9,360 research outputs found

    Pump-Probe Experiments on the Single-Molecule Magnet Fe8 : Measurement of Excited Level Lifetimes

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    We present magnetization measurements on the single molecule magnet Fe8 in the presence of pulsed microwave radiation. A pump-probe technique is used with two microwave pulses with frequencies of 107 GHz and 118 GHz and pulse lengths of several nanoseconds to study the spin dynamics via time-resolved magnetization measurements using a Hall probe magnetometer. We find evidence for short spin-phonon relaxation times of the order of one microsecond. The temperature dependence of the spin-phonon relaxation time in our experiments is in good agreement with previously published theoretical results. We also established the presence of very short energy diffusion times, that act on a timescale of about 70 ns.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (01 March 2007

    The clustering and bias of radio-selected AGN and star-forming galaxies in the COSMOS field

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    Dark matter haloes in which galaxies reside are likely to have a significant impact on their evolution. We investigate the link between dark matter haloes and their constituent galaxies by measuring the angular two-point correlation function of radio sources, using recently released 3 GHz imaging over $\sim 2 \ \mathrm{deg}^2oftheCOSMOSfield.WesplittheradiosourcepopulationintoStarFormingGalaxies(SFGs)andActiveGalacticNuclei(AGN),andfurtherseparatetheAGNintoradiativelyefficientandinefficientaccreters.Restrictingouranalysisto of the COSMOS field. We split the radio source population into Star Forming Galaxies (SFGs) and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN), and further separate the AGN into radiatively efficient and inefficient accreters. Restricting our analysis to z<1,wefindSFGshaveabias,, we find SFGs have a bias, b = 1.5 ^{+0.1}_{-0.2},atamedianredshiftof, at a median redshift of z=0.62.Ontheotherhand,AGNaresignificantlymorestronglyclusteredwith. On the other hand, AGN are significantly more strongly clustered with b = 2.1\pm 0.2atamedianredshiftof0.7.ThissupportstheideathatAGNarehostedbymoremassivehaloesthanSFGs.WealsofindlowaccretionrateAGNaremoreclustered( at a median redshift of 0.7. This supports the idea that AGN are hosted by more massive haloes than SFGs. We also find low-accretion rate AGN are more clustered (b = 2.9 \pm 0.3)thanhighaccretionrateAGN() than high-accretion rate AGN (b = 1.8^{+0.4}_{-0.5})atthesameredshift() at the same redshift (z \sim 0.7),suggestingthatlowaccretionrateAGNresideinhighermasshaloes.ThissupportspreviousevidencethattherelativelyhotgasthatinhabitsthemostmassivehaloesisunabletobeeasilyaccretedbythecentralAGN,causingthemtobeinefficient.WealsofindevidencethatlowaccretionrateAGNappeartoresideinhalomassesof), suggesting that low-accretion rate AGN reside in higher mass haloes. This supports previous evidence that the relatively hot gas that inhabits the most massive haloes is unable to be easily accreted by the central AGN, causing them to be inefficient. We also find evidence that low-accretion rate AGN appear to reside in halo masses of M_{h} \sim 3-4 \times 10^{13}h^{-1}MM_{\odot}atallredshifts.Ontheotherhand,theefficientaccretersresideinhaloesof at all redshifts. On the other hand, the efficient accreters reside in haloes of M_{h} \sim 1-2 \times 10^{13}h^{-1}MM_{\odot}atlowredshiftbutcanresideinrelativelylowermasshaloesathigherredshifts.Thiscouldbeduetotheincreasedprevalenceofcoldgasinlowermasshaloesat at low redshift but can reside in relatively lower mass haloes at higher redshifts. This could be due to the increased prevalence of cold gas in lower mass haloes at z \ge 1comparedto compared to z<1$.Comment: 20 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, accepted by MNRA

    Coherent control of magnetization precession in ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As

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    We report single-color, time resolved magneto-optical measurements in ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Mn)As. We demonstrate coherent optical control of the magnetization precession by applying two successive ultrashort laser pulses. The magnetic field and temperature dependent experiments reveal the collective Mn-moment nature of the oscillatory part of the time-dependent Kerr rotation, as well as contributions to the magneto-optical signal that are not connected with the magnetization dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted in Applied Physics Letter

    Acute lower limb ischemia due to thrombo-embolic arterial occlusions in two previously healthy men with markedly elevated Lp(a)

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    Lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)) is a well-documented risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Its role in acute thrombo-embolic occlusions of peripheral arteries is not known. We describe two cases of multiple, acute, peripheral arterial occlusions in two previously healthy men with markedly elevated Lp(a). Both cases had unsatisfactory results after percutaneous and surgical revascularization procedures. Experience yielded in these two cases suggests that when an unfavorable outcome occurs in a peripheral artery disease patient in the absence of the regular risk factors, Lp(a) should be determined and its role investigated

    From laterally modulated two-dimensional electron gas towards artificial graphene

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    Cyclotron resonance has been measured in far-infrared transmission of GaAs/Alx_xGa1x_{1-x}As heterostructures with an etched hexagonal lateral superlattice. Non-linear dependence of the resonance position on magnetic field was observed as well as its splitting into several modes. Our explanation, based on a perturbative calculation, describes the observed phenomena as a weak effect of the lateral potential on the two-dimensional electron gas. Using this approach, we found a correlation between parameters of the lateral patterning and the created effective potential and obtain thus insights on how the electronic miniband structure has been tuned. The miniband dispersion was calculated using a simplified model and allowed us to formulate four basic criteria that have to be satisfied to reach graphene-like physics in such systems

    Influence of antisymmetric exchange interaction on quantum tunneling of magnetization in a dimeric molecular magnet Mn6

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    We present magnetization measurements on the single molecule magnet Mn6, revealing various tunnel transitions inconsistent with a giant-spin description. We propose a dimeric model of the molecule with two coupled spins S=6, which involves crystal-field anisotropy, symmetric Heisenberg exchange interaction, and antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya exchange interaction. We show that this simplified model of the molecule explains the experimentally observed tunnel transitions and that the antisymmetric exchange interaction between the spins gives rise to tunneling processes between spin states belonging to different spin multiplets.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure