7 research outputs found

    High-pressure synthesis of new filled skutterudite compounds SrT4As12 (T = Fe, Ru, Os)

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    We have succeeded in synthesizing samples of new filled skutterudite compounds SrT 4As12 (T = Fe, Ru, and Os) using a high-pressure synthesis technique. These compounds have lattice constants of 8.351, 8.521, and 8.561 Å, respectively. The physical properties of the compounds are reported for the first time. The temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity for SrT 4As12 (T = Fe, Ru, and Os) exhibit metallic behaviors. The electrical resistivity and magnetic measurements indicates that SrOs4As12 is a new superconductor with a transition temperature of 4.8 K. A broad maximum of magnetic susceptibility at around 50 K and a large electronic specific heat coefficient of 58 mJ mol−1 K−2 suggest that SrFe4As12 is a nearly ferromagnetic metal with spin fluctuations of Fe 3d electrons

    Suppression of ferromagnetic spin fluctuations in the filled skutterudite superconductor SrOs4As12 revealed by As-75 NMR-NQR measurements

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    Motivated by the recent observation of ferromagnetic spin correlations in the filled skutterudite SrFe4As12 [Q.-P. Ding et al., Phys. Rev. B 98, 155149 (2018)], we have carried out As-75 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurements to investigate the role of magnetic fluctuations in the newly discovered isostructural superconductor SrOs4As12 with a superconducting transition temperature of T-c similar to 4.8 K. Knight shift K determined by the NQR spectrum under a small magnetic field (<= 0.5 T) is nearly independent of temperature, consistent with the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature, 1/T1T, is nearly independent of temperature above similar to 50 K and increases slightly with decreasing temperature below the temperature. The temperature dependence is reasonably explained by a simple model where a flat band structure with a small ledge near the Fermi energy is assumed. By comparing the present NMR data with those in SrFe4As12, we found that the values of vertical bar K vertical bar and 1/T1T in SrOs4As12 are smaller than those in SrFe4As12, indicating no obvious ferromagnetic spin correlations in SrOs4As12. From the temperature dependence of 1/T-1 in the superconducting state, an s-wave superconductivity is realized

    Magnetic properties of new filled skutterudite compound BaFe4As12

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    The magnetic, electrical and thermal properties of a new As-based alkaline-earth-filled skutterudite compound BaFe4As12 prepared under high pressure have been studied at low temperatures. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity for BaFe4As12 reveals a metallic behavior. Any anomalies accompanied by phase transition were not observed down to 2K. A broad maximum of magnetic susceptibility around 50 K and a large electronic specific heat coefficient of 62 mJ/molK2 suggest that BaFe4As12 is a nearly ferromagnetic metal with spin fluctuations of Fe 3d electrons

    High-pressure synthesis of new filled skutterudite compounds SrT4As12 (T = Fe, Ru, Os)

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    application/pdfWe have succeeded in synthesizing samples of new filled skutterudite compounds SrT 4As12 (T = Fe, Ru, and Os) using a high-pressure synthesis technique. These compounds have lattice constants of 8.351, 8.521, and 8.561 Å, respectively. The physical properties of the compounds are reported for the first time. The temperature dependences of the electrical resistivity for SrT 4As12 (T = Fe, Ru, and Os) exhibit metallic behaviors. The electrical resistivity and magnetic measurements indicates that SrOs4As12 is a new superconductor with a transition temperature of 4.8 K. A broad maximum of magnetic susceptibility at around 50 K and a large electronic specific heat coefficient of 58 mJ mol−1 K−2 suggest that SrFe4As12 is a nearly ferromagnetic metal with spin fluctuations of Fe 3d electrons

    Suppression of ferromagnetic spin fluctuations in the filled skutterudite superconductor SrOs4As12 revealed by As-75 NMR-NQR measurements

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    application/pdfMotivated by the recent observation of ferromagnetic spin correlations in the filled skutterudite SrFe4As12 [Q.-P. Ding et al., Phys. Rev. B 98, 155149 (2018)], we have carried out As-75 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) measurements to investigate the role of magnetic fluctuations in the newly discovered isostructural superconductor SrOs4As12 with a superconducting transition temperature of T-c similar to 4.8 K. Knight shift K determined by the NQR spectrum under a small magnetic field (<= 0.5 T) is nearly independent of temperature, consistent with the temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate divided by temperature, 1/T1T, is nearly independent of temperature above similar to 50 K and increases slightly with decreasing temperature below the temperature. The temperature dependence is reasonably explained by a simple model where a flat band structure with a small ledge near the Fermi energy is assumed. By comparing the present NMR data with those in SrFe4As12, we found that the values of vertical bar K vertical bar and 1/T1T in SrOs4As12 are smaller than those in SrFe4As12, indicating no obvious ferromagnetic spin correlations in SrOs4As12. From the temperature dependence of 1/T-1 in the superconducting state, an s-wave superconductivity is realized

    Magnetic properties of new filled skutterudite compound BaFe4As12

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    application/pdfThe magnetic, electrical and thermal properties of a new As-based alkaline-earth-filled skutterudite compound BaFe4As12 prepared under high pressure have been studied at low temperatures. The temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity for BaFe4As12 reveals a metallic behavior. Any anomalies accompanied by phase transition were not observed down to 2K. A broad maximum of magnetic susceptibility around 50 K and a large electronic specific heat coefficient of 62 mJ/molK2 suggest that BaFe4As12 is a nearly ferromagnetic metal with spin fluctuations of Fe 3d electrons