511 research outputs found

    Fractured Fairy Tales: Slightly Twisted Invention And Arrangement

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    In many lower-level courses, including writing and speaking courses, one goal is to improve students' skills of invention and arrangement. Invention is the classical rhetoric term for the process of selecting what concepts, ideas, or information to include in a message. Arrangement refers to the process of organizing that information into a coherent, persuasive message.The ability to artistically select and organize ideas separates skilled writers and speakers from novices.[From the intro paragraph]]]> 2001 English http://libres.uncg.edu/ir/asu/f/Clark_Norman_2001_Fractured-1_fairy_Tales_Slightly.pdf oai:libres.uncg.edu/4560 2014-02-11T06:00:41Z UNCG The Effectiveness of Using Computers for Software Training: An Exploratory Study NC DOCKS at The University of North Carolina at Greensboro Palvia, Prashant <![CDATA[Both academic institutions and corporations have invested huge amounts of resources in computer-based training and education. The evidence in support of the effectiveness of computers and instructional technology in the classroom is mixed at best. and much of the practice is based on faith and ongoing trends in education. In this study, we conduct an exploratory experimental investigation into the effectiveness of four computer-based software training methods; traditional, delayed. asynchronous, and synchronous. We do not find any evidence to support the commonly held beliefs that there is an improvement in the computing literacy scores of students if the instructor has access to computers or if the students have access to computers during the software lesson. On the other hand, students find the practice of using computers both by themselves and by the instructors more satisfying than not being able to use them in the classroom. Our results have serious implications for instructors and decision-makers in both education and industry. While our results are directed at the lower levels of the Bloom's taxonomy of learning, we recommend research into higher levels in order to assess the full impact of computer-based education

    The Critical Servant: An Isocratean Contribution To Critical Rhetoric

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    States that the critical rhetoric project does not have a strong understanding of the relationship between critical rhetor and the audience. Suggestions on the offer of Isocrates writings; What combination of critique and service strongly recommends to rhetors; Method used by critical servants to arrive at a contingent good submitted for acceptance of community; Effect of reading, interpretations and remarking of community history by critic

    Freedom & Responsibility In The Decent Community: Community Networks And The Communication Decency Act

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    Discusses the possible implication of the contents of the Communication Decency Act of 1996 to community networks and on-line providers. Policing of web sites; Disclaimers in the web sites; Community networks providers responses on issue of decency

    Looking At Journals From Both Sides

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    The author describes his contrasting experiences with publishing an open access society journal and advising a regional association in regards to turning over publication of its journal to a major commercial publishing firm. Using his experience of producing an open access journal as a foundation, he argues for the intrinsic importance of establishing credibility and exercising personal care in the production and maintenance of a journal. The author argues that current efforts by some societies to increase access to their journals through outsourcing to commercial publishers may be counterproductive to the fundamental goal of disseminating knowledge

    Sixteen paintings

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    To understand these thesis paintings I have completed in the past two years, one must realize from the beginning that the greatest decision I made over that entire period was the decision to allow the paint to suggest to me in as strong a way as possible the direction in which I should go. With five years of hard edge black and white abstractions in my immediate past, I found it almost impossible to break away slowly from the arena of precision painting in which I had existed. At first it was an all or nothing decision: composition, reason, integrity all were sacrificed for the freedom of the paint. After months of this wandering around after the brush, I began to study the individual stroke, then whole passages and how they connected. Eventually I began to attempt the solution of a problem I had set for myself: to create some sort of pathos within a controlled space. The edge of the painting was an insufficient boundary for this pathos, so an artificial enclosure was simulated within the actual work. Elements of cubism began to appear in the construction of this edge and they were maintained. In the beginning, abstract free forms had served to represent the mood but after a period of months, human forms and room paraphernalia began to appear. Regardless of how I came to paint interiors, they did evolve without any serious deliberation. The boundary element became either a section of a wall or a window; in other cases, it became the rungs on a bed post or some other partition in the painting

    The effects of intertarget-interval certainty and length on autonomic and cortical reactivity in type A and type B males

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the psychophysiological effects of waiting and uncertainty in young Type A and Type B males. It was hypothesized that Type subjects would exhibit greater sympathetically medicated cardiovascular changes (as measured by pulse transit time) than Type B subjects on a reaction time task where the intertarget interval (ITI) was relatively long as opposed to short, and when the ITI was uncertain or unpredictable. The prediction on ITI length was based on the notion that Type A subjects have a preference for a more rapid pacing of activities. It was also hypothesized that Type A subjects would evidence greater cortical reactivity when target stimulus occurrence was uncertain or unpredictable. The combination of relatively long and uncertain ITIs was also expected to enhance cardiovascular and cortical responses in Type As relative to Bs

    Le gai paris and Concerto Pour Trombone by Jean Francaix: an analysis and discussion of two works for solo instrument with wind ensemble accompaniment

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    The purpose of this research is to provide an in-depth examination of the compositional approaches, techniques and style presented in Le gai paris and Concerto pour trombone by Jean Francaix and to create awareness of the composer's solo works with wind ensemble accompaniment. To accomplish this purpose, this document examines the details of Francaix' training and career as a musician and composer provided through existing publications and online sources, researches existing historical information, and performs musical analysis of Le gai paris and Concerto pour trombone to give insight into the compositional techniques of Jean Francaix. General information is provided about the other solo works of Jean Francaix with wind ensemble accompaniment including recorded comments by the composer

    Specific recognition of non-denatured nitrite-oxidizing system ofNitrospira moscoviensis by monoclonal antibody Hyb 153-3

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    The objective of this research project is to develop a rapid molecular method for monitoring nitrification in a wastewater reactor. In the developed method, a monoclonal antibody (Hyb 153-3) was used because it can specifically recognize non-denatured enzymes responsible for nitrite oxidation in Nitrobacter and Nitrospira. The recognition of these enzymes under non-denatured conditions can significantly simplify the procedures of future immunoassays for environmental samples collected from various natural and engineered systems. This paper presents the ability of the selected Hyb 153-3 antibody to recognize the non-denatured form of the nitrite-oxidizing enzyme of Nitrospira in an aqueous phase as well as when the enzyme has been immobilized on a solid surface. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industr

    Investigation of Enzymatic Behavior of Benzonase/Alkaline Phosphatase in the Digestion of Oligonucleotides and DNA by ESI-LC/MS

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    We have developed an ion-pairing HPLC-MS method that has sufficient separation power, selectivity, and sensitivity to investigate the enzymatic behavior of benzonase/alkaline phosphatase upon digestion of oligonucleotides and DNA. Mass spectrometry revealed that this enzyme pair can nonspecifically digest oligonucleotides and DNA into fragments ranging from 2 to 10 nucleotides, i.e., sizes suitable for routine mass spectrometric measurements. Trimers, tetramers, and pentamers are the most prominent digested products. This makes benzonase/alkaline phosphatase a promising choice for DNA and DNA adduct related studies that require a nonspecific enzyme. A computer software program developed in-house was critical in automating the processing of mass spectral data. The methodology described here provides a systematic approach for evaluating the behavior of DNA-cleaving enzymes by mass spectrometry