1,744 research outputs found

    B+Kπ+π+B^+\to K^-\pi^+\pi^+: three-body final state interactions and KπK\pi isospin states

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    Final state interactions are considered to formulate the BB meson decay amplitude for the KππK\pi\pi channel. The Faddeev decomposition of the Bethe-Salpeter equation is used in order to build a relativistic three-body model within the light-front framework. The S-wave scattering amplitude for the KπK\pi system is considered in the 1/21/2 and 3/23/2 isospin channels with the set of inhomogeneous integral equations solved perturbatively. In comparison with previous results for the DD meson decay in the same channel, one has to consider the different partonic processes, which build the source amplitudes, and the larger absorption to other decay channels appears, that are important features to be addressed. As in the DD decay case, the convergence of the rescattering perturbative series is also achieved with two-loop contributions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Ground State of the Hydrogen Atom via Dirac Equation in a Minimal Length Scenario

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    In this work we calculate the correction to the ground state energy of the hydrogen atom due to contributions arising from the presence of a minimal length. The minimal length scenario is introduced by means of modifying the Dirac equation through a deformed Heisenberg algebra (kempf algebra). With the introduction of the Coulomb potential in the new Dirac energy operator, we calculate the energy shift of the ground state of the hydrogen atom in first order of the parameter related to the minimal length via perturbation theory.Comment: 11 page

    Joint evolution of multiple social traits: a kin selection analysis

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    General models of the evolution of cooperation, altruism and other social behaviours have focused almost entirely on single traits, whereas it is clear that social traits commonly interact. We develop a general kin-selection framework for the evolution of social behaviours in multiple dimensions. We show that whenever there are interactions among social traits new behaviours can emerge that are not predicted by one-dimensional analyses. For example, a prohibitively costly cooperative trait can ultimately be favoured owing to initial evolution in other (cheaper) social traits that in turn change the cost-benefit ratio of the original trait. To understand these behaviours, we use a two-dimensional stability criterion that can be viewed as an extension of Hamilton's rule. Our principal example is the social dilemma posed by, first, the construction and, second, the exploitation of a shared public good. We find that, contrary to the separate one-dimensional analyses, evolutionary feedback between the two traits can cause an increase in the equilibrium level of selfish exploitation with increasing relatedness, while both social (production plus exploitation) and asocial (neither) strategies can be locally stable. Our results demonstrate the importance of emergent stability properties of multidimensional social dilemmas, as one-dimensional stability in all component dimensions can conceal multidimensional instability

    Scientific determination and wood anatomical features of species know in Brazilian Amazonia as matá-matá (Eschweilera spp.).

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    Despite the large diversity, logging on Brazilian Amazon is restricted to a small number of species. On relating the local biodiversity to the density, region of occurrence and logging of traditional species, we verified the increment of their shortage. One way to minimize this problem is by introducing new species in the market. Based on these considerations, we sought to identify in the field, woods known as matá-matá (Eschweilera Mart. Ex DC. ? Lecythidaceae) of high frequency in the Brazilian Amazon. For this, eleven trees were collected for scientific identification, and for anatomical, physical and chemical analyses. During the identification, we verified the presence of six species (Eschweilera amazonica, Eschweilera coriacea, Eschweilera grandiflora, Eschweilera idatimon, Eschweilera ovata and Eschweilera sp.) which may be identified in the forest by their rytidomes and live bark characteristics. By organoleptic properties, we grouped the woods into three groups with distinct colours, which permitted the identification of two species by their characteristics of taste and smell. Macroscopically, all woods seemed similar, while microscopically, the species presented few differences which made their partial separation possible

    Adubos Verdes como plantas de cobertura para o sistema de plantio direto em Porto Velho-RO.

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    Adubação verde é uma prática conservacionista, onde certas espécies de plantas são cultivadas, com finalidade de assegurar ou aumentar a capacidade produtiva do solo. As espécies de plantas mais utilizadas como adubos verdes são as leguminosas. Avaliou-se o desenvolvimento de seis espécies de Adubos Verdes, como plantas de cobertura nas condições edafoclimáticas para o município de Porto Velho. Os parâmetros analisados foram: massa seca, teor de N e percentual de cobertura do solo. O percentual de cobertura do solo e a coleta da parte aérea e raízes das plantas foram realizadas utilizando-se um quadrado de 0,25m² (0,5x0,5m) lançado aleatoriamente na parcela, com três repetições. As amostras foram acondicionadas em estufa com temperatura de 65°C até alcançarem peso constante, quando foram pesadas em balança eletrônica para obtenção dos valores de massa seca. O teor de N foi obtido através de sub-amostras da massa seca, pelo método de micro-Kjedahl. Conclui-se que as leguminosas que se destacaram foram feijão-bravo-do-Ceará, Indigófera tintória e feijão guandu

    Homeopatia no controle da lagarta-das-crotalárias.

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    São comuns os ataques da lagarta Utetheisa ornatrix em espécies de crotalárias na inflorescência e nas vagens. Quando a produção se destina à obtenção de sementes o controle de tal praga é realizado usualmente aplicando-se inseticidas fisiológicos ou com ação de contato. Este trabalho tem como objetivo avaliar o controle da lagarta-das-crotalárias com homeopatia (nosódio). O trabalho é referente à homeopatia popular aplicada em espécies de Crotalária paulina e Crotalária spectabilis, obtendo-se resultados satisfatórios. O uso da homeopatia apresenta-se como um importante instrumento na redução de custos no manejo de adubos verdes, na melhoria da qualidade das sementes e ainda amplia o desenvolvimento agroecológico da produção