361 research outputs found

    Sistema de informações geográficas: uma ferramenta para gestão de pesquisa agrícola.

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    The activities of agricultural research and technology transfer has been demanding ever more innovative solutions. The efficient management of space and phenomena in the areas of experiments, facilitates the processes of decision making and improved information management and planning. Analysis resulting from the use of geographic information systems enable work in a fast and simple linking existing information and its position and showing important gains in support for generating good results for the search. This work aimed to study the use of a GIS to creation of georeferenced databases, assessing its applicability as a useful tool for the management of research in an experimental field of Embrapa Coastal Tablelands. The database was developed from analog plants, land survey and measurements in the field, combined with the use of GIS and CAD tools for creating an integrated database. The WebGIS application was used to release the results of consultation and facilitation of data on the local network of computers Embrapa Coastal Tablelands

    Soil quality indicators in a rhodic kandiudult under different uses in northern Parana, Brazil.

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    Sustainable use of soil, maintaining or improving its quality, is one of the goals of diversification in farmlands. From this point of view, bioindicators associated with C, N and P cycling can be used in assessments of land-use effects on soil quality. The aim of this study was to investigate chemical, microbiological and biochemical properties of soil associated with C, N and P under different land uses in a farm property with diversified activity in northern Parana, Brazil. Seven areas under different land uses were assessed: fragment of native Atlantic Forest; growing of peach-palm (Bactrys gasipaes); sugarcane ratoon (Saccharum officinarum) recently harvested, under renewal; growing of coffee (Coffea arabica) intercropped with tree species; recent reforestation (1 year) with native tree species, previously under annual crops; annual crops under no-tillage, rye (Cecale cereale); secondary forest, regenerated after abandonment (for 20 years) of an avocado (Persea americana) orchard. The soil under coffee, recent reforestation and secondary forest showed higher concentrations of organic carbon, but microbial biomass and enzyme activities were higher in soils under native forest and secondary forest, which also showed the lowest metabolic coefficient, followed by the peach-palm area. The lowest content of water-dispersible clay was found in the soil under native forest, differing from soils under sugarcane and secondary forest. Soil cover and soil use affected total organic C contents and soil enzyme and microbial activities, such that more intensive agricultural uses had deeper impacts on the indicators assessed. Calculation of the mean soil quality index showed that the secondary forest was closest to the fragment of native forest, followed by the peach-palm area, coffee-growing area, annual crop area, the area of recent reforestation and the sugarcane ratoon area

    Analysis of perception of risk factors for public health in the use of hormones in assisted reproduction programs in cattle.

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the knowledge and the risk perception of cattle farmers and veterinarians on the use of hormones used in assisted reproduction programs in cattle and to determine the possible occupational hazards.Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the Brazilian Embryo Technology Society (SBTE); Foz do Iguaçu, PR, Brazil, August 25th to 27th, 2016, and 32nd Meeting of the European Embryo Transfer Association (AETE); Barcelona, Spain, September 9th and 10th, 2016. A070. Título em português: Análise da percepção de fatores de risco para a saúde coletiva na utilização de hormônios em programas de reprodução assistida em bovinos

    Electrophoresis and spectrometric analyses of adaptation-related proteins in thermally stressed Chromobacterium violaceum.

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    Chromobacterium violaceum is a Gram-negative proteobacteria found in water and soil; it is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions, such as the Amazon rainforest. We examined protein expression changes that occur in C. violaceum at different growth temperatures using electrophoresis and mass spectrometry

    Marcadores SNP avaliados em cultivares de Café Arábica.

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    A demanda crescente por cafés especiais e a an a t t a a a mais a participação de produtores neste segmento. Além da origem, da sustentabilidade na produção e da avaliação a diferenciados quant a a t n a a rastreabilidade da produção a a n a exigências a a a t a do produto. Dentro deste processo, a crescente demanda pelo atestado da pureza varietal vem exigindo o desenvolvimento de ferramentas que possam garantir a diferenciação inequívoca do produto comercial, e que viabilizem sua proteção intelectual. Assim, nosso objetivo foi desenvolver marcadores SNP, identificados em análises de genotipagem pelo sequenciamento (GBS), voltados à discriminação de cultivares de café arábica. Quarenta e oito cultivares foram genotipadas pelo sequenciamento em plataforma Illumina e 192.730 TAGs foram alinhadas ao genoma de Coffea arabica, gentilmente cedido pelo Consórcio Internacional de Sequenciamento do Genoma do Arabica (ACGC). Após o alinhamento ao genoma de referência de C. arabica e aplicação dos filtros de qualidade, 1.181 SNP foram obtidos e utilizados para identificar a relação entre os cultivares através da análise de componentes principais (PCA). Esses marcadores confirmaram a estreita base genética das variedades de C. arabica, e foram eficientes em separar os grupos dos Bourbons das demais cultivares, em especial, de Catuaí e Mundo Novo. Um conjunto de 18 marcadores SNP com elevado conteúdo informativo foram anotados e estão sendo validados para confirmar seu potencial para análises de pureza varietal e genética das cultivares comercializadas no país.Título em inglês: SNP markers assessed in Arabica coffee cultivars

    Areas of natural occurrence of melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811(Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the state of Bahia, Brazil.

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    The bee Melipona scutellaris is considered the reared meliponine species with the largest distribution in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, with records from the state of Rio Grande do Norte down to the state of Bahia. Considering the importance of this species in the generation of income for family agriculture and in the preservation of areas with natural vegetation, this study aimed at providing knowledge on the distribution of natural colonies of M. scutellaris in the state of Bahia. Literature information, interviews with stinglessbee beekeepers, and expeditions were conducted to confirm the natural occurrence of the species. A total of 102 municipalities showed records for M. scutellaris, whose occurrence was observed in areas ranging from sea level up to 1,200-meter height. The occurrence of this species in the state of Bahia is considered to be restricted to municipalities on the coastal area and the Chapada Diamantina with its rainforests. Geographic coordinates, elevation, climate and vegetation data were obtained, which allowed a map to be prepared for the area of occurrence in order to support conservation and management policies for the species

    Multi-site detection in flow analysis: Part 3 Periodate tubular electrode with low inner volume as relocatable detector.

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    The approach was applied to the determination of glycerol in soaps. Determination of glycerol with parallel monitoring.Determination of sucrose with serial monitoring

    Alternative approaches applied to inductively coupled plasma techniques: multi-flow and two-flow calibration.

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    Multi-flow calibration (MFC) is based on monitoring the analytical signal from a single calibration standard solution at several different nebulization gas flow rates (Q), which normalizes plasma conditions and minimizes matrix effects. In the present study, MFC was evaluated, for the first time, applied to inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP OES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to analyze different and complexmatrix samples. Al, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Pb, and Zn were determined by ICP OES, while As, Cd, Co, Cu, Hg, Mo, Mn, Ni, Se, Sb, Pb, and V were determined by ICP-MS. MFC results were compared with those obtained using external standard calibration (EC) for both techniques and in all cases, MFC showed equal or superior accuracy (recoveries between 80-120%) compared to EC, and lower relative standard deviation (RSDs < 10%). Several tests were also performed using only two nebulization gas flows to build linear models for calibration (called two-flow calibration, TFC) and the accurate results (recoveries ranged from 80 to 110% for ICP OES and from 81 to 102% for ICP-MS) suggests that this strategy can be also applied, resulting in a method with high sample throughput