4 research outputs found

    The role of puberty and adolescence in the pathobiology of pediatric multiple sclerosis

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    Abstract Multiple sclerosis (MS) is increasingly recognized in the paediatric age. In a smaller, but well-established, proportion of paediatric MS patients [20% of total paediatric MS cases: 0.2% to 0.7% of the total MS patients] the onset of disease is before 10 years of age [pre-pubescent (childhood) MS]; in the majority [80%] of paediatric MS patients, however [1.7% to 5.6% of the total MS population], the onset of disease is between 10 and 18 years [post-pubertal (juvenile) MS]. Notably, while pre-pubertal MS occurs almost equally in both genders (female/male ratio = 0.9:1; reverting to 0.4–0.6/1 in pre-school MS children) the female/male ratio rises to 2.2/3:1 in the post-pubertal age. Interestingly, precocious puberty has been associated to: (a) a higher risk of developing MS; and (b) a more severe disease course. In addition to that, males are more susceptible to MS (and manifest more neurodegeneration) than females the latter being however more inflammatory than males; pregnancy however reduces MS relapses. All the above findings led to the suggestion of an underlying female sex hormonal involvement in the pathophysiology of MS vs. a protective role of male sex hormones. Epigenetic perspectives indicate that the interplay between genetic background, environmental triggers and neuroendocrine changes, typically occurring around the time of adolescence, could all play a combined role in initiating and/or promoting MS with onset in the paediatric age including many of the most frequent disease-associated risk factors (e.g., overweight/obesity, low vitamin D levels, reduced sunlight exposure, Epstein-Barr virus infection). According to this proposed complex multifactorial model, susceptibility to MS may be thus acquired during pre-pubertal age and children have probably to wait until the adolescence to manifest their first clinical signs/symptoms

    The Role of Annexin A2 in Tumorigenesis and Cancer Progression

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    Annexin A2 is a calcium-dependent, phospholipid-binding protein found on various cell types. It is up-regulated in various tumor types and plays multiple roles in regulating cellular functions, including angiogenesis, proliferation, apoptosis, cell migration, invasion and adhesion. Annexin A2 binds with plasminogen and tissue plasminogen activator on the cell surface, which leads to the conversion of plasminogen to plasmin. Plasmin is a serine protease which plays a key role in the activation of metalloproteinases and degradation of extracellular matrix components essential for metastatic progression. We have recently found that both annexin A2 and plasmin are increased in conditioned media of co cultured ovarian cancer and peritoneal cells. Our studies suggest that annexin A2 is part of a tumor-host signal pathway between ovarian cancer and peritoneal cells which promotes ovarian cancer metastasis. Accumulating evidence suggest that interactions between annexin A2 and its binding proteins play an important role in the tumor microenvironment and act together to enhance cancer metastasis. This article reviews the current knowledge on the biological role of annexin A2 and its binding proteins in solid malignancies including ovarian cancer

    Die Pathologie der Avitaminosen und Hypervitaminosen

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