6,467 research outputs found

    Multifractal Properties of Aperiodic Ising Model: role of geometric fluctuations

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    The role of the geometric fluctuations on the multifractal properties of the local magnetization of aperiodic ferromagnetic Ising models on hierachical lattices is investigated. The geometric fluctuations are introduced by generalized Fibonacci sequences. The local magnetization is evaluated via an exact recurrent procedure encompassing a real space renormalization group decimation. The symmetries of the local magnetization patterns induced by the aperiodic couplings is found to be strongly (weakly) different, with respect to the ones of the corresponding homogeneous systems, when the geometric fluctuations are relevant (irrelevant) to change the critical properties of the system. At the criticality, the measure defined by the local magnetization is found to exhibit a non-trivial F(alpha) spectra being shifted to higher values of alpha when relevant geometric fluctuations are considered. The critical exponents are found to be related with some special points of the F(alpha) function and agree with previous results obtained by the quite distinct transfer matrix approach.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, 3 Tables, 17 reference

    Taxa de prenhez de vacas Nelore submetidas a protocolos de IATF no Planalto Boliviano.

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    Os benefícios da utilização de métodos reprodutivos alternativos como a inseminação artificial (IA) tem proporcionado avanços significativos no melhoramento do rebanho bovino mundial, além de permitir o controle de doenças venéreas e diminuição de custos de reposição. São também algumas das vantagens apontadas na utilização desta tecnologia a redução na frequência de genes recessivos indesejáveis e difusão genética de touros comprovadamente superiores para regiões do mundo onde sua criação não seria possível.bitstream/item/56917/1/CT101-lancado.pdfNa publicação: Juliana Correa Borges

    N=2-Maxwell-Chern-Simons model with anomalous magnetic moment coupling via dimensional reduction

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    An N=1--supersymmetric version of the Cremmer-Scherk-Kalb-Ramond model with non-minimal coupling to matter is built up both in terms of superfields and in a component-field formalism. By adopting a dimensional reduction procedure, the N=2--D=3 counterpart of the model comes out, with two main features: a genuine (diagonal) Chern-Simons term and an anomalous magnetic moment coupling between matter and the gauge potential.Comment: 15 pages, Latex; one reference corrected; To be published in the Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Deconfined quantum criticality driven by Dirac fermions in SU(2) antiferromagnets

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    Quantum electrodynamics in 2+1 dimensions is an effective gauge theory for the so called algebraic quantum liquids. A new type of such a liquid, the algebraic charge liquid, has been proposed recently in the context of deconfined quantum critical points [R. K. Kaul {\it et al.}, Nature Physics {\bf 4}, 28 (2008)]. In this context, we show by using the renormalization group in d=4ϵd=4-\epsilon spacetime dimensions, that a deconfined quantum critical point occurs in a SU(2) system provided the number of Dirac fermion species Nf4N_f\geq 4. The calculations are done in a representation where the Dirac fermions are given by four-component spinors. The critical exponents are calculated for several values of NfN_f. In particular, for Nf=4N_f=4 and ϵ=1\epsilon=1 (d=2+1d=2+1) the anomalous dimension of the N\'eel field is given by ηN=1/3\eta_N=1/3, with a correlation length exponent ν=1/2\nu=1/2. These values change considerably for Nf>4N_f>4. For instance, for Nf=6N_f=6 we find ηN0.75191\eta_N\approx 0.75191 and ν0.66009\nu\approx 0.66009. We also investigate the effect of chiral symmetry breaking and analyze the scaling behavior of the chiral holon susceptibility, Gχ(x)G_\chi(x)\equiv.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures; published versio