18 research outputs found

    Enhanced prefrontal serotonin 5-HT1A currents in a mouse model of Williams-Beuren syndrome with low innate anxiety

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    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by the hemizygous deletion of 28 genes on chromosome 7, including the general transcription factor GTF2IRD1. Mice either hemizygously (Gtf2ird1+/−) or homozygously (Gtf2ird1−/−) deleted for this transcription factor exhibit low innate anxiety, low aggression and increased social interaction, a phenotype that shares similarities to the high sociability and disinhibition seen in individuals with WBS. Here, we investigated the inhibitory effects of serotonin (5-HT) on the major output neurons of the prefrontal cortex in Gtf2ird1−/− mice and their wildtype (WT) siblings. Prefrontal 5-HT receptors are known to modulate anxiety-like behaviors, and the Gtf2ird1−/− mice have altered 5-HT metabolism in prefrontal cortex. Using whole cell recording from layer V neurons in acute brain slices of prefrontal cortex, we found that 5-HT elicited significantly larger inhibitory, outward currents in Gtf2ird1−/− mice than in WT controls. In both genotypes, these currents were resistant to action potential blockade with TTX and were suppressed by the selective 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY-100635, suggesting that they are mediated directly by 5-HT1A receptors on the recorded neurons. Control experiments suggest a degree of layer and receptor specificity in this enhancement since 5-HT1A receptor-mediated responses in layer II/III pyramidal neurons were unchanged as were responses mediated by two other inhibitory receptors in layer V pyramidal neurons. Furthermore, we demonstrate GTF2IRD1 protein expression by neurons in layer V of the prefrontal cortex. Our finding that 5-HT1A-mediated responses are selectively enhanced in layer V pyramidal neurons of Gtf2ird1−/− mice gives insight into the cellular mechanisms that underlie reduced innate anxiety and increased sociability in these mice, and may be relevant to the low social anxiety and disinhibition in patients with WBS and their sensitivity to serotonergic medicines

    Influence of fecal collection conditions and 16S rRNA gene sequencing at two centers on human gut microbiota analysis

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    To optimise fecal sampling for reproducible analysis of the gut microbiome, we compared different methods of sample collection and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes at two centers. Samples collected from six individuals on three consecutive days were placed in commercial collection tubes (OMNIgeneGut OMR-200) or in sterile screw-top tubes in a home fridge or home freezer for 6-24 h, before transfer and storage at -80 °C. Replicate samples were shipped to centers in Australia and the USA for DNA extraction and sequencing by their respective PCR protocols, and analysed with the same bioinformatic pipeline. Variation in gut microbiome was dominated by differences between individuals. Minor differences in the abundance of taxa were found between collection-processing methods and day of collection, and between the two centers. We conclude that collection with storage and transport at 4 °C within 24 h is adequate for 16S rRNA analysis of the gut microbiome. Other factors including differences in PCR and sequencing methods account for relatively minor variation compared to differences between individuals

    Influence of fecal collection conditions and 16S rRNA gene sequencing at two centers on human gut microbiota analysis

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    To optimise fecal sampling for reproducible analysis of the gut microbiome, we compared different methods of sample collection and sequencing of 16S rRNA genes at two centers. Samples collected from six individuals on three consecutive days were placed in commercial collection tubes (OMNIgeneGut OMR-200) or in sterile screw-top tubes in a home fridge or home freezer for 6-24 h, before transfer and storage at-80 °C. Replicate samples were shipped to centers in Australia and the USA for DNA extraction and sequencing by their respective PCR protocols, and analysed with the same bioinformatic pipeline. Variation in gut microbiome was dominated by differences between individuals. Minor differences in the abundance of taxa were found between collection-processing methods and day of collection, and between the two centers. We conclude that collection with storage and transport at 4 °C within 24 h is adequate for 16S rRNA analysis of the gut microbiome. Other factors including differences in PCR and sequencing methods account for relatively minor variation compared to differences between individuals

    Tandospirone activates neuroendocrine and ERK (MAP kinase) signaling pathways specifically through 5-HT1A receptor mechanisms in vivo

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    Tandospirone, an azapirone, is a selective serotonin(1A) (5-HT1A) receptor agonist. The effects of tandospirone on plasma hormones and on mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activity in the brain of male rats were studied. Tandospirone produced a time- and dose-dependent increase in plasma levels of oxytocin, adrenocorticotropin (ACTH), corticosterone, and prolactin. The minimal dose of tandospirone that led to a significant elevation of plasma oxytocin, ACTH, and prolactin levels was 1.0 mg/kg (s.c.), while the minimal dose for corticosterone release was 3.0 mg/kg (s.c.). The ED50 of tandospirone was 1.3 mg/kg for oxytocin, 1.2 mg/kg for ACTH, 3.0 mg/kg for corticosterone, and 0.24 mg/kg for prolactin. Pretreatment with the specific 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY 100,635 (0.3 mg/kg, s.c.) completely blocked the effects of tandospirone on plasma levels of oxytocin, ACTH, and corticosterone but shifted the dose-response curve for prolactin to the right. Tandospirone injection (10 mg/kg, s.c.) stimulated the MAP kinase signaling cascade, specifically the phosphorylation of p42/44 extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). Western blot analysis revealed a significant increase in phosphorylated ERK (p-ERK) levels in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN) as well as the dorsal raphe nucleus 5 min following tandospirone injection. These increases were blocked by pretreatment with WAY 100,635 (0.3 mg/kg). The results are the first evidence that systemic 5-HT1A receptor agonist administration produces a rapid increase in p-ERK levels in vivo, providing further insight into the signaling mechanisms of the 5-HT1A receptor

    Elementi di chimica del suolo

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    Il suolo non \ue8 solo il substrato sul quale poggiano i nostri piedi ma \ue8 anche la sede di tutto un mondo, dalle piante agli animali, ai microrganismi che vi trovano nutrimento, ambiente accogliente, in poche parole condizioni di vita. Inoltre essendo a contatto diretto con l\u2019atmosfera, reagisce e interagisce con essa in una serie di processi fisici e chimici capaci di modificarlo profondamente. Il suolo \ue8 un essere vivente e come tale soggiace a cambiamenti che, in armonia con le leggi naturali della fisica, della chimica e della biologia, e sotto la costante pressione antropica, lo indirizzano in una evoluzione inesorabile ed in alcuni casi irreversibile. Una caratteristica che salta agli occhi \ue8 la sua estrema variabilit\ue0, di aspetto, di composizione, di propriet\ue0. La chimica del suolo \ue8 una scienza che studia i suoli nei riguardi i) della loro composizione, ii) dei processi fisici, chimici e biologici che li hanno originati e iii) della loro reagibilit\ue0 di fronte a qualsiasi agente chimico naturale od artificiale. Lo studio della dinamica chimica a cui il suolo continuamente soggiace \ue8 alla base della comprensione delle sue capacit\ue0 a sostenere e nutrire le piante di interesse agrario e forestale, nonch\ue9 la vita umana