3,323 research outputs found

    The impact of earth resources exploration from space

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    The use of Earth Resources Technology Satellites in solving global problems is examined. Topics discussed are: (1) management of food, water, and fiber resources; (2) exploration and management of energy and mineral resources; (3) protection of the environment; (4) protection of life and property; and (5) improvements in shipping and navigation

    The first earth resources technology satellite nearly two years of operation

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    A brief status report on the performance of the ERTS-1, and an overview of the applications derived from the images are presented. The ERTS-1 spacecraft, sensor and picture processing systems have continued to perform almost flawlessly since August 1972. Registered, multispectral images of all major land masses of the earth, both polar and some oceanic regions are continuously made, covering daily an area of about 5 million square kilometers. The systematic repetition of these observations, which were made over most parts of the world at least once every season, and the high accuracy of thematic mapping that can be obtained from the images, have resulted in many applications that have immense potential benefits for developing countries. Among these applications are the detection and accurate mensuration of surface water; the identification and mensuration of forests, rangeland, crops and soils; the monitoring and mapping of water quality, wildlife habitats and of the effects of land use practices on food and water resources; the assessment of flooding and earthquake hazards; and the facilitation of mineral exploration

    NASA plans for future earth resources missions

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    Development activities underway to improve LANDSAT sensors and observing systems are reported. Data cover high resolution imagery of surface temperatures for improving crop and other vegetation and soil classifications, and heat capacity mapping for recording surface temperatures at hours of maximum and minimum heating. Automatic identification and classification methods designed to extract information such as crop and forage acreages, amounts of water run-off, and types of land use directly from the satellite observations were also studied. A number of applications verification tests were conducted, particularly in the areas of crop and land use inventory and water run-off prediction, to demonstrate the direct transfer of space acquired information to end users

    Latest results from the earth resources program: Summary of discussion session

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report. Results are summarized of observations from the first Earth Resources Technology Satellite (ERTS-1) and interpretations of these observations in terms of surveying and mapping earth resources over large areas. The summary is based on nine reports presented to the IAF Congress on 14 October 1972

    The rocket-grenade experiment

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    Grenade-exploding rocket sonde for measuring temperature and wind up to 90 kilometers altitud

    Surveys of the earth's resources and environment by satellites

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    The potential and promise of observing the earth from the vantage point of space is discussed. The systematic surveying of processes and phenomena occurring on the surface of the earth by Landsat 1 and Nimbus 5 is considered to be useful in the following areas: assessment of water resources; mineral and petroleum exploration; land use planning; crop, forest, and rangeland inventory; assessment of flood, earthquake, and other environmental hazards; monitoring coastal processes; environmental effects of industrial effluents and of air pollution; mapping the distribution and types of ice covering the earth's polar caps and global soil moisture distributions

    Microwave observations of sea state from aircraft

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    Airborne microwave radiometer measurements of thermal radiances over sea surface

    Satellite studies of the lower atmosphere

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    Meteorological satellite measurements of lower atmospher

    Evaluating the Use of Environmental Tracers to Reduce Conceptual Model Uncertainty of Hydrogeologic Models

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    Environmental tracer concentrations for CFC12, SF6, and tritium are used in groundwater simulations to assess the ability of these tracers to reduce conceptual model uncertainty due to uncertainty of a site’s geologic and recharge characterization. The resulting groundwater simulations are characterized by site-specific hydrologic and geologic data, and with coordination from a field team with years of knowledge about the site. First-order (conceptual) uncertainty is directly addressed by using a stochastic modeling approach for spatial variability of the proposed subsurface configurations. Simulations of environmental tracer concentrations and water levels are used to assess six alternate conceptual models that are based on three alternate geologic interpretations and two levels of spatial complexity in groundwater recharge. Our results show that water levels and tracers both provide unique information, but tracers enhance our ability to distinguish between models throughout multiple analyses. Tracers CFC12 and tritium show how simulating environmental tracer transport in groundwater is better than using water levels at testing alternate hydrogeologic conceptual models and reducing conceptual uncertainty between them
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