longum</i> fresh, fresh culture supernatant of <i>B. longum</i>(1×10<sup>8</sup> CFU/ml).</p><p>Short-chain fatty acids (<i>SCFAs</i>) in fresh cultured and concentrated supernatants.</p

    Plasma cytokine concentrations in rats.

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    <p>IL-10 (A). IL-12 (B). IL-10/IL-12 ratio (C). IL-23 (D). Data are the mean ± SD. <i>n</i>  =  7–8. *<i>P</i> <0.05; ***, <i>P</i> <0.003; ****, <i>P</i> <0.001.</p

    Proposed working mechanism of the anti-inflammatory effect of <i>F. prausnitzii</i> metabolic products.

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    <p>The <i>F. prausnitzii</i> metabolic products act via mechanisms on the IL-23/Th17/IL-17 axis. The <i>F. prausnitzii</i> metabolic products inhibit Th17 activity by inhibiting IL-23 secretion from the DCs and reduce the number of Th17 cells by inducing the anti-inflammatory cytokines. → stimulation; -| inhibition.</p

    IL-17 and IL-23 release <i>in vitro</i>.

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    <p>IL-17 release from rat splenocytes <i>in vitro</i> (A). IL-17 release from co-cultured BMDCs and splenocytes <i>in vitro</i> (B). IL-23 released from the BMDCs with LPS stimulation (C). Data are the mean ± SD; <i>n</i>  =  4. *, P <0.05; ****, P <0.001. Cont, control group. PBS, PBS group. Fps, supernatant group. Fp, <i>F. prausnitzii</i> group. Bl, <i>B. longum</i> group. Sbs, sodium butyrate group.</p

    IL-10 and IL-12 release from healthy human PBMCs.

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    <p>IL-10 (A). IL-12 (B). IL-10/IL-12 ratio (C). Data are the mean ± SD; <i>n</i>  =  10–14. *, P <0.05; **, P <0.01; ***, P <0.003; ****, P <0.001. Medium, <i>F. prausnitzii</i> cell culture medium. 1× supernatant, one time concentrated supernatant. 2× supernatant, two times concentrated supernatant. 5× supernatant, five times concentrated supernatant. 10× supernatant, ten times concentrated supernatant.</p