21 research outputs found

    Embryonic development of Anodontites trapesialis (Lamarck, 1819) (Bivalvia: Mycetopodidae)

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    The phases of embryonic development of Anodontites trapesialis lasidia are described for the first time. Adult specimens were obtained from two fish farms located in Londrina, Paraná, Brazil. The internal demibranchs of 120 individuals were studied using a routine histological technique; 70 of these carried eggs and/or larvae in the marsupium and were utilized for the description of the phases of embryonic development. The demibranchs of five specimens were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy to detail the morphology of the larvae. Five phases of development were established: phase I, corresponding to the initial stage of cleavage with the formation of apical cells; phase II, including the stages of the morula and blastula; phase III, where the gastrula forms; phase IV, where the larva formed is still inside the egg envelope; and phase V, where the lasidium can still be identified immediately after eclosion

    Bio-ecological aspects of the hermit crab Paguristes calliopsis (Crustacea, Diogenidae) from Anchieta Island, Brazil

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    In southern Atlantic studies on hermit crab biology are scanty considering the local biodiversity. In this way, some population features of Paguristes calliopsis Forest and Saint Laurent, 1968 such as size frequency distribution, sex ratio and shell occupation in the natural environment were studied. Specimens were collected by means of scuba methods in the infralittoral area of the Anchieta Island. A total of 116 individuals were analyzed. Size measurements (minimum; maximum; mean shield length &plusmn; sd, respectively) were 0.8; 4.5; 2.76 &plusmn; 0.79 mm for males and 2.28 &plusmn; 0.36 mm for females. The sex ratio was 1.47:1 in favor of males which prevailed in the largest size classes. The hermit crabs occupied shells from eleven gastropod species and Cerithium atratum (Born 1778) was significantly the most occupied one (75.86%). Significant correlations were not obtained in all regression analysis, demonstrating sexual differences on fitting of the occupied shells. In the studied area P. calliopsis population is small if compared with the other hermit crab populations. The shell utilization varies as a function of shell availability and hermit crabs interspecific competition, in relation to the other coexistent species.<br>Os estudos sobre a biologia dos ermitões no Atlântico sul ocidental são escassos considerando-se a biodiversidade local. O presente trabalhou caracterizou a população do ermitão Paguristes calliopsis Forest and Saint Laurent, 1968 quanto à distribuição de freqüência de tamanho dos indivíduos, ao sex-ratio, e a ocupação das conchas no ambiente natural. Os exemplares foram coletados por mergulho autônomo na região infralitoral da Ilha Anchieta. Um total de 116 indivíduos foi analisado. O tamanho do comprimento do escudo cefalotorácico (mínimo; máximo; média ± sd, respectivamente) dos indivíduos variou de: 0.8; 4.5; 2.76 ± 0.79 mm para machos e 2.28 ± 0.36 mm para fêmeas. O sex-ratio foi de 1.47:1 em favor dos machos, sendo estes os que prevaleceram nas maiores classes de tamanho. Os ermitões ocuparam conchas de 11 espécies de gastrópodes sendo Cerithium atratum (Born 1778) significativamente a concha mais ocupada (75.86%). Não foram obtidas correlações significativas em todas as análises de regressão, demonstrando diferenças entre os grupos sexuais quanto a adequação das conchas ocupadas. Na área estudada a população de P. calliopsis pode ser considerada pequena quando comparada com as outras populações coexistentes. O padrão de utilização de conchas variou em função da disponibilidade destas e da competição interespecífica