8 research outputs found

    Integrazione di tecniche di osservazione della terra e analisi spaziali per la valutazione dei fenomeni di dispersione insediativa

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    Studio delle variazioni territoriali, con particolare riferimento al consumo di suolo, integrando il telerilevamento con i sistemi informativi geografici. Al centro delle analisi vi è la dispersione insediativa, che è strettamente correlata al consumo di suolo. Nel lavoro sono state svole analisi spaziali, classificazioni supervisionate, autocorrelazione spaziali e change detection

    Quantifying urban sprawl with spatial autocorrelation techniques using multi-temporal satellite data

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    This study deals with the use of satellite TM multi-temporal data coupled with statistical analyses to quantitatively estimate urban expansion and soil consumption for small towns in southern Italy. The investigated area is close to Bari and was selected because highly representative for Italian urban areas. To cope with the fact that small changes have to be captured and extracted from TM multi-temporal data sets, we adopted the use of spectral indices to emphasize occurring changes, and geospatial data analysis to reveal spatial patterns. Analyses have been carried out using global and local spatial autocorrelation, applied to multi-date NASA Landsat images acquired in 1999 and 2009 and available free of charge. Moreover, in this paper each step of data processing has been carried out using free or open source software tools, such as, operating system (Linux Ubuntu), GIS software (GRASS GIS and Quantum GIS) and software for statistical analysis of data (R). This aspect is very important, since it puts no limits and allows everybody to carry out spatial analyses on remote sensing data. This approach can be very useful to assess and map land cover change and soil degradation, even for small urbanized areas, as in the case of Italy, where recently an increasing number of devastating flash floods have been recorded. These events have been mainly linked to urban expansion and soil consumption and have caused loss of human lives along with enormous damages to urban settlements, bridges, roads, agricultural activities, etc. In these cases, remote sensing can provide reliable operational low cost tools to assess, quantify and map risk areas

    Turbulence modulation by large ellipsoidal particles: Concentration effects

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    We use laboratory measurements to study how suspended ellipsoidal particles affect the velocity statistics of a turbulent flow. The ellipsoids have size, time, and velocity scales corresponding to the inertial subrange of the turbulence and are nearly neutrally buoyant. These characteristics make them likely candidates for two-way interactions with the fluid (i.e.; they influence the flow and are influenced by it). We vary the volume fraction of suspended ellipsoids and observe the effects on one- and two-point velocity statistics in the fluid phase. Measurements at two different heights indicate that particle buoyancy (0.5 % denser than the ambient fluid) significantly changes volume fraction. We see that particles' effect on turbulent kinetic energy is a non-monotonic function of the volume fraction. We also find that particles' presence causes a redistribution of velocity variance from large scales to small scales within the inertial subrange, i.e.; the slope of power spectra is flatter than in the single-phase case. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Wien

    Urban solar energy potential in Europe

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    Among the objectives of the Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations, “Affordable and Clean Energy” aims at ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all. However, in Europe there is not a precise understanding of the unleashed potential that could be achieved through the exploitation of solar and wind resources. This study presents an application to retrieve spatial explicit estimates of Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) through the use of data from geo-stationary satellites. The energetic demand of large metropolitan areas in Europe is then retrieved and compared with the potential production of energy for domestic use through solar panels. Results of this comparison are presented based on the assumption that only the 1 % of the built up area could be covered with solar panels, and hence devoted to energy production. Outcomes suggest that even such a little coverage, if spread systematically over urban areas can in most of the cases satisfy urban population domestic needs

    VGI and crisis mapping in an emergency situation. Comparison of four case studies: Haiti, Kibera, Kathmandu, Centre Italy

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    Over the last decade new voluntary mapping patterns are commonly known as VGI – Volunteered Geographic Information – that is, geo-localized information created voluntarily and consciously by web users. These are supported by platforms such as OpenStreetMap that have been shown in many emergency cases and not, a valid source of data, such detailed to be used for rescue operations. Another completely open source platform that has revolutionized the world of geographic information and how to make reports is Ushaidi that through interactive maps represents testimonies, reports, diaries, and citizen reports

    Nuovi strumenti per la gestione del dato geografico e per la ricerca archeologica

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    La Provincia di Potenza ha promosso un Protocollo di Intesa con la Direzione Regionale per i Beni Culturali e Paesaggistici della Basilicata per una ricerca scientifica finalizzata alla creazione di una banca-dati informatizzata dei Beni Culturali della Provincia di Potenza. New tools for geographic data management and archaeological research The  Province  of  Potenza  has  launched  a Memorandum  of  Understanding  with  the Regional Directorate for Cultural Heritage and  Landscape  of  Basilicata  for  scientific research  aimed  at  creating  a  computer-ized database of the Cultural Heritage of the Province