1,229 research outputs found

    Optical pumping via incoherent Raman transitions

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    A new optical pumping scheme is presented that uses incoherent Raman transitions to prepare a trapped Cesium atom in a specific Zeeman state within the 6S_{1/2}, F=3 hyperfine manifold. An important advantage of this scheme over existing optical pumping schemes is that the atom can be prepared in any of the F=3 Zeeman states. We demonstrate the scheme in the context of cavity quantum electrodynamics, but the technique is equally applicable to a wide variety of atomic systems with hyperfine ground-state structure.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Modeling the series of (n x 2) Si-rich reconstructions of beta-SiC(001): a prospective atomic wire?

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    We perform ab initio plane wave supercell density functional calculations on three candidate models of the (3 x 2) reconstruction of the beta-SiC(001) surface. We find that the two-adlayer asymmetric-dimer model (TAADM) is unambiguously favored for all reasonable values of Si chemical potential. We then use structures derived from the TAADM parent to model the silicon lines that are observed when the (3 x 2) reconstruction is annealed (the (n x 2) series of reconstructions), using a tight-binding method. We find that as we increase n, and so separate the lines, a structural transition occurs in which the top addimer of the line flattens. We also find that associated with the separation of the lines is a large decrease in the HOMO-LUMO gap, and that the HOMO state becomes quasi-one-dimensional. These properties are qualititatively and quantitatively different from the electronic properties of the original (3 x 2) reconstruction.Comment: 22 pages, including 6 EPS figure

    Region 11 MELD Na Exception Prospective Study

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    Introduction. Hyponatremia complicates cirrhosis and predicts short term mortality, including adverse outcomes before and after liver transplantation. Material and methods. From April 1, 2008, through April 2, 2010, all adult candidates for primary liver transplantation with cirrhosis, listed in Region 11 with hyponatremia, were eligible for sodium (Na) exception. Results. Patients with serum sodium (SNa) less than 130 mg/dL, measured two weeks apart and within 30 days of Model for End Stage Liver Disease (MELD) exception request, were given preapproved Na exception. MELD Na was calculated [MELD + 1.59 (135-SNa/30 days)]. MELD Na was capped at 22, and subject to standard adult recertification schedule. On data end of follow-up, December 28, 2010, 15,285 potential U.S. liver recipients met the inclusion criteria of true MELD between 6 and 22. In Region 11, 1,198 of total eligible liver recipients were listed. Sixty-two (5.2%) patients were eligible for Na exception (MELD Na); 823 patients (68.7%) were listed with standard MELD (SMELD); and 313 patients (26.1%) received HCC MELD exception. Ninety percent of MELD Na patients and 97% of HCC MELD patients were transplanted at end of follow up, compared to 49% of Region 11 standard MELD and 40% of U.S.A. standard MELD (USA MELD) patients (p \u3c 0.001); with comparable dropout rates (6.5, 1.6, 6.9, 9% respectively; p = 0.2). MELD Na, HCC MELD, Region 11 SMELD, and USA MELD post-transplant six-month actual patient survivals were similar (92.9, 92.8, 92.2, and 93.9 %, respectively). Conclusion. The Region 11 MELD Na exception prospective trial improved hyponatremic cirrhotic patient access to transplant equitably, and without compromising transplant efficacy

    Raman spectroscopy of a single ion coupled to a high-finesse cavity

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    We describe an ion-based cavity-QED system in which the internal dynamics of an atom is coupled to the modes of an optical cavity by vacuum-stimulated Raman transitions. We observe Raman spectra for different excitation polarizations and find quantitative agreement with theoretical simulations. Residual motion of the ion introduces motional sidebands in the Raman spectrum and leads to ion delocalization. The system offers prospects for cavity-assisted resolved-sideband ground-state cooling and coherent manipulation of ions and photons.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Run 2 Upgrades to the CMS Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger

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    The CMS Level-1 calorimeter trigger is being upgraded in two stages to maintain performance as the LHC increases pile-up and instantaneous luminosity in its second run. In the first stage, improved algorithms including event-by-event pile-up corrections are used. New algorithms for heavy ion running have also been developed. In the second stage, higher granularity inputs and a time-multiplexed approach allow for improved position and energy resolution. Data processing in both stages of the upgrade is performed with new, Xilinx Virtex-7 based AMC cards.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Islands Within Islands: Bacterial Phylogenetic Structure and Consortia in Hawaiian Lava Caves and Fumaroles

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    Lava caves, tubes, and fumaroles in Hawai‘i present a range of volcanic, oligotrophic environments from different lava flows and host unexpectedly high levels of bacterial diversity. These features provide an opportunity to study the ecological drivers that structure bacterial community diversity and assemblies in volcanic ecosystems and compare the older, more stable environments of lava tubes, to the more variable and extreme conditions of younger, geothermally active caves and fumaroles. Using 16S rRNA amplicon-based sequencing methods, we investigated the phylogenetic distinctness and diversity and identified microbial interactions and consortia through co-occurrence networks in 70 samples from lava tubes, geothermal lava caves, and fumaroles on the island of Hawai‘i. Our data illustrate that lava caves and geothermal sites harbor unique microbial communities, with very little overlap between caves or sites. We also found that older lava tubes (500–800 yrs old) hosted greater phylogenetic diversity (Faith's PD) than sites that were either geothermally active or younger (<400 yrs old). Geothermally active sites had a greater number of interactions and complexity than lava tubes. Average phylogenetic distinctness, a measure of the phylogenetic relatedness of a community, was higher than would be expected if communities were structured at random. This suggests that bacterial communities of Hawaiian volcanic environments are phylogenetically over-dispersed and that competitive exclusion is the main driver in structuring these communities. This was supported by network analyses that found that taxa (Class level) co-occurred with more distantly related organisms than close relatives, particularly in geothermal sites. Network “hubs” (taxa of potentially higher ecological importance) were not the most abundant taxa in either geothermal sites or lava tubes and were identified as unknown families or genera of the phyla, Chloroflexi and Acidobacteria. These results highlight the need for further study on the ecological role of microbes in caves through targeted culturing methods, metagenomics, and long-read sequence technologies
