7 research outputs found

    Capital Controls Spillovers

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    The Effectiveness of Capital Controls

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    Whatever it takes to save the planet? Central banks and unconventional green policy

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    We study the effects of a temporary Green QE, defined as a policy that temporarily tilts the central bank's balance sheet toward green bonds, i.e. bonds issued by firms in non-polluting sectors. To this purpose, we merge a standard DSGE framework with an environmental model. In our model, detrimental emissions produced by the brown sector increase the stock of pollution. We find that the imperfect substitutability between green and brown bonds is a necessary condition for the effectiveness of Green QE. Under the assumption of imperfect substitutability, we point out the following results. A temporary Green QE is an effective tool in mitigating detrimental emissions. However, Green QE has limited effects in reducing the stock of pollution, if pollutants are slow-moving variables such as atmospheric carbon. The welfare gains of Green QE are positive but small. Welfare gains increase if the flow of emissions negatively affects also the utility of households

    Toward a green economy: The role of central bank's asset purchases

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    We use a DSGE model to study the effectiveness of green-asset purchases by the central bank (Green QE), along the transition to a carbon-free economy driven by an emission tax, abstracting from price stability considerations. We find that Green QE helps to further reduce emissions, especially in the early stage of the transition. We find that a crucial parameter to determine the effectiveness of Green QE is the elasticity of substitution between the brown and the green good: the higher the elasticity the stronger the impact of the policy on emissions

    Recent advances in the literature on capital flow management

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    Large swings in cross-border capital flows can have consequences for domestic stability and open a channel for the transmission of shocks and spillovers across economies, including the euro area. Against this backdrop, the present paper reviews new evidence for the effectiveness of capital flow management policies in achieving macroeconomic and financial stability. Particular attention is paid to literature that has been used by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to underpin its so-called Integrated Policy Framework, in which the roles of monetary, exchange rate, macroprudential and capital flow management policies are considered jointly. The literature published since the global financial crisis continues to affirm the effectiveness of capital flow management measures (CFMs) in addressing financial stability risks resulting from capital flow reversals; at the same time, however, it also continues to underscore that such policies should not substitute for warranted economic adjustments and structural reforms. Even so, recent literature also provides a case for considering, under certain circumstances, "precautionary" CFMs which could be applied to capital inflows to prevent a boom-and-bust cycle from being set in motion. This paper also highlights the need for further work on the longterm effects of such precautionary instruments, as well as their joint use with monetary policy instruments. Regarding capital flow management policies within the domain of central banks, the literature points to the usefulness of foreign exchange interventions (FXIs) in mitigating financial stability risks in countries with specific characteristics such as currency mismatches, borrowing constraints and shallow foreign exchange markets that are common to emerging market and developing economies alike. However, the literature also warns that such measures may reduce economic agents' incentives to hedge against currency risks, with the result that unfavourable initial conditions become further entrenched. More research is therefore needed to better understand the long-run effects of FXIs with respect to financial development and central bank credibility