33 research outputs found


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    Masalah ketergantungan alkohol salah satu penyebabnya adalah karena individu tidak memiliki self awareness yang baik dalam dirinya. Terapi dengan Metode Inabah mempunyai efektivitas yang cukup tinggi untuk meningkatkan self awareness individu yang memilki masalah ketergantungan alkohol. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan self awareness pecandu alkohol antara sebelum dan sesudah diberikan terapi Metode Inabah. Sampel penelitian ini adalah Anak Bina (pecandu alkohol) sebanyak 15 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik sampel purposif. Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan pre experimental design : one group pre test – post test design. Analisa data yang digunakan adalah Uji t, hasil penelitiannya menyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara sebelum (pre test) dan sesudah (post tes) diberikan terapi dengan nilai t sebesar 5.981 yang berarti bahwa perbedaan tersebut sangat signifikan. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah terapi dengan Metode Inabah efektif untuk meningkatkan self awareness pecandu alkohol ke arah yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci : Self Awareness, Kesadaran Diri, Terapi Inaba

    Formulasi Nanosuspensi Herbal Ekstrak Daun Cosmos caudatus Kunth., Karakterisasi, dan Pendekatan Sitotoksisitas Terhadap Sel Kanker Payudara MCF-7

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    Kenikir leaves (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.) contain quercetin, which has anticancer properties. To provide more effective complementary therapy for breast cancer, nanotechnology was applied to develop preparations containing kenikir leaf extract. This research aimed to formulate a nanosuspension containing kenikir leaf extract with cytotoxic activity against MCF-7 breast cancer cells. Nanosuspension of kenikir leaf extract was prepared using the ionic gelation method with 3%, 4%, and 5% PVP K-30 stabilizer. The nanosuspension formula with the highest entrapment efficiency was further characterised, including particle size, polydispersity index (PDI), zeta potential, pH, and particle morphology. Cytotoxic activity was tested against MCF-7 cells by the MTT assay. The results showed that the formula with 5% PVP has the highest entrapment efficiency value of 85.04±0.08%, a particle size of 221.9 nm, a PDI of 0.211, a zeta potential of -21.7 mV, a pH of 4.08±0.0, and a spherical morphology. The kenikir leaf extract at a concentration of 1 mg/mL inhibited the proliferation of MCF-7 cells by 23.4% (p<0.05), whereas the nanosuspension at 10 μg/mL inhibited proliferation by 23.7%. It can be concluded that kenikir leaf extract can be formulated into a nanosuspension that meets the physical criteria and has cytotoxic activity against MCF-7 cells.Daun kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth.) mengandung flavonoid kuersetin yang berkhasiat sebagai antikanker. Nanoteknologi diterapkan dalam pengembangan sediaan dari ekstrak daun kenikir sebagai terapi pendamping kanker payudara yang lebih efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memformulasi ekstrak daun kenikir menjadi nanosuspensi yang memiliki aktivitas sitotoksik terhadap sel kanker payudara MCF-7. Nanosuspensi ekstrak daun kenikir dibuat dengan menggunakan metode gelasi ionik dengan variasi penstabil PVP K-30 3%, 4% dan 5%. Formula nanosuspensi dengan efisiensi penjerapan tertinggi dikarakterisasi lebih lanjut meliputi ukuran partikel, indeks polidispersitas (PDI), zeta potensial, pH, morfologi partikel dan diuji aktivitas sitotoksik terhadap sel MCF-7 dengan metode MTT assay. Hasil analisis menunjukkan formula dengan penambahan PVP 5% memiliki nilai efisiensi penjerapan tertinggi sebesar 85,04±0,08%; ukuran partikel 221,9 nm; PDI 0,211; zeta potensial -21,7 mV; pH 4,08±0,01 dengan morfologi sferis. Hasil aktivitas sitotoksik tehadap sel MCF-7 ditunjukkan dengan persentasi penghambatan proliferasi yaitu pada ekstrak daun kenikir konsentrasi 1000 μg/mL sebesar 23,368% dan pada nanosuspensi ekstrak daun kenikir konsentrasi 10 μg/mL sebesar 23,686%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ekstrak daun kenikir dapat diformulasikan menjadi nanosuspensi yang memenuhi kriteria fisik dan memiliki aktivitas sitotoksik tehadap sel MCF-7

    Effectiveness of asmaul husna dhikr therapy to enhance the self control of alcohol abuser

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    Abstract This research was conducted aiming to find out whether Asmaul Husna dhikr could be using a treatment to enhance self-control among alcohol abusers. There were 18 alcohol abusers age between 18 to 40 years old as subject divided into two groups. The research used quasi-experimental method with nonrandomized pretest-posttest-control group design, comparing the conditions before and after treatment between two groups. Self-control was measured by The Brief Self Control Scale (BSCS) adapted from Tangney, Baumister, and Boone (2004) scale, which self-discipline, deliberate, healthy habits, work ethic and reliability as self-control aspects. The experimental group participated in asmaul husna dhikr activities for about 2 weeks. The result showed significant differences in self-control score between experimental group and control group, by its significant level showing p = 0.001 (p < 0.05). Thus, asmaul husna dhikr could be an effective treatment for enhancing self-control among alcohol abusers

    Properties Of Concrete By Using Bagasse Ash And Recycle Aggregate

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    Sustainable concrete structures which imply green building technology has been widely considering in modern structures. The objective of this study is to investigate the concrete properties by using recycle aggregate as a replacement of coarse aggregate and bagasse ash as the partial replacement of cement. Experimental investigation has been carried out by performing several tests which included slump test, compacting factor test, compressive strength test, rebound hammer test and concrete density test. A total of nine mix batches of concrete containing 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of recycle aggregate and 0%, 10%, 15% and 20% of bagasse ash were tested to determine the increment of mechanical properties of concrete. It can be observed that significant decrease of concrete strength with the addition of recycle aggregate, and effective increment of concrete strength by using optimum percentage of bagasse ash might be possible. Finally, it can be concluded that recycle aggregate and bagasse ash with optimum percentage can be used to make recycle concrete and sustainable structures

    Exploiting Phase Change Memory Nano-device Properties for Hardware Security Applications

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    Security has become a crucial concern in hardware design due to the growing need of protection in everyday financial transactions and exchanges of private information. Physical unclonable functions (PUFs) utilize the inevitable process variations and other stochastic properties in devices to provide a unique way to verify trusted users during access to hardware devices. Improvements in attack methods have recently moved the field of PUFs from traditional silicon devices toward emerging non-volatile memories, such as phase change memory (PCM). Due to intrinsic cell-to-cell and cycle-to-cycle programming variability and high endurance properties of PCM nano-devices, unpredictable and reconfigurable PUF challenge-response pairs can be achieved. This programming variability, which comes in addition to the process variations present in any technology, is an important advantage of PCM for implementations of PUFs and other hardware security primitives. In this work, programming variability in PCM nano-devices are electrically characterized using various cell dimensions and pulsing techniques for PUF applications. The underlying contributing factors, originating from external circuitry and phase change dynamics of PCM nano-devices, that enhance programming variability are identified by performing post-measurement scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging, further electrical characterization, SPICE modeling of the experimental setup, and finite element simulations of PCM devices. Once programmed, the short and long-term stability of the programmed states in PCM nano-devices is monitored, and the spontaneous resistance evolution trends for different cell types are studied, which helped in identifying the cell geometries that result in long data retention time for memory devices, and those that result in earlier data loss creating opportunities for new security applications, such as time-sensitive memory devices. The disturbance to the spontaneous resistance evolution at any programmed state caused by SEM imaging is also characterized. Imaging is observed to leave remarkable evidence of tampering posing resistance toward reverse engineering and ensuring robust security to the PCM-based nano-devices. Lastly, the reconfigurable source of randomness in PCM-based PUFs relying on programming variability is contrasted with a static source of randomness in a ZnO nanoforest-based PUF. The advantageous reconfigurability in PCM-based PUFs can ensure resistance toward physical attacks, which is not achieved with the ZnO nanoforest-based PUF

    Social media as a complementary learning tool for teaching and learning: The case of youtube

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    Taking into account the importance of using video and visual objects for teaching, some universities utilize YouTube as a complementary teaching tool. This work analyses students’ perspectives on the usage of YouTube for learning, their corresponding usage patterns, and associated factors prompting them to use YouTube. We interviewed 30 students, and went on to develop a scale for academic learning as a determinant of YouTube usage, which was then validated amongst the students. Data were collected from a total of 321 students in the Faculty of Business and Accountancy, University of Malaya to test the developed construct. The results confirmed that entertainment, seeking information, and academic learning are some of the main motivations for using YouTube. We regard YouTube as an effective tool that can enhance the learning experience if the video is indeed relevant to the subject at hand. It is recommended that instructors integrate YouTube into their respective courses to benefit from its inherent advantages in the context of learning/teaching